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Youngsters will not have any white
Cool! Good to know. I need to get some good binoculars or a telescope or maybe even just bust out my spotting scope. Looks like there’s some other nest on that tree now. I don’t know what the chances of having 2 or their nests in the same tree are though lol.
They are at this nest every year so i would imagine there’s offspring around here somewhere and must have been a visit home. First time seeing 3 of them. Hopefully it happens more often.
Cool! Good to know. I need to get some good binoculars or a telescope or maybe even just bust out my spotting scope. Looks like there’s some other nest on that tree now. I don’t know what the chances of having 2 or their nests in the same tree are though lol.
They are at this nest every year so i would imagine there’s offspring around here somewhere and must have been a visit home. First time seeing 3 of them. Hopefully it happens more often.
They develop the fully white head and tail feathers at 5 years.
Wow! Never knew that. I’ve seen so many what i thought were baldies but no white, turns oit they were. I guess it isn’t always “other” birds chasing the baldies lol. Thanks!
There are Golden eagles around here also, obviously no white on them. Eagles fly like they have somewhere to go is what I have observed. We have a Golden down here that makes his presence known occasionally.
We have Anna's that are here all year, the Black chinned and Rufous/Allen's migrate through. The purple on Black Chinned is cool.
Not my Pic.
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Haven’t seen too many turkeys yet this year, that’s kinda weird imo. But the big ass doves and the big ass quails are going off!
I don’t know what fricken strain of dove is around here but they’re almost pigeon size. Some russian breed or some shit i heard? So many quail! If only i was a kid again.
Lots of hawks here. Those things straight up fly right down by us. Literally overhead. Got a resident owl in one of those cedars out front. In fact, i get worried now if i don’t here it who’ing from my trailer room.
I always just figured it was the hawks fucking with the baldies but it all makes sense now.
Haven’t seen too many turkeys yet this year, that’s kinda weird imo. But the big ass doves and the big ass quails are going off!
I don’t know what fricken strain of dove is around here but they’re almost pigeon size. Some russian breed or some shit i heard? So many quail! If only i was a kid again.
Lots of hawks here. Those things straight up fly right down by us. Literally overhead. Got a resident owl in one of those cedars out front. In fact, i get worried now if i don’t here it who’ing from my trailer room.
I always just figured it was the hawks fucking with the baldies but it all makes sense now.
I hear the Great Horned owls talking to each other every evening from their chosen perches. I can hand whistle like they hoot and get them to answer. It's the damn male barn owl that scares the hell out of me when he flies over and does the otherworldly skreech
I hear the Great Horned owls talking to each other every evening from their chosen perches. I can hand whistle like they hoot and get them to answer. It's the damn male barn owl that scares the hell out of me when he flies over and does the otherworldly skreech
While moose hunting years ago I had a GH Owl fly literally 5' over my head to grab a Pika about 10 yds in front of me.
I didn't hear a thing until he latched on to that rodent.
They can be SCARY quiet.