What did you accomplish today?

Looks like I've got some brown mold.
fuck fuck fuckity fuck
What do you think? Amputate or try to treat it? I've got some potassium bicarb that might work.
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I'm not sure if its mold or not.

It might be wise to amputate. Use gloves. Clean scissors and change glove after every cut as to not spread spores.

Treat area and surrounding area with h202. Sodium bicarbonate will work also.

The key to mold or rot is to remove it early and clean between cuts. The worst thing you can do is touch that area and then touch other buds and spread it.
I'm not sure if its mold or not.

It might be wise to amputate. Use gloves. Clean scissors and change glove after every cut as to not spread spores.

Treat area and surrounding area with h202. Sodium bicarbonate will work also.

The key to mold or rot is to remove it early and clean between cuts. The worst thing you can do is touch that area and then touch other buds and spread it.
If it's not mold, could it be some type of lockout? Mostly new growth and I've seen some tip burn, so maybe chronic calcium def???
Dunno. I just fed it cal/mag + nutes @ 800 ppm. We haven't had much bright sunlight lately and it's not drinking much.
This should be safe during flower. I won't use anything that leaves an oily residue. Milk is another option, but strong solutions (>20%) leave an unsightly residue. I think it's all about keeping PH high on the surface of the leaves.
If I break out the clippers, there will only be one cut. I don't fuck around & will take the entire branch.
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My wife is taking our daughter this weekend too. I'm waiting to hear what she says. Some of the remakes have been shit lately.

I heard about this remake this morning - they were saying Stephen King thinks it's really good which is why I probably won't see it.

A. Stephen King wrote it
B. It's rated R
C. It has a Fucking clown in it.

Enough said.
I heard about this remake this morning - they were saying Stephen King thinks it's really good which is why I probably won't see it.

A. Stephen King wrote it
B. It's rated R
C. It has a Fucking clown in it.

Enough said.
That's a scary thought, if Stephen started writing XXXPORNXXX.

"IT" would be a fucking comedy !
Tell me you bring a gold pan up there with you too dude!

If that's the Moke, there's gold in dem der hills fo sho.
Pounding the beers, fishing and also poking around with a pan and then working a sluice is my idea of a good time. I fucking miss doing that so bad.

I've got a little vile of gold in my shop from panning the creeks around hogan .....and poking around the old dredge tailings next to the river on the ranch .....I have a few sluice boxes and gold pans I play with in the winter....guna take my oldest boy out to play/pan this year for the first time.....several hot spots rite off 26 where the locals park and pan everyday .....the weekends I've noticed tons of prospectors up here lately......thinking about sprinkling the creek with the fake gold nuggets I made for lil indas leprechaun trap ....LOL
Tell me you bring a gold pan up there with you too dude!

If that's the Moke, there's gold in dem der hills fo sho.
Pounding the beers, fishing and also poking around with a pan and then working a sluice is my idea of a good time. I fucking miss doing that so bad.
I should of, because there totally is! Weird you mention that. The plot next door to us used to be a site for hydraulic gold mining in the sixties. They washed tons of dirt, and you can still see the tailings scattered all over and it left a huge gulley (that's were I'm growing this season). I've always wondered if there was anything left worth panning for.
I've got a little vile of gold in my shop from panning the creeks around hogan .....and poking around the old dredge tailings next to the river on the ranch .....I have a few sluice boxes and gold pans I play with in the winter....guna take my oldest boy out to play/pan this year for the first time.....several hot spots rite off 26 where the locals park and pan everyday .....the weekends I've noticed tons of prospectors up here lately......thinking about sprinkling the creek with the fake gold nuggets I made for lil indas leprechaun trap ....LOL
I've done plenty prospecting over there too. Especially up the Moke arms. I've never done roaring camp though. That would have been the shit when we could still dredge.
I have some vial too my bro.
At my other pad i have a seasonal creek that runs through my yard. I've shown the recirculating sluice on here that we have setup on the patio. Classify the material down at the creek and bring the buckets up to the house. Wish we had a conveyor belt :-D
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I should of, because there totally is! Weird you mention that. The plot next door to us used to be a site for hydraulic gold mining in the sixties. They washed tons of dirt, and you can still see the tailings scattered all over and it left a huge gulley (that's were I'm growing this season). I've always wondered if there was anything left worth panning for.
Most likely ain't gonna find shit in them tailings unless you metal detect. But what you do find in tailings are chunky chunks
I was on a ship & we stopped in Nome - after we left I found big bags of beach gravel/sand in the DC shop - turns out the dude wanted to do a bit of dry panning while underway so I found some lead, melted it & splashed it random like on a work bench. A little work with a hammer & the shape looked right so I grabbed some gold model paint from a shipmate & sprinkled the results throughout the sand.

Dude though he had struck it rich. Lol.
I should of, because there totally is! Weird you mention that. The plot next door to us used to be a site for hydraulic gold mining in the sixties. They washed tons of dirt, and you can still see the tailings scattered all over and it left a huge gulley (that's were I'm growing this season). I've always wondered if there was anything left worth panning for.
When we going? Also @cannabineer and I are gonna meet near you for a beer. You should join us. (you are right between us both)