What did you accomplish today?

As for glueing the bong back together.... It was water tight, but a tiny part actually smashed and it wasn't air tight! That is ok, as I found a better jar for my spring valley bong ( I think this is an Aussie thing) it is awesome now! Once I start my new job on tuesday I can buy a new one! For once I broke it not my other 1/2!
Haha ha ha! No!! Spotty as in I have freckles, and noodle, as my hair is naturally like noodles! (Curly), but, you could use it for freckled penis!!
Spaghetti or Ramen?
Creative Employee Makes a Homemade Bean Sauce Dish at Her Desk With One  Giant Noodle


Ketchum Canada — Almond Breeze Kimchi Ramen Noodle Soup Servings: 4... |  Kimchi ramen, Ramen noodles, Ramen noodle soup


Have you tried different styles?

JT had something else on his mind entirely back in the '90s. | Justin  timberlake, Noodle hair, Barb stranger things

Love at first sight... - Meme by haydenblyons :) Memedroid

60 Hilarious Hairstyle Memes That'll Definitely Make You Laugh