What did you accomplish today?

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Guys I'm so happy I took the time to do seeds last year ....yes it was a bitch and caused some confusion ....but I'm super happy I did it ....these are my Bubba Kush ....got a ways to go ....but absolutely beautiful IMO ....and I've got beans for days ....Sour D is looking so nice as well ......not my plants of course.

I only grew one ;-)
Jever get lazy and then check trichomes & go FUCK -- gotta chop NOW?
I just checked a big girl and she's mostly cloudy with a little amber. Got six more below deck that I haven't checked, and there's a good chance they are also ready.
The timing couldn't be worse. Got an electrician coming over Sunday morning to install another 220 in my garage -- right where I dry my herb. :-(
I don't know the guy very well and definitely don't want him to see or smell a pound of weed drying...
I'm still working at the vet school, and this morning I mentioned to a co-worker that Hugh Hefner died, my supervisor thought I said huge hiefer.

On a side note yesterday they brought a pot belly pig in and that damn thing was screaming/squilling I look up wide eyed my co-worker said what's up , I said if I hear banjos I'm gone.
I just got home from helping my grandfather. He's 93 and fell going into the shower about a week and a half ago. Luckily no breaks or fractures, but he's pretty sore. Hit his knee and shoulder pretty good. The rehab discharge papers said he needed assistance with dressing and bathing, so I ended spending the night just to make sure he would be ok. Talked for a few hours and then watched some baseball (wow, baseball's fucking boring...:sleep:). The food he gets at this place is pretty damn good, other than lack of salt....because old people. We got soup, salad and rolls. He had chicken picata, rice pilaf and mixed veggies. I had ravioli and sausage, rice pilaf and zucchini, all delivered to his room. It was a good night, I haven't spent that much time with him in awhile. I'll be going back again tonight. As far as he and I are concerned, he's fine to be alone, but my aunt, his daughter, is still nervous. She would stay with him but her husband just had a major heart attack the day before my grandfather fell, and had a double bypass Monday, so she's dealing with him. Yeah, so it's been a fun 2 weeks.
Look on Craigslist. If ya don't mind doing a little work to fix it, I've seen frames with ripped covers or a bent pole or two being given away. If you know the manufacturer, replacement covers are around half the price of a whole new one and the poles are easy to fix with exhaust tubing.
That's a good idea. I did something similar to fix a trampoline that got tore up in a storm. Found one broken next to the road. Saws all and a little work and it was fixed.
Lol that reminds me of the lady in charge of the local Animal cruelty prevention association. SHe is this staunch old Rhodesian aunty, but she is like totally scared of cats.
I just got home from helping my grandfather. He's 93 and fell going into the shower about a week and a half ago. Luckily no breaks or fractures, but he's pretty sore. Hit his knee and shoulder pretty good. The rehab discharge papers said he needed assistance with dressing and bathing, so I ended spending the night just to make sure he would be ok. Talked for a few hours and then watched some baseball (wow, baseball's fucking boring...:sleep:). The food he gets at this place is pretty damn good, other than lack of salt....because old people. We got soup, salad and rolls. He had chicken picata, rice pilaf and mixed veggies. I had ravioli and sausage, rice pilaf and zucchini, all delivered to his room. It was a good night, I haven't spent that much time with him in awhile. I'll be going back again tonight. As far as he and I are concerned, he's fine to be alone, but my aunt, his daughter, is still nervous. She would stay with him but her husband just had a major heart attack the day before my grandfather fell, and had a double bypass Monday, so she's dealing with him. Yeah, so it's been a fun 2 weeks.

Love'em while you have'em. I miss the hell out of my grandpa, he was a mean old WW2 vet. But he spent time with us and that was more than anyone else did.
I just got home from helping my grandfather. He's 93 and fell going into the shower about a week and a half ago. Luckily no breaks or fractures, but he's pretty sore. Hit his knee and shoulder pretty good. The rehab discharge papers said he needed assistance with dressing and bathing, so I ended spending the night just to make sure he would be ok. Talked for a few hours and then watched some baseball (wow, baseball's fucking boring...:sleep:). The food he gets at this place is pretty damn good, other than lack of salt....because old people. We got soup, salad and rolls. He had chicken picata, rice pilaf and mixed veggies. I had ravioli and sausage, rice pilaf and zucchini, all delivered to his room. It was a good night, I haven't spent that much time with him in awhile. I'll be going back again tonight. As far as he and I are concerned, he's fine to be alone, but my aunt, his daughter, is still nervous. She would stay with him but her husband just had a major heart attack the day before my grandfather fell, and had a double bypass Monday, so she's dealing with him. Yeah, so it's been a fun 2 weeks.

What the sleeping dawg said. ^^^^
Talk now & ask the questions you would like answers to - because they will soon be gone.
+ Rep.
So I got another email today from the DOT and they said they're going to reinstate my contracts if I want. I already talked to my boss and he was understanding. No way am I turning down twice the money for half the hours. I might be able to work for him part time come Winter, I'll have to see how busy I am. This last week of fabrication reminded me how much I love welding.

Life can be a real rollercoaster at times.
So I got another email today from the DOT and they said they're going to reinstate my contracts if I want. I already talked to my boss and he was understanding. No way am I turning down twice the money for half the hours. I might be able to work for him part time come Winter, I'll have to see how busy I am. This last week of fabrication reminded me how much I love welding.

Life can be a real rollercoaster at times.

Maybe the State didn't want any unfinished business at the "End of the World".:lol:
Love'em while you have'em. I miss the hell out of my grandpa, he was a mean old WW2 vet. But he spent time with us and that was more than anyone else did.
I just scored my grandpas ww2 canteen. I found it online typing in my grandpas name about 6 or so months ago.

Battle of Corregidor. Shot while captured. Death marched(while have been shot no shit.)
Pow for most of the war, one of the longest. I grew up with him nearby. He was pretty much my dad.
@BarnBuster helped me out huge. He was able to get onto this military memorabilia collection forum for me, when i couldn't. The hardest forum to get onto i sware. BarnBuster shot the guy my email. I got my grandpas canteen right in front of me. The same canteen that must have left my grandpa when he was shot and captured in the Philippines. Crazy shit bro.
75 yrs later, it's where it belongs.
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I just scored my grandpas ww2 canteen. I found it online typing in my grandpas name about 6 or so months ago.

Battle of Corregidor. Shot while captured. Death marched(while have been shot no shit.)
Pow for most of the war, one of the longest. I grew up with him nearby. He was pretty much my dad.
@BarnBuster helped me out huge. He was able to get onto this military memorabilia collection forum for me, when i couldn't. The hardest forum to get onto i sware. BarnBuster shot the guy my email. I got my grandpas canteen right in front of me. The same canteen that must have left my grandpa when he was shot and captured in the Philippines. Crazy shit bro.
View attachment 4018536
75 yrs later, it's where it belongs.

Awesome news bro. I'm thrilled to hear you got it back.

@BarnBuster you rock man.
Stripped any salvagable parts from my mower not much some pulleys a few caster wheels some spindles the deck is in ok shape so ill save that too. I was kinda upset once I realized I wasnt able to put it out right away and it didnt explode haha. All this caused by some leaves getting stuck next to the muffler, awell lesson learned I guess just wish it hadnt been on a $10000 mower but thats what insurance is for i suppose
I just scored my grandpas ww2 canteen. I found it online typing in my grandpas name about 6 or so months ago.

Battle of Corregidor. Shot while captured. Death marched(while have been shot no shit.)
Pow for most of the war, one of the longest. I grew up with him nearby. He was pretty much my dad.
@BarnBuster helped me out huge. He was able to get onto this military memorabilia collection forum for me, when i couldn't. The hardest forum to get onto i sware. BarnBuster shot the guy my email. I got my grandpas canteen right in front of me. The same canteen that must have left my grandpa when he was shot and captured in the Philippines. Crazy shit bro.
View attachment 4018536
75 yrs later, it's where it belongs.

That's a fucking awesome story.

Many thanks to @Singlemalt too!
I had recruited him also to help me. @BarnBuster came through right when i was in the middle pm'ing singlmalt.
Both you guys are fucking awesome.
LOL singlemalt would have made him an offer he couldn't refuse! I'm glad BarnBuster was able to get it done for you. That is a wonderful story and something nice to pass along to your kid