What did you accomplish today?

Ultra sound was normal as well View attachment 4017353
Now I'm guna scream penis as I run down the hall back to my car .....what a relief

Back to the farm
I'm so glad. Has he also had an echo? Was that clear as well? I figured it was gastric as @Singlemalt said. Now off to the pediatric gastroenterologist. Also to the pediatric allergist and drill down there. I'm very relieved he got a clean bill of health on his heart hun.
I'm so glad. Has he also had an echo? Was that clear as well? I figured it was gastric as @Singlemalt said. Now off to the pediatric gastroenterologist. Also to the pediatric allergist and drill down there. I'm very relieved he got a clean bill of health on his heart hun.

Me too ...momma has been a nervous wreck for months ...I'm just glad the most serious thing is out of the way ....can't even tell you the weight that's off my shoulders....just pulled into grandmas to pick up chunker ...then I'm guna go home and sit on my ass and do nothing for the next 12 hours....lol ....things will be back to normal now ((thankfully))...cardiologist thinks he may have an injury to his chest wall...so he wants us to keep him from doing anything crazy for the next week and give him anti inflammatory meds 3 times a day .....I've been telling you it seemed way to random to be his heart IMO...and he didn't ever complain until after staying at his cousins to swim beginning of summer ...but when your baby grabs his chest in pain it's unsettling to say the least....just glad that part is over with.....so glad

I appreciate everyone's concern and kind words thoughts,prayers you guys are awesome....much love

Good to hear your little man is doing ok @Indacouch. after having one of my own, stories like that get me choked up. My cousin recently lost her 7yo to lung complications stemming from birth. Being completely helpless to do anything scares me most.

On an up note this Little dude had a beach shoot by my wife. Turned out pretty good. I then busted my ass trying to skim board or whatever. Fucking kids make it look easy.

Good to hear your little man is doing ok @Indacouch. after having one of my own, stories like that get me choked up. My cousin recently lost her 7yo to lung complications stemming from birth. Being completely helpless to do anything scares me most.

On an up note this Little dude had a beach shoot by my wife. Turned out pretty good. I then busted my ass trying to skim board or whatever. Fucking kids make it look easy.
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Sorry to hear that about your cousins little girl ((so sad)) poor little angel((choke me up homie)) ....and the helpless feeling is what was killing me big time ......were so used to having the money or skills to fix stuff we forget about the things we can't ((medical))....so when they pop up it's hard watching the ones you love more than life itself hurt...and not being able to fix it .....I can't even tell you how good I slept last night ...like a baby with a titty in his mouth.

On another note ....that pic turned out awesome above ...I'd do it with my little fat boy ...but he'd need a bigger surf board ..lol...plus size model ....adorable pic ....those are the ones you put above the fire place all blown up for when they get older ....lol
Morning everyone ....off to the farm I go ....to trim and get smacked in the forehead by donkey dick sized colas hanging from the ceiling ....poor me ...someone's gotta do it...

But my old girl is getting picked up today to go for body and paint ....motor is all done and so is the interior ....can't wait to get her back in a few months....my great grandpa bought it brand new ....was my dad's first truck ....I still have the stainless steel rack that my Grt grandpa used to tie cows to for transport to the sales ....way before my time.....lots of family history ......and lots of nasty BB 427 under the hood backed by a built 4 speed and a posi 9 inch geared for shenanigans:fire:....
All dirty from almond shaking ...but she runs like she wants to hurt you ...bad bitch for sure ...1962 f-100 step side....il show you guys more details later ....but there are tons of subtle details all over this truck ...took me the last 4 years to get her dialed .....can't wait to get it back.....lil Inda has rode in it with me a few times .....I'm afraid for when he gets his license ...he likes riding in the dad's hot rods ....especially when I give it the beans off the line ....kids a speed/torque freak .....wonder where he gets that from..
Morning everyone ....off to the farm I go ....to trim and get smacked in the forehead by donkey dick sized colas hanging from the ceiling ....poor me ...someone's gotta do it...

But my old girl is getting picked up today to go for body and paint ....motor is all done and so is the interior ....can't wait to get her back in a few months....my great grandpa bought it brand new ....was my dad's first truck ....I still have the stainless steel rack that my Grt grandpa used to tie cows to for transport to the sales ....way before my time.....lots of family history ......and lots of nasty BB 427 under the hood backed by a built 4 speed and a posi 9 inch geared for shenanigans:fire:....
View attachment 4017685
All dirty from almond shaking ...but she runs like she wants to hurt you ...bad bitch for sure ...1962 f-100 step side....il show you guys more details later ....but there are tons of subtle details all over this truck ...took me the last 4 years to get her dialed .....can't wait to get it back.....lil Inda has rode in it with me a few times .....I'm afraid for when he gets his license ...he likes riding in the dad's hot rods ....especially when I give it the beans off the line ....kids a speed/torque freak .....wonder where he gets that from..

Awesome truck even better family ties. One of the scariest things I went through with my son was when he got old enough for his motorcycle license, he'd been on dirt since he was was three and really pretty good at motor cross. But I told him the street is different because you have to be responsible ( ahh what ) and if you're having fun your doing it wrong. It didn't take long for him to figure out what I was talking about and he didn't get hurt so ...... ended up buying him a Rsx-type s for highschool graduation, fucking thing would run 160+ in just over a quarter mile.
I fucking knew i had a remodeled kitchen under all the crap! :hump:

Just got done power cleaning my filthy kitchen.
This was a few hrs ago:
View attachment 4017402
This is right now:
View attachment 4017401
I still need to wipe the appliances down with mineral oil and the cabinets with murphys oil. Can't fucking believe i let it get so fucking dirty. Work hard to remodel the fucker and than let it get that dirty. :dunce:

DAMN!! I feel great knowing I'm not the only one who's kitchen looks like a"clutter bomb" went off.
I'll clean and two days later my counters are cluttered :wall:.
So frustrating....
Woke up, went into garage and surprise!

Water dripping down wall, water on floor, right through luwan ceiling I put up last spring.

Drilled some holes, more water. Sawzalled out some holes, lots more water.
Reached up behind pipe and felt trim nail going into 1/2" pipe. What dumb fuck did that?0927171331.jpg
Nail rusty as fuck, look through the pipe and you see a rust stalagtite going right through it. Fuck.

Cut off pipe and sharkbite a piece of leftover pex up there. No leaks. Have to leave open to dry out, I'll keep checking it.
Got some patch work to do when it dries. Piece of R-13 soaking wet. Could have been worse. Watch the fucking nails, tangerine! You stupid fuck.0927171412a.jpg
Wish I would have known where the hole in the pipe was. When you see water coming down, you start sawzalling 1st and ask questions later. Fuck. I hate when that happens. Fuck.
DAMN!! I feel great knowing I'm not the only one who's kitchen looks like a"clutter bomb" went off.
I'll clean and two days later my counters are cluttered :wall:.
So frustrating....
I got 4 kids. We watch others regularly. My house is always a mess. Like a tornado hit the house.

I paid a visit to Lone Oak today. The Boys have a second run of full season plants going after a successful early light dep harvest......8-)

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View attachment 4017769
Is that green house frames or carport frames being used there?

I was wondering.
Woke up, went into garage and surprise!

Water dripping down wall, water on floor, right through luwan ceiling I put up last spring.

Drilled some holes, more water. Sawzalled out some holes, lots more water.
View attachment 4017799
Reached up behind pipe and felt trim nail going into 1/2" pipe. What dumb fuck did that?View attachment 4017803
Nail rusty as fuck, look through the pipe and you see a rust stalagtite going right through it. Fuck.

Cut off pipe and sharkbite a piece of leftover pex up there. No leaks. Have to leave open to dry out, I'll keep checking it.
View attachment 4017805
Got some patch work to do when it dries. Piece of R-13 soaking wet. Could have been worse. Watch the fucking nails, tangerine! You stupid fuck.View attachment 4017806
Wish I would have known where the hole in the pipe was. When you see water coming down, you start sawzalling 1st and ask questions later. Fuck. I hate when that happens. Fuck.

Not so long ago my wife said what's that smell . We looked all over and found nothing.

Thinking maybe a varmate had died inside the wall we tore the wall open only to find nothing . then the smell was gone.

Doh. the smell was bad but not as bad as the cost of putting back the drywall and painting the whole room again.