What did you accomplish today?

Fell off my mountain bike a few years (4?) back and hit the dirt teeth first.
Broke my jaw just above my two front teeth and they were driven back into my mouth, snapped both my eye teeth in half.
Cost me a total of $120 and 5 visits to the dentist to have that fixed, front teeth survived after my upper jaw was glued back in place ($30), and the eye teeth were $20 each to be rebuilt. The other $50 was for checkups, x-rays, levelling.
That sounds like about $10,000 worth of dental / medical work here in the US....I should come retire there! How's the weather? Oh wait, you have big snakes and shit over there right?? Never mind....:mrgreen: JK, Actually I would love to visit Asia some day!
That sounds like about $10,000 worth of dental / medical work here in the US....I should come retire there! How's the weather? Oh wait, you have big snakes and shit over there right?? Never mind....:mrgreen: JK, Actually I would love to visit Asia some day!
They did a really good job too.
Fixed my overbite, and levelled all my upper teeth at the same time.
Very modern, electronic x-rays (no film), my teeth are better than they ever were before the accident.
Yeah, you could, just don't go for ultra cheap. Your eyes are worth the expense.

I got my Method 7s as a Christmas gift from the hub 2014ish. They were $150.00 and something back then and worth every penny and they don't wear out since you only use them in the grow room. Even accommodating IOLs don't come close to our natural lens even as it becomes less malleable with age.

I found a cheapish pair of method 7's for $69 and ordered them along with a new 6" carbon filter.

Went to my local farm store yesterday....Completely out of bales of Promix and no idea when they can get any more....So I bought 4 bags of

at $35 a pop and I'm going to mix it in with some previously used super soil, and re-amend it all. I love it....stoneington blend...yep, designed for stoners, and it says on their website nothing other than water needed to grow great weed.

Did a LOT of drone flying yesterday. A friend gave me a brand new Ipad...my 1st Apple device, and I tried using that to fly the drone yesterday instead of my android phone. WOW, what am amazing difference seeing things on a 10" screen!! It connects with the aircraft a whole lot better, no lag, and it will help so much with photography.

It was funny, I went for a bike ride with my buddy, and when we got back to my house there was a suspicious car pulled over on the side of my road 50' up from my driveway. I fired up the drone, flew over the car and took a picture of it, and then tracked down the passengers. It was actually a couple younger people down by the creek, probably getting high....but they knew they were being watched!

Well, happy Monday!! 4th of July headed our way!!
Went to my local farm store yesterday....Completely out of bales of Promix and no idea when they can get any more....So I bought 4 bags of

at $35 a pop and I'm going to mix it in with some previously used super soil, and re-amend it all. I love it....stoneington blend...yep, designed for stoners, and it says on their website nothing other than water needed to grow great weed.

Did a LOT of drone flying yesterday. A friend gave me a brand new Ipad...my 1st Apple device, and I tried using that to fly the drone yesterday instead of my android phone. WOW, what am amazing difference seeing things on a 10" screen!! It connects with the aircraft a whole lot better, no lag, and it will help so much with photography.

It was funny, I went for a bike ride with my buddy, and when we got back to my house there was a suspicious car pulled over on the side of my road 50' up from my driveway. I fired up the drone, flew over the car and took a picture of it, and then tracked down the passengers. It was actually a couple younger people down by the creek, probably getting high....but they knew they were being watched!

Well, happy Monday!! 4th of July headed our way!!
The price of promix went up -- if you can find it.
I can still get peat moss & perlite to make my own for less than half the cost of promix. (Just add lime, yucca & microbial tea)
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Went to my local farm store yesterday....Completely out of bales of Promix and no idea when they can get any more....So I bought 4 bags of

at $35 a pop and I'm going to mix it in with some previously used super soil, and re-amend it all. I love it....stoneington blend...yep, designed for stoners, and it says on their website nothing other than water needed to grow great weed.

Did a LOT of drone flying yesterday. A friend gave me a brand new Ipad...my 1st Apple device, and I tried using that to fly the drone yesterday instead of my android phone. WOW, what am amazing difference seeing things on a 10" screen!! It connects with the aircraft a whole lot better, no lag, and it will help so much with photography.

It was funny, I went for a bike ride with my buddy, and when we got back to my house there was a suspicious car pulled over on the side of my road 50' up from my driveway. I fired up the drone, flew over the car and took a picture of it, and then tracked down the passengers. It was actually a couple younger people down by the creek, probably getting high....but they knew they were being watched!

Well, happy Monday!! 4th of July headed our way!!

I just used some coast of main product. Not that mix but it is some nice stuff. The peppers love it! I did mix it with pro mix, ewc and perlite.
I just used some coast of main product. Not that mix but it is some nice stuff. The peppers love it! I did mix it with pro mix, ewc and perlite.
My local Ace hardware is carrying all kinds of weedable stuff. They have a big selection of hydro stuff, and at least 3 types of Fox Farms soil. I haven't asked what the prices are on their soil yet because I picked up a couple bales of Kings Mix Royal Gold prior to the shutdown at the grow store. I think it was $16.75 for 3 cu ft, however it is a 30 mile round trip to the store.
The price of promix went up -- if you can find it.
I can still get peat moss & perlite to make my own for less than half the cost. (Just add lime, yucca & microbial tea)
You reminded me...I do have a bale of peat moss in the garage!!

I just used some coast of main product. Not that mix but it is some nice stuff. The peppers love it! I did mix it with pro mix, ewc and perlite.
I saw they had another version that was $10 for a 1 c.f. bag....I almost got that one, but splurged on the over priced stuff. Retail price is $29,99....I paid $34,99

I was just reading up on something interesting, in my quest for EWC. For about 5-7k you can start a vermiculture business, and they claim it takes about 8 hours a week, and can net you 40k a year profits, out of a 1 car garage. Seems interesting. I think a co-op for soil amendments could be a hit too.

OK, I need to find cooler grounds...I'm sweating like a menopausal woman!!
I found a cheapish pair of method 7's for $69 and ordered them along with a new 6" carbon filter.

Based on the color of the lenses, those are for LED growers who still use Blurple lights. Those obnoxious purple diodes. The only purpose behind method 7 glasses is to change the spectrum of the light so you can see your plants under "normal" light. It corrects the yellowish tint of HPS lights. If you are just worried about your eyes, any UV rated sunglasses will work.

Also, Method 7s ARE a scam. I bought a pair of blue lens polarized glasses for less than 5 bucks that literally do the exact same thing, with UV protection and all. I have no doubt that method 7s are great glasses, but they really are just rebranded blue safety glasses. I mean, look at the "Metal Halide" glasses they sell, they are literally just sunglasses with regular grey lenses. Their special "silver coating" is just their way of saying they use polarized lenses...lol.

A perfect example of taking a basic product, and rebranding it to mark it up 15x because they are marketing it to a VERY particular group of people.

I mean, for anyone who owns the Method 7s, I'm sure ya'll are very happy with them, and they do exactly what they say they do.
My local Ace hardware is carrying all kinds of weedable stuff. They have a big selection of hydro stuff, and at least 3 types of Fox Farms soil. I haven't asked what the prices are on their soil yet because I picked up a couple bales of Kings Mix Royal Gold prior to the shutdown at the grow store. I think it was $16.75 for 3 cu ft, however it is a 30 mile round trip to the store.

Wish my ace was like that......just lost our good farm store too. Like 2 hr round trip to agway. Grow store is kinda far too.....they have a lot but way over priced.
Based on the color of the lenses, those are for LED growers who still use Blurple lights. Those obnoxious purple diodes. The only purpose behind method 7 glasses is to change the spectrum of the light so you can see your plants under "normal" light. It corrects the yellowish tint of HPS lights. If you are just worried about your eyes, any UV rated sunglasses will work.

Also, Method 7s ARE a scam. I bought a pair of blue lens polarized glasses for less than 5 bucks that literally do the exact same thing, with UV protection and all. I have no doubt that method 7s are great glasses, but they really are just rebranded blue safety glasses. I mean, look at the "Metal Halide" glasses they sell, they are literally just sunglasses with regular grey lenses. Their special "silver coating" is just their way of saying they use polarized lenses...lol.

A perfect example of taking a basic product, and rebranding it to mark it up 15x because they are marketing it to a VERY particular group of people.

I mean, for anyone who owns the Method 7s, I'm sure ya'll are very happy with them, and they do exactly what they say they do.

You can get good glasses at any weld supply store online or brick and mortar shop..........pretty much anyone has a physical shop to go to they are everywhere.
@Laughing Grass

You might wanna contact Mehtod7 and tell them you want the FX instead of the LED+. You use full spectrum LED lights, right? I mean, the light is white, not purple, correct? The "LED+" lenses are for people who use magenta colored LEDs, I think you want the Full Spectrum FX model.

I cancelled that part of the order. >:( The 939 LEDFX are $143. I've dropped 1k over the past two weeks on lights and materials for the new grow area. I'm gonna stick with my old ray bans and maybe look at this again when I get my first pay cheque.
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I cancelled that part of the order. >:( The 939 LEDFX are $143. I've dropped over 1k over the past two weeks on lights and materials for the new grow area. I'm gonna stick with my old ray bans and maybe look at this again when I get my first pay cheque.

The flip up ones would be good as part of a Halloween costume also...lol.

The flip up ones would be good as part of a Halloween costume also...lol.

They look like steampunk cosplay gear. I find safety googles shaped like that are usually way too big for my face. I'd probably have the same problem with these.
