What did you accomplish today?

When I was a really young boy my grandpa told me that he panned for gold in foothills of the Appalachian mountains and I thought he was full of shit until one day about two years ago when I was looking for some soapstone and checking out the usgs maps when right there it was all the gold mines in the county, 430 freaking gold mines and right where he was panning the whole place was being mined .
When I was a really young boy my grandpa told me that he panned for gold in foothills of the Appalachian mountains and I thought he was full of shit until one day about two years ago when I was looking for some soapstone and checking out the usgs maps when right there it was all the gold mines in the county, 430 freaking gold mines and right where he was panning the whole place was being mined .

When I was a very young boy my grandpa threw me in a canal with a swift current to teach me how to swim ....

I swam .........it's ok,I kinked his oxygen hose when I got older to get even........
@420God can you explain what special utility means . I'm going to look at a Kabuto M4030su on Friday and I don't have a clue if special utility is a good thing or not . I'm mostly going to use the loader for moving logs and stacks of lumber around my sawmill any info would be much appreciated
@420God can you explain what special utility means . I'm going to look at a Kabuto M4030su on Friday and I don't have a clue if special utility is a good thing or not . I'm mostly going to use the loader for moving logs and stacks of lumber around my sawmill any info would be much appreciated
Not really sure, I think it might be the options it comes with, like extra hydraulic connections and maybe quick attach system.
I have to do a bunch of stupid fucking paperwork today that I've been seriously procrastinating for 2 weeks.

$50 rebate from electric co. for getting tankless water heater serviced and flushed because they are super energy efficient.
$70 rebate for new set of tires on wife's 1 year old Jeep. (The girl at the tire place said that new car tires now only last 16,000 - 19,000 miles. The car factory installed tires were a popular brand but had different code numbers than what you would buy.)

A stupid $50 zoning permit to build a new shed in the middle of a 1.8 acre property to 'make sure it's not on property line' with illustrations. I'll work in at least 6 dix in the illustration. Maybe 12. How many dix can I fit into the mouth of a useless application? They just want the $50.

I don't mind work.

I hate paper work.