What did you accomplish today?

Being born on the 4th of July is cool. My mom was born on the 4th. There are parties everywhere you go.

My great grandfather was born on December 25th . That must suck.:sad:
We live in Canada so we celebrate on the 1st , My oldest was due around my bday but luckily she was early! I wanna time the next so I can be pregnant during the summer, I want 1 bikini shot prego! I was so busy chasing my toddler I forgot this time!! Ya holiday birthdays sometime suck, I'd hate a Christmas bday, talk about stealing ur glory lol
We live in Canada so we celebrate on the 1st , My oldest was due around my bday but luckily she was early! I wanna time the next so I can be pregnant during the summer, I want 1 bikini shot prego! I was so busy chasing my toddler I forgot this time!! Ya holiday birthdays sometime suck, I'd hate a Christmas bday, talk about stealing ur glory lol

You know if you spent more time on here and less time in real life...

Oh, wait, It's been awhile since I got lucky.

good luck to you and the little dude. thats gotta be stressful as hell
My first one was rough. Wife and baby were both at very high risk of dying. Medivaced to a well known university hospital.

I was driving 3 hours a day from the hospital to work. I gave a buddy my word I would help him get a business off the ground.

Baby spent two months in the nicu.

I don't wish sickness or suffering on anyone's child.
I fucking knew i had a remodeled kitchen under all the crap! :hump:

Just got done power cleaning my filthy kitchen.
This was a few hrs ago:
This is right now:
I still need to wipe the appliances down with mineral oil and the cabinets with murphys oil. Can't fucking believe i let it get so fucking dirty. Work hard to remodel the fucker and than let it get that dirty. :dunce: