What did you accomplish today?

I feel bad. Didn't get pics of the cooked turkey. I put it in a roasting pan with potatoes, corn, carrots and a few other things.

It is time for a cock story.

Sorry to hear that. Get well soon.

I never said anything but spent Easter eve at the hospital with the wife. She is diabetic and lost a bunch of weight recently. Blood sugar all out of whack. She hasn't been getting breaks on time. The night in question she went 5 hours without a break and collapsed at work. Emt's said her sugar was 48.

I went and had a talk with her boss. She will now be getting her breaks on time for snacks and what not.

When I say I talked to the boss it may have been more than talking. One of the girls told my wife I was furious when I went to her work after the hospital.

Hope you and the wife get better. I know I'm a stranger on the net but if you need anything just holler at me.
My son was diagnosed with diabetes at age 12, when we first took him to the ER and found out his diagnosis his sugar was so high that the accucheck couldn't read it, had to draw blood.. his sugar was over 600.. they sent us immediately to the children's hospital who had a bed waiting on us.. they told us had we not noticed something wrong he could have fallen into a coma.. he is now 25..
Chased this bastard out of my green house..lol..View attachment 3932102View attachment 3932103
Some people mistakenly call this a puff atter but I believe this is a hog nose or also know as a blow snake

Can you get a closer pic maybe we could help identify it ?

I get rat snakes in the shop a lot and they will scare the shit out of you, I haven't been bitten yet but I've damn sure screamed and cussed.
I know right? I don't get how anyone could ever like that crap... you'd have to be some kinda weirdo for that to be your favorite type of pizza.
cries in the corner eating Hawaiian style pizza.

I must have some secret Samoan ancestry cause this is my go-to favorite pie.

I'm on day 4 of no alcohol! Which is a really big deal for me. I also quit smoking cigs in February. I've been jogging and trying to eat better too. Been having some very vivid dreams though.
I will admit I've been liking how much energy I've had lately. Definitely beats the daily hangovers that had become a norm for me. It's hard to be motivated when you're hungover as fuck all the time.

Good on you Gary,
I've been doing similar - haven't had a drink since Sunday (and intend to keep it that way in the foreseeable future), been eating lots less meat/lots more healthily prepped veggies and taking my big boy on power walk/runs daily.
I do feel lots better, I want to drop around 15 lbs of this winter weight & get ready for fishin season.

Horrible last 36 hrs.
Wife got sick and dizzy, back to ER for 7 hrs. (High blood pressure)
Then, after being in and out of that hospital for the last 2 weeks, I managed to get bronchitis.
Bad painful bronchitis, 1st time I've been sick since 2015.
Got antibiotics from Dr., feel a little better in chest, but now I'm dizzy with chills. Changed shirt 6 times last night, waking up with soaked shirt blows. I think fever broke though, so things are looking up.
So everybody's sick here, and no power all day from a 'planned outage', and my daughter is bringing food.
I have no appetite but I'll eat.
And all my projects are falling behind. I'm a lousy sick person.

Good thoughts to you Tange & Mrs.
Sincerely hope things start looking up for you and good health returns to you and your wife.
Chased this bastard out of my green house..lol..View attachment 3932102View attachment 3932103
Some people mistakenly call this a puff atter but I believe this is a hog nose or also know as a blow snake
You are correct, that's not a puff adder it looks like a Hog nosed snake. Actually a good thing to have around your green house as it will eat the rats & mice that can kill your plants. The down side is it could also knock over smaller plants.
hacked and cut about 10x6' of vines and knee high grass off my abandoned brick paving in the back, probably 5 times more left to do - can't grow clean weed in a messy yard. Was amazed how quick nature can reclaim things. My back and hips are fucked tonight, I'm serial smoking slow boats.

Was a lovely day outside after yesterday's storm. Sun was hot, but everything was moist and healthy looking.

Going to teach you the best trick to remove ANY stuck oil filter.:
Take a piece of rough sandpaper, say 40 to 80 grit. put it in your hand like a rag you would use to open a jar, with the rough side facing the filter. Even filters that felt impossible to move with the appropriate ratchets will just spin off with what feels like no effort.... The tools struggle because the filter gets slippery as fuck. You can now throw out the oil filter spanner as it just takes up space.

Let no one say you never learn any useful skills on a pot site.
Back in high school when I used to do mechanic work for a living this old ranch truck came in and that fucking filter did NOT want to come off.

I had to take a hammer and chisel to it after it caved in on itself and twisted apart.

Years ago I did a full rebuild on the 351M in our 81 bronco - the little woman took it on a 200+ mile trip for groceries after I had already put a couple hundred and the initial oil change on it (we lived in the interior of Alaska). About 50 miles into the trip the oil light comes on so like the smart gal she is pulls off the road, shuts it down & calls me. Long story short, when I painted the block I neglected to cover the oil filter seal surface & it ended up pulling off the old filter's gasket meaning I had two back to back when I installed the new one. :dunce:
Puff adders are African -- and deadly.

hacked and cut about 10x6' of vines and knee high grass off my abandoned brick paving in the back, probably 5 times more left to do - can't grow clean weed in a messy yard. Was amazed how quick nature can reclaim things. My back and hips are fucked tonight, I'm serial smoking slow boats.

Was a lovely day outside after yesterday's storm. Sun was hot, but everything was moist and healthy looking.

Going to teach you the best trick to remove ANY stuck oil filter.:
Take a piece of rough sandpaper, say 40 to 80 grit. put it in your hand like a rag you would use to open a jar, with the rough side facing the filter. Even filters that felt impossible to move with the appropriate ratchets will just spin off with what feels like no effort.... The tools struggle because the filter gets slippery as fuck. You can now throw out the oil filter spanner as it just takes up space.

Let no one say you never learn any useful skills on a pot site.

I use jar grippers after I cant get one of two filter wrenches to fit, but before the Chanel locks and screwdriver. :lol:
Next time use the sandpaper trick. I couldn't believe it when I tried it the first time. I was ready to give up and knock a screwdriver through when I learned it.
It is like it takes no effort. All the oil prevents the can from really seizing stuck.
My son was diagnosed with diabetes at age 12, when we first took him to the ER and found out his diagnosis his sugar was so high that the accucheck couldn't read it, had to draw blood.. his sugar was over 600.. they sent us immediately to the children's hospital who had a bed waiting on us.. they told us had we not noticed something wrong he could have fallen into a coma.. he is now 25..
My wife has done that a couple times. One time she called me out of her head. Made no sense what so ever. I hung up and called her an ambulance.

My wife works a union job. I called her union rep. They were breaking state law for not giving her breaks on time. The Americans with Disabilities Act also covers diabetes. It states they have to provide reasonable accommodation. Evenly spacing breaks out is not unreasonable.

The night it happened I went to her job and the supervisor on duty was a 23 year old punk kid straight out of college with no work history. I got all up in his shit. He asked me to go outside. I told him no. I made a big scene about it.

Something about my wife's life being put in danger really had me pissed off.

A couple days later I met with the main boss. My wife regularly takes lunch during the last hour of an 8 hour shift. I told him it was bullshit. He acted like he didn't know. I told him he wasn't doing his job. I then demanded a print out of her time clock records. Those have been sent to her union and to the state labor board.

I also let my wife know she is partly to blame. I told her when it came time for a break or she needed to eat just clock out and take a break.

Fuck'em and feed'em fish heads.

Sorry to hear about your boy. The key to controlling diabetes is exercise and a good diet. 6-8 small meals a day instead of a few bigger ones. That helps control glucose spikes.
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I'm on day 4 of no alcohol! Which is a really big deal for me. I also quit smoking cigs in February. I've been jogging and trying to eat better too. Been having some very vivid dreams though.

I will admit I've been liking how much energy I've had lately. Definitely beats the daily hangovers that had become a norm for me. It's hard to be motivated when you're hungover as fuck all the time.
The dreams are bad ass.. are you slaying dragons and fighting demons? When I stopped smoking I couldn't wait to go to sleep.