What did you accomplish today?

Kids are asleep early tonight:clap:

I got to smoke early and figured I'd share my hospital mishap before :sleep:...

So as you guys know I took my boy to the children's hospital for his heart recently ....Well it was a spare of the moment type deal with lots going on at the farm....the day we took him I got up extra early and went to help trim for a few hours and drop some things off etc....well I showered at the farm changed clothes and drove all the way home and picked up momma and my boy.....we get to the hospital and after waiting a short time get called back ....so we all three went into the initial very small exam room and were waiting for the cardiologist .....after a few minutes a nurse walks in,introduces herself and starts hooking up the EKG machine to little Inda ....I happen to look down and notice a small but obvious piece of sugar leaf stuck to the tongue of my shoe:shock:....so I immediately think, il just tuck it further into my show ...outta sight outta mind ......so as momma is busy talking to the nurse I non shalontly bend over in my chair and quickly poke that fucker into my shoe ......absolute worst fucking thing I could have done ....as soon as I came up from doing it ...I started smelling that heavy ass coffee dank smell :shock:....my immediate reaction was to watch mommas face ....I figured no reaction from her would mean it's just me .....about .4 seconds later momma suddenly stops mid sentence and gives me one of these:shock:.....I knew rite then I was fucked .....it was like I stepped into the dog shit of dank in a very tiny room with four people ...the nurses back is turned and momma is giving me the WTF signals ....and as upset as I am about this situation...((inside a fucking children's hospital)) ...all I can think about is you fuckers ...the nurse got done doing the tests and left the room .....as soon as the door latched momma says ....WTF babe....I quickly explain my situation and to my relief momma feels for me and starts trying to help ....she pulls out her sprays and hits my shoe ....few minutes later she catches another whiff ....and decides she wants to get the leaf outta my shoe using a paper towel and into the garbage ....I said NO....NO NO NO ....do not disturb it again PLEASE...even she can't believe that little tiny leaf was heating up that room the way it was ...so she sprays the whole room with scented stuff from her purse and squeezes some hand sanatizer down my shoe ....IMO it made it smell like we were trying to cover up the obvious ...I was honestly stressing and thinking ...I knew better than to touch it ....I wouldn't have cared if I wasn't in a children's hospital in that particular scenario ...luckily the next room for the heart scan was much much bigger .....once we were back in the car we both laughed about it then ....but il never forget watching mommas face....praying that she didn't react to the smell ....and she did pretty much immediately ....the look on her face was priceless....knowing I was completely fucked, I still had to do my best not to laugh thinking about what an idiot I am ....and all of you guys here on RIU ....came home today and momma bought me 2 brand new pairs of shoes ...LOL....she said if I see you wearing those anywhere around a tomato plant your dead ......fair enough momma ...LOL.....I seriously thought security was guna come ask me to leave ...no bullshit.

You ever really wana laugh but know if you do it will make things ten times worse....yeah ....((SMH))

Good night guys and gals
i said it once and yet again, I love your bed time stories!!
Kids are asleep early tonight:clap:

I got to smoke early and figured I'd share my hospital mishap before :sleep:...

So as you guys know I took my boy to the children's hospital for his heart recently ....Well it was a spare of the moment type deal with lots going on at the farm....the day we took him I got up extra early and went to help trim for a few hours and drop some things off etc....well I showered at the farm changed clothes and drove all the way home and picked up momma and my boy.....we get to the hospital and after waiting a short time get called back ....so we all three went into the initial very small exam room and were waiting for the cardiologist .....after a few minutes a nurse walks in,introduces herself and starts hooking up the EKG machine to little Inda ....I happen to look down and notice a small but obvious piece of sugar leaf stuck to the tongue of my shoe:shock:....so I immediately think, il just tuck it further into my show ...outta sight outta mind ......so as momma is busy talking to the nurse I non shalontly bend over in my chair and quickly poke that fucker into my shoe ......absolute worst fucking thing I could have done ....as soon as I came up from doing it ...I started smelling that heavy ass coffee dank smell :shock:....my immediate reaction was to watch mommas face ....I figured no reaction from her would mean it's just me .....about .4 seconds later momma suddenly stops mid sentence and gives me one of these:shock:.....I knew rite then I was fucked .....it was like I stepped into the dog shit of dank in a very tiny room with four people ...the nurses back is turned and momma is giving me the WTF signals ....and as upset as I am about this situation...((inside a fucking children's hospital)) ...all I can think about is you fuckers ...the nurse got done doing the tests and left the room .....as soon as the door latched momma says ....WTF babe....I quickly explain my situation and to my relief momma feels for me and starts trying to help ....she pulls out her sprays and hits my shoe ....few minutes later she catches another whiff ....and decides she wants to get the leaf outta my shoe using a paper towel and into the garbage ....I said NO....NO NO NO ....do not disturb it again PLEASE...even she can't believe that little tiny leaf was heating up that room the way it was ...so she sprays the whole room with scented stuff from her purse and squeezes some hand sanatizer down my shoe ....IMO it made it smell like we were trying to cover up the obvious ...I was honestly stressing and thinking ...I knew better than to touch it ....I wouldn't have cared if I wasn't in a children's hospital in that particular scenario ...luckily the next room for the heart scan was much much bigger .....once we were back in the car we both laughed about it then ....but il never forget watching mommas face....praying that she didn't react to the smell ....and she did pretty much immediately ....the look on her face was priceless....knowing I was completely fucked, I still had to do my best not to laugh thinking about what an idiot I am ....and all of you guys here on RIU ....came home today and momma bought me 2 brand new pairs of shoes ...LOL....she said if I see you wearing those anywhere around a tomato plant your dead ......fair enough momma ...LOL.....I seriously thought security was guna come ask me to leave ...no bullshit.

You ever really wana laugh but know if you do it will make things ten times worse....yeah ....((SMH))

Good night guys and gals
Usually the gift shop carries house shoes and sandals with convenient trash cans in the men's room.... LOL what would we do without you.
Finished another chimney. Only broke it down a little under halfway and rebuilt it using the old brick. The lady said she didn't want to pay for new brick so I told her I could clean and reuse them. She would of saved about 200 bucks if she bought new bricks lol. Cleaning mortor off old brick is a pain in the dick. Plus it would of looked so much better with new brick. Impossible to get mortar off the faces of the brick without ruining it.

I just got home from helping my grandfather. He's 93 and fell going into the shower about a week and a half ago. Luckily no breaks or fractures, but he's pretty sore. Hit his knee and shoulder pretty good. The rehab discharge papers said he needed assistance with dressing and bathing, so I ended spending the night just to make sure he would be ok. Talked for a few hours and then watched some baseball (wow, baseball's fucking boring...:sleep:). The food he gets at this place is pretty damn good, other than lack of salt....because old people. We got soup, salad and rolls. He had chicken picata, rice pilaf and mixed veggies. I had ravioli and sausage, rice pilaf and zucchini, all delivered to his room. It was a good night, I haven't spent that much time with him in awhile. I'll be going back again tonight. As far as he and I are concerned, he's fine to be alone, but my aunt, his daughter, is still nervous. She would stay with him but her husband just had a major heart attack the day before my grandfather fell, and had a double bypass Monday, so she's dealing with him. Yeah, so it's been a fun 2 weeks.
Nice work! I just flewcross country to see my father who is at the end of his life, dying of pancreatic cancer. Before I left I sent some Chem 4 to him. We just got high and it relaxed helped him to take the rest of his pills and now he is sleeping like a baby. dad,:bigjoint::peace:
Was busy working with boiling water, when I went to go check out why the extractor was making a funny sound (forgot I taped together a bit of a silencer).
Forgot about the hot water, spilling it over my arm through some thick winter tops so it was stuck to my body until I could get the hot steamy mess off over my head.
While I was spilling the water on my arm I thought I was electrocuting myself and kept looking up at the lights and wiring instead of down at my fucking stupid arm.
Slapped some burn gell on and later got a few burn pads and bandages, it's not looking great, will check it out in the morning, but I guess I'm going to have to go to the GP anyway just because of the size of the burn. Wasn't too deep over most of the spots.

Been burned a few times. One of the worst was when I was about 4, I stayed with this vicious little fuck in the days while my mom and dad worked. One day he put on the clothing iron, melted it into the nylon carpet, then when I came to look, he locked the door and ironed the outside of my thigh. Was scared for years, but you can;t see shit now.
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Finished another chimney. Only broke it down a little under halfway and rebuilt it using the old brick. The lady said she didn't want to pay for new brick so I told her I could clean and reuse them. She would of saved about 200 bucks if she bought new bricks lol. Cleaning mortor off old brick is a pain in the dick. Plus it would of looked so much better with new brick. Impossible to get mortar off the faces of the brick without ruining it.

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Some people just insist on doing shit the hard way don't they.
Was busy working with boiling water, when I went to go check out why the extractor was making a funny sound (forgot I taped together a bit of a silencer).
Forgot about the hot water, spilling it over my arm through some thick winter tops so it was stuck to my body until I could get the hot steamy mess off over my head.
While I was spilling the water on my arm I thought I was electrocuting myself and kept looking up at the lights and wiring instead of down at my fucking stupid arm.
Slapped some burn gell on and later got a few burn pads and bandages, it's not looking great, will check it out in the morning, but I guess I'm going to have to go to the GP anyway just because of the size of the burn. Wasn't too deep over most of the spots.

Been burned a few times. One of the worst was when I was about 4, I stayed with this vicious little fuck in the days while my mom and dad worked. One day he put on the clothing iron, melted it into the nylon carpet, then when I came to look, he locked the door and ironed the outside of my thigh. Was scared for years, but you can;t see shit now.

Jesus! Put some antibiotic ointment on it too. When I was in JrHigh school, all boys were required to take introductory shop classes(metal,wood,electric and print). In metal shop there was a kid, much bigger than all of us and at least a year older tho in same grade. This guy was mental; a bully, a sadist, a general all around mean prick. One day we come to class and the lesson will be soldering. Shop benches are arranged to seat 6 kids per table and there were 3 soldering furnaces per table, basically a gas fueled pressurized fire to heat up the soldering irons. So we come to class and all the furnaces were on and irons in them heating up, teacher begins his lecture. About 15 mins in all the irons were beyond red hot, this asshole described above takes out an iron and lays it on this other kid's forearm and says "Does this hurt?" The kid is screaming in pain and the bully just sits there and laughed.
Jesus! Put some antibiotic ointment on it too. When I was in JrHigh school, all boys were required to take introductory shop classes(metal,wood,electric and print). In metal shop there was a kid, much bigger than all of us and at least a year older tho in same grade. This guy was mental; a bully, a sadist, a general all around mean prick. One day we come to class and the lesson will be soldering. Shop benches are arranged to seat 6 kids per table and there were 3 soldering furnaces per table, basically a gas fueled pressurized fire to heat up the soldering irons. So we come to class and all the furnaces were on and irons in them heating up, teacher begins his lecture. About 15 mins in all the irons were beyond red hot, this asshole described above takes out an iron and lays it on this other kid's forearm and says "Does this hurt?" The kid is screaming in pain and the bully just sits there and laughed.
did he end up disappearing that day?
Jesus! Put some antibiotic ointment on it too. When I was in JrHigh school, all boys were required to take introductory shop classes(metal,wood,electric and print). In metal shop there was a kid, much bigger than all of us and at least a year older tho in same grade. This guy was mental; a bully, a sadist, a general all around mean prick. One day we come to class and the lesson will be soldering. Shop benches are arranged to seat 6 kids per table and there were 3 soldering furnaces per table, basically a gas fueled pressurized fire to heat up the soldering irons. So we come to class and all the furnaces were on and irons in them heating up, teacher begins his lecture. About 15 mins in all the irons were beyond red hot, this asshole described above takes out an iron and lays it on this other kid's forearm and says "Does this hurt?" The kid is screaming in pain and the bully just sits there and laughed.
Did the kid get in trouble? I know things were a lil different back in the day.. ;)
Reminds me of a couple we used to know years ago that would argue/fight all the time.
Once they were going at it, he got pissed at her for something & threw his car keys at her and they stuck in her bare leg.
Not to be out done, She's cooking dinner a couple of nights later & he walks past (sans shirt) as she's stirring "Lava Hot" mash taters with a big fork & she just lays it on his bare back.

Can't say he didn't deserve that one - I wonder if either one of them are still alive. o_O
I found a reason to label every person I came in contact with a fucking racist. I knew it wasn't right but it felt good to feed people back there same shit