What did you accomplish today?

I like it every once in a while.. gives it a little crunch

Ideally I enjoy them with only onions, peppers, and the neon 'whiz' shit (shredded cheddar/prov at home), but I can appreciate a little shredded lettuce now and again. Horseradish cream, as well. Contrast. Like biting a nice piece of cold melon/ripe tomato alongside a bite of grilled meat/shawarma/etc.
We used to get some great broccoli rabe & roast beef/pork rolls in a PA town near Lake Ariel. Been so long.


giphy (2).gif
I know right? I don't get how anyone could ever like that crap... you'd have to be some kinda weirdo for that to be your favorite type of pizza.

cries in the corner eating Hawaiian style pizza.

I hired a biker from Jersey a few years ago , one day we're at the local pizza buffet and I noticed my new helper making a strange face with ever bite so I had to ask, and his answer was these onions taste funny , I laugh like a asshole and say that bc it's Hawaiian pizza and that is pineapple. He takes another bite and said yeah it tastes just like pineapple, I'm thinking ok then.

I just you had to be there lol.
I drained the oil out of my vehicle. That's as far as I got, as I came across a cunt of an oil filter that just wouldn't give. I tried the stabbing with the screwdriver method first, and that failed. Of course, I had drained the oil from my vehicle so I couldn't drive it and I had to walk to Canadian Tire three times till I finally got the right tool to jimmy that cocksucker off of there. However, by this time I had stabbed myself in the right hand and after bleeding for a while found i couldn't put any pressure on there without a great deal of blood and pain. At this point, I accomplished going to the liquor store and buying a twelve pack.
I drained the oil out of my vehicle. That's as far as I got, as I came across a cunt of an oil filter that just wouldn't give. I tried the stabbing with the screwdriver method first, and that failed. Of course, I had drained the oil from my vehicle so I couldn't drive it and I had to walk to Canadian Tire three times till I finally got the right tool to jimmy that cocksucker off of there. However, by this time I had stabbed myself in the right hand and after bleeding for a while found i couldn't put any pressure on there without a great deal of blood and pain. At this point, I accomplished going to the liquor store and buying a twelve pack.

I bought a oil filter strap wrench that you can use a wrench or ratchet to turn it works great for me . I don't remember what it costs but it was less than 10$.
I drained the oil out of my vehicle. That's as far as I got, as I came across a cunt of an oil filter that just wouldn't give. I tried the stabbing with the screwdriver method first, and that failed. Of course, I had drained the oil from my vehicle so I couldn't drive it and I had to walk to Canadian Tire three times till I finally got the right tool to jimmy that cocksucker off of there. However, by this time I had stabbed myself in the right hand and after bleeding for a while found i couldn't put any pressure on there without a great deal of blood and pain. At this point, I accomplished going to the liquor store and buying a twelve pack.
I fucking hate Canadian tire with a passion.

That is all I took from that.

Cheers, bud
You guys seem to commit suicide by lunch. Not a bad way to go I guess.
I could do with a good burger now... probably getting bird food for supper again.
Read Gary Taubes, Good Calories Bad Calories he will tell you that saturated fat is not bad for you and show you where the bad science came from.

Yesterday I accomplished Disneyland! So did Johnny Depp, fully dressed as Jack Sparrow was sitting in on Pirates of the Caribbean! No I did not see him. But I did have a Golden Churro in honor of the ride's 50th Birthday.
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I'm on day 4 of no alcohol! Which is a really big deal for me. I also quit smoking cigs in February. I've been jogging and trying to eat better too. Been having some very vivid dreams though.

I will admit I've been liking how much energy I've had lately. Definitely beats the daily hangovers that had become a norm for me. It's hard to be motivated when you're hungover as fuck all the time.
I'm on day 4 of no alcohol! Which is a really big deal for me. I also quit smoking cigs in February. I've been jogging and trying to eat better too. Been having some very vivid dreams though.

I will admit I've been liking how much energy I've had lately. Definitely beats the daily hangovers that had become a norm for me. It's hard to be motivated when you're hungover as fuck all the time.
Good for you bro!!
Good night guys and gals ....my sister in law is having an unexpected surgery in the morning...so I got lots of little ones to look after not including my own ....hope you all have a good night and a great morning......I've been eager to open a care package sent from the coolest gal on Riu .....one more week :hump:((She knows who she is))

K, good night, penises all around.

Didn't see @neosapien today so ((tiny ninja bow for him))

Thanks to @Gary Goodson for the soil help ...and talking about your meat with me o_O Could have worded that better ((fuck it))

Expecting boat pictures @Aeroknow

Hope all is well with the wife @tangerinegreen555

Still mad at @srh88 ....man love

@Bob Zmuda expecting more art work while at work.

@420God little baby bird update please..as well as trampoline pics

@curious2garden your the coolest gal I mentioned above ((sshhhh))

@cannabineer expecting a crazy invention of some sort ....and to meet and B.S soon again ..as well as many many penises

@farmerfischer update on my advice to start jelqing for back pain

@Big_Lou still waiting on parts to fix my mower you broke

@jerryb73 sent the hooker your way ((sorry ahead of time buddy))

@Singlemalt waiting to hear about you kicking someone's ass less than half your age ((because your a badass mofo))

@BarnBuster can't wait for your next avatar ((pinworm))

@Grandpapy thanks for the :sleep: That makes no sense to you ,,but it's a compliment .

@Indacouch congratulations on making reddan1981 your bitch :clap:

@UncleBuck my mower said fuck you ((just passing the message along)) also waiting for the surprise your having twins.

@whitebb2727 waiting for pictures of the cooked turkey you and the boy shot,,,P.S a story/update about your one eyed cock is long over due buddy

@dannyboy602 looking forward to the nanny cam footage.

@StonedFarmer ....................umb......umb.......meow

@Karah update on anything you may have boofed this week.

K that's all you guys and gals homework .....good night



Penis!!! Penis!!! Penis!!!
I feel bad. Didn't get pics of the cooked turkey. I put it in a roasting pan with potatoes, corn, carrots and a few other things.

It is time for a cock story.
Horrible last 36 hrs.

Wife got sick and dizzy, back to ER for 7 hrs. (High blood pressure)

Then, after being in and out of that hospital for the last 2 weeks, I managed to get bronchitis.

Bad painful bronchitis, 1st time I've been sick since 2015.

Got antibiotics from Dr., feel a little better in chest, but now I'm dizzy with chills. Changed shirt 6 times last night, waking up with soaked shirt blows. I think fever broke though, so things are looking up.

So everybody's sick here, and no power all day from a 'planned outage', and my daughter is bringing food.
I have no appetite but I'll eat.

And all my projects are falling behind. I'm a lousy sick person.
Sorry to hear that. Get well soon.

I never said anything but spent Easter eve at the hospital with the wife. She is diabetic and lost a bunch of weight recently. Blood sugar all out of whack. She hasn't been getting breaks on time. The night in question she went 5 hours without a break and collapsed at work. Emt's said her sugar was 48.

I went and had a talk with her boss. She will now be getting her breaks on time for snacks and what not.

When I say I talked to the boss it may have been more than talking. One of the girls told my wife I was furious when I went to her work after the hospital.

Hope you and the wife get better. I know I'm a stranger on the net but if you need anything just holler at me.
I'm on day 4 of no alcohol! Which is a really big deal for me. I also quit smoking cigs in February. I've been jogging and trying to eat better too. Been having some very vivid dreams though.

I will admit I've been liking how much energy I've had lately. Definitely beats the daily hangovers that had become a norm for me. It's hard to be motivated when you're hungover as fuck all the time.
That's awesome man! I need to cut back on the sauce myself. :roll: