What did you accomplish today?

It was a long road honestly. Fell all the way to the bottom and had to pick back up. Got married again a few yrs ago got a 2yr old daughter with her and another girl due on the 11th.
Been sober from everything except weed for over 3yrs now. Dont grow at the moment. Haven't since 1st kid.. but I'm happy now ya know.

Interested on whats been going on with everyone
So what happened to SF?

You can't get ahold of him or do you know something more definite? We all know he lives (hopefully) on the edge.
Well as definite as ya can be you know. He overdosed on Halloween I think or maybe the day before. I dont want to give all the details. But he was found dead, we even went as far as calling the funeral home to make sure it was real

That's a bummer about SF.
Not surprising, but a bummer none the less.

Glad you found your way out of the rabbit hole - concentrate on those children & their mother - they are the ones that can keep you on the straight and narrow.
My lil girl.
Ya sf was pretty saddening. As crazy as it sounds he was 1 of my older friends. Ya know going on 10yrs. Talked every day.
I tried to pull him along as I got sober but everyone has their own path.
I literally remember seeing ur name way back in 2015. Dont know about all this weirdness that was discussed so staying quiet on that...but im seeing some real positivity here and that i do like. Best wishes on this path ur on now