What did you accomplish today?


Little bit on the extreme side.

I would bet money that if someone were to guide me I could do that surgery. I know that sounds cocky but I'm good with a blade or scalpel. That's not to mean I know what a Dr does.

I kind of meant within reason. Of course I let the Dr do the surgery.

Let me clarify. I will not pay someone to fix or repair anything mechanical or home repairs.

My wife's orthopedic surgeon uses about the same shit as I do . Lol
Probably keeps his stuff cleaner though.
We had a really good conversation about her first knee replacement, because he had to relocate the patella, all costume jointery he couldn't use any of his templates .
But I do hope my carpentry doesn't get as bloody as his . Just saying.
hope everyone is alright and they didnt get away with any of your shit

They got away with a craftsmen set and my big ass Milwaukee drill.....I got the other shit back....

I was leaving the families ranch and my elderly neighbor called .....which is fuckin random.....she asks if I had friends coming bye my house ....and before I can even answer she sees em start going through my Z and popping the tool box lid....so she starts panicking and I start haulin ass home trying to call my wife ((no answer))....takes me 2 minutes to get home tops ....my handicap sister sees me pull in hella fast opens the door crying and basically damn near having a seizure....she says a guy in a hat tried to open her door and they just took off with my things....I ran in to check my wife and baby ...they're asleep and safe so I grab the keys to my other car something else and start running to my car...neighbor flags me down and tells me ones wearing a blue shirt and grey hat......I get to the backside of my property and i see two dudes on bikes with backpacks jamming.....one peeled off through the neighbors lot but I was locked on dude with the grey hat ....I used my car to sandwich him between my car and my wall along my property line......so he's wedged in at this point.....jump out and it's like a 35 year old straight tweaker on a bike.....grabbed him by the back pack and jerked his ass off his bike .....only thing he's saying is NO please NO please I'm sorry I'm sorry..you can have your stuff sorry..I haven't even started on him yet....once I slam his ass on his back he knows what's about to happen ....I was straight man handling his ass with adrenaline dude....his last ditch effort was to scream Hector as loud as he could...I'm guessing that's his partner((who's gone))......fucker reached grabbed the collar of my T shirt ripping it ....So I drop a knee and start sockin his ass until I feel him loose his grip on me and my shirt ....then let him know he was caught because of a silent alarm and cameras at the house....and if I ever see him again It would be much worse .....I took his whole fuckin back pack and backed over his bike .....little did I know the neighbor had called Leo already....I went back to the house to make sure the other dude didn't double back or anything.....so a while later the cops
actually called my cell ....neighbor had given them my number .....long story short she gave a description and they found homeboy hobbling down the road and picked him up.....obviously he left out the part where him and his buddy stold my shit......so the sheriffs office obviously needed to see me face to face at this point ((GREAT))....so they roll up to the house and I explain to them what happen and they also meet my sister and talk to her .....I show them the cut lock on my box ...they see my ripped shirt and then I hand them his back pack with a pair of bolt cutters that were not mine inside....I told them he's lucky he didn't get shot trying to open doors ....one of the sheriffs replied ...he probably wishes he got shot rite now ...you messed him up pretty bad man ....((I thought fuck))....I went rite into defense mode saying my baby my wife my sis.........the cop actually stopped me mid sentence and said I totally understand you were acting in self defense on your own property....:shock: I felt the weight of the world get lifted off my shoulders when he said that ......so they took a report of what happen and what's still missing and arrested the dude I beat senseless .......so I'm left with a ripped shirt fucked up knuckles and a scratched and dented car from pinning a bicycle ........but family is safe and I can replace my tools .....

I'm more pissed about my hand being scratched up by tweaker teeth
:spew:It's soaking in peroxide
They got away with a craftsmen set and my big ass Milwaukee drill.....I got the other shit back....

I was leaving the families ranch and my elderly neighbor called .....which is fuckin random.....she asks if I had friends coming bye my house ....and before I can even answer she sees em start going through my Z and popping the tool box lid....so she starts panicking and I start haulin ass home trying to call my wife ((no answer))....takes me 2 minutes to get home tops ....my handicap sister sees me pull in hella fast opens the door crying and basically damn near having a seizure....she says a guy in a hat tried to open her door and they just took off with my things....I ran in to check my wife and baby ...they're asleep and safe so I grab the keys to my other car something else and start running to my car...neighbor flags me down and tells me ones wearing a blue shirt and grey hat......I get to the backside of my property and i see two dudes on bikes with backpacks jamming.....one peeled off through the neighbors lot but I was locked on dude with the grey hat ....I used my car to sandwich him between my car and my wall along my property line......so he's wedged in at this point.....jump out and it's like a 35 year old straight tweaker on a bike.....grabbed him by the back pack and jerked his ass off his bike .....only thing he's saying is NO please NO please I'm sorry I'm sorry..you can have your stuff sorry..I haven't even started on him yet....once I slam his ass on his back he knows what's about to happen ....I was straight man handling his ass with adrenaline dude....his last ditch effort was to scream Hector as loud as he could...I'm guessing that's his partner((who's gone))......fucker reached grabbed the collar of my T shirt ripping it ....So I drop a knee and start sockin his ass until I feel him loose his grip on me and my shirt ....then let him know he was caught because of a silent alarm and cameras at the house....and if I ever see him again It would be much worse .....I took his whole fuckin back pack and backed over his bike .....little did I know the neighbor had called Leo already....I went back to the house to make sure the other dude didn't double back or anything.....so a while later the cops
actually called my cell ....neighbor had given them my number .....long story short she gave a description and they found homeboy hobbling down the road and picked him up.....obviously he left out the part where him and his buddy stold my shit......so the sheriffs office obviously needed to see me face to face at this point ((GREAT))....so they roll up to the house and I explain to them what happen and they also meet my sister and talk to her .....I show them the cut lock on my box ...they see my ripped shirt and then I hand them his back pack with a pair of bolt cutters that were not mine inside....I told them he's lucky he didn't get shot trying to open doors ....one of the sheriffs replied ...he probably wishes he got shot rite now ...you messed him up pretty bad man ....((I thought fuck))....I went rite into defense mode saying my baby my wife my sis.........the cop actually stopped me mid sentence and said I totally understand you were acting in self defense on your own property....:shock: I felt the weight of the world get lifted off my shoulders when he said that ......so they took a report of what happen and what's still missing and arrested the dude I beat senseless .......so I'm left with a ripped shirt fucked up knuckles and a scratched and dented car from pinning a bicycle ........but family is safe and I can replace my tools .....

I'm more pissed about my hand being scratched up by tweaker teeth
:spew:It's soaking in peroxide
I am very glad you're all right and so is your family

Little bit on the extreme side.

I would bet money that if someone were to guide me I could do that surgery. I know that sounds cocky but I'm good with a blade or scalpel. That's not to mean I know what a Dr does.

I kind of meant within reason. Of course I let the Dr do the surgery.

Let me clarify. I will not pay someone to fix or repair anything mechanical or home repairs.
LOL you know me I have to talk smack! Surgery is actually relatively easy once you got the landmarks down.
I am very glad you're all right and so is your family

Thank you guys me to ....longest few minutes of my life not being able to get my wife on the phone....knowing there were guys basically taking my shit in broad daylight.....il be on edge a bit now ...ya never know what those type of people may do to retaliate......just glad it worked out the way it did ....my families safety is all I care about.....thanks again guys
They got away with a craftsmen set and my big ass Milwaukee drill.....I got the other shit back....

I was leaving the families ranch and my elderly neighbor called .....which is fuckin random.....she asks if I had friends coming bye my house ....and before I can even answer she sees em start going through my Z and popping the tool box lid....so she starts panicking and I start haulin ass home trying to call my wife ((no answer))....takes me 2 minutes to get home tops ....my handicap sister sees me pull in hella fast opens the door crying and basically damn near having a seizure....she says a guy in a hat tried to open her door and they just took off with my things....I ran in to check my wife and baby ...they're asleep and safe so I grab the keys to my other car something else and start running to my car...neighbor flags me down and tells me ones wearing a blue shirt and grey hat......I get to the backside of my property and i see two dudes on bikes with backpacks jamming.....one peeled off through the neighbors lot but I was locked on dude with the grey hat ....I used my car to sandwich him between my car and my wall along my property line......so he's wedged in at this point.....jump out and it's like a 35 year old straight tweaker on a bike.....grabbed him by the back pack and jerked his ass off his bike .....only thing he's saying is NO please NO please I'm sorry I'm sorry..you can have your stuff sorry..I haven't even started on him yet....once I slam his ass on his back he knows what's about to happen ....I was straight man handling his ass with adrenaline dude....his last ditch effort was to scream Hector as loud as he could...I'm guessing that's his partner((who's gone))......fucker reached grabbed the collar of my T shirt ripping it ....So I drop a knee and start sockin his ass until I feel him loose his grip on me and my shirt ....then let him know he was caught because of a silent alarm and cameras at the house....and if I ever see him again It would be much worse .....I took his whole fuckin back pack and backed over his bike .....little did I know the neighbor had called Leo already....I went back to the house to make sure the other dude didn't double back or anything.....so a while later the cops
actually called my cell ....neighbor had given them my number .....long story short she gave a description and they found homeboy hobbling down the road and picked him up.....obviously he left out the part where him and his buddy stold my shit......so the sheriffs office obviously needed to see me face to face at this point ((GREAT))....so they roll up to the house and I explain to them what happen and they also meet my sister and talk to her .....I show them the cut lock on my box ...they see my ripped shirt and then I hand them his back pack with a pair of bolt cutters that were not mine inside....I told them he's lucky he didn't get shot trying to open doors ....one of the sheriffs replied ...he probably wishes he got shot rite now ...you messed him up pretty bad man ....((I thought fuck))....I went rite into defense mode saying my baby my wife my sis.........the cop actually stopped me mid sentence and said I totally understand you were acting in self defense on your own property....:shock: I felt the weight of the world get lifted off my shoulders when he said that ......so they took a report of what happen and what's still missing and arrested the dude I beat senseless .......so I'm left with a ripped shirt fucked up knuckles and a scratched and dented car from pinning a bicycle ........but family is safe and I can replace my tools .....

I'm more pissed about my hand being scratched up by tweaker teeth
:spew:It's soaking in peroxide
Tweaker herpes.. gross. Glad you're all good man. Tools are replaceable.. your family and your freedom are not. Also glad they didn't steal your Fuck

I'm more pissed about my hand being scratched up by tweaker teeth
:spew:It's soaking in peroxide
Call your doctor first thing in the morning. Depending on your definition of scratch, a tetanus booster may not be a bad idea. Further prophylactic antibiotics are occasionally recommended. He may want testing depending on the wound and the assailant would need to be in custody for that to be done.

Damn I'm sorry inda.
Easy really, so do they just go to school all those years to learn how to pronounce all them big words, damn I knew it.

If it wasn't for Dr's who would us Carpenters take advantage of ? :bigjoint:
LOL Easy is a relative term, it's certainly easier than biochemistry (the only class I never understood a word of), and much easier than endrocrinology etc...
LOL Easy is a relative term, it's certainly easier than biochemistry (the only class I never understood a word of), and much easier than endrocrinology etc...

Yeah, I was just taking shit . It is easy to say but I couldn't do it. I respect those who put the effort in studies to make it to graduate. And no more time than a Dr has with a patient before giving a diagnosis, it's really got to be an educated guess ( for lack of a better term ) . If I am designing an addition or costume remodel of a house I to send a few hours to get to know the folks and their taste. What does a Dr have 5 minutes and he/she is taking notes , probably never even looks up from the tablet, it can't be easy.
They got away with a craftsmen set and my big ass Milwaukee drill.....I got the other shit back....

I was leaving the families ranch and my elderly neighbor called .....which is fuckin random.....she asks if I had friends coming bye my house ....and before I can even answer she sees em start going through my Z and popping the tool box lid....so she starts panicking and I start haulin ass home trying to call my wife ((no answer))....takes me 2 minutes to get home tops ....my handicap sister sees me pull in hella fast opens the door crying and basically damn near having a seizure....she says a guy in a hat tried to open her door and they just took off with my things....I ran in to check my wife and baby ...they're asleep and safe so I grab the keys to my other car something else and start running to my car...neighbor flags me down and tells me ones wearing a blue shirt and grey hat......I get to the backside of my property and i see two dudes on bikes with backpacks jamming.....one peeled off through the neighbors lot but I was locked on dude with the grey hat ....I used my car to sandwich him between my car and my wall along my property line......so he's wedged in at this point.....jump out and it's like a 35 year old straight tweaker on a bike.....grabbed him by the back pack and jerked his ass off his bike .....only thing he's saying is NO please NO please I'm sorry I'm sorry..you can have your stuff sorry..I haven't even started on him yet....once I slam his ass on his back he knows what's about to happen ....I was straight man handling his ass with adrenaline dude....his last ditch effort was to scream Hector as loud as he could...I'm guessing that's his partner((who's gone))......fucker reached grabbed the collar of my T shirt ripping it ....So I drop a knee and start sockin his ass until I feel him loose his grip on me and my shirt ....then let him know he was caught because of a silent alarm and cameras at the house....and if I ever see him again It would be much worse .....I took his whole fuckin back pack and backed over his bike .....little did I know the neighbor had called Leo already....I went back to the house to make sure the other dude didn't double back or anything.....so a while later the cops
actually called my cell ....neighbor had given them my number .....long story short she gave a description and they found homeboy hobbling down the road and picked him up.....obviously he left out the part where him and his buddy stold my shit......so the sheriffs office obviously needed to see me face to face at this point ((GREAT))....so they roll up to the house and I explain to them what happen and they also meet my sister and talk to her .....I show them the cut lock on my box ...they see my ripped shirt and then I hand them his back pack with a pair of bolt cutters that were not mine inside....I told them he's lucky he didn't get shot trying to open doors ....one of the sheriffs replied ...he probably wishes he got shot rite now ...you messed him up pretty bad man ....((I thought fuck))....I went rite into defense mode saying my baby my wife my sis.........the cop actually stopped me mid sentence and said I totally understand you were acting in self defense on your own property....:shock: I felt the weight of the world get lifted off my shoulders when he said that ......so they took a report of what happen and what's still missing and arrested the dude I beat senseless .......so I'm left with a ripped shirt fucked up knuckles and a scratched and dented car from pinning a bicycle ........but family is safe and I can replace my tools .....

I'm more pissed about my hand being scratched up by tweaker teeth
:spew:It's soaking in peroxide

Sounds like a normal California day.
LOL you know me I have to talk smack! Surgery is actually relatively easy once you got the landmarks down.
I was going to ask you if you can teach me how to be a surgeon. I've seen alot of grays anatomy so I'm not completely green.
Thank you guys me to ....longest few minutes of my life not being able to get my wife on the phone....knowing there were guys basically taking my shit in broad daylight.....il be on edge a bit now ...ya never know what those type of people may do to retaliate......just glad it worked out the way it did ....my families safety is all I care about.....thanks again guys
Your wife got a gun and know how to shoot?

A home defense Remington 870 with 18 barrel is nice. Low recoil 00 buck shot with a nice spread.

I know it hard to think about but out in the country that's the way it is.

I'm glad everyone is ok.

One of those 4 camera dvr setups from harbor freight might deter people if they see the cameras.
They got away with a craftsmen set and my big ass Milwaukee drill.....I got the other shit back....

I was leaving the families ranch and my elderly neighbor called .....which is fuckin random.....she asks if I had friends coming bye my house ....and before I can even answer she sees em start going through my Z and popping the tool box lid....so she starts panicking and I start haulin ass home trying to call my wife ((no answer))....takes me 2 minutes to get home tops ....my handicap sister sees me pull in hella fast opens the door crying and basically damn near having a seizure....she says a guy in a hat tried to open her door and they just took off with my things....I ran in to check my wife and baby ...they're asleep and safe so I grab the keys to my other car something else and start running to my car...neighbor flags me down and tells me ones wearing a blue shirt and grey hat......I get to the backside of my property and i see two dudes on bikes with backpacks jamming.....one peeled off through the neighbors lot but I was locked on dude with the grey hat ....I used my car to sandwich him between my car and my wall along my property line......so he's wedged in at this point.....jump out and it's like a 35 year old straight tweaker on a bike.....grabbed him by the back pack and jerked his ass off his bike .....only thing he's saying is NO please NO please I'm sorry I'm sorry..you can have your stuff sorry..I haven't even started on him yet....once I slam his ass on his back he knows what's about to happen ....I was straight man handling his ass with adrenaline dude....his last ditch effort was to scream Hector as loud as he could...I'm guessing that's his partner((who's gone))......fucker reached grabbed the collar of my T shirt ripping it ....So I drop a knee and start sockin his ass until I feel him loose his grip on me and my shirt ....then let him know he was caught because of a silent alarm and cameras at the house....and if I ever see him again It would be much worse .....I took his whole fuckin back pack and backed over his bike .....little did I know the neighbor had called Leo already....I went back to the house to make sure the other dude didn't double back or anything.....so a while later the cops
actually called my cell ....neighbor had given them my number .....long story short she gave a description and they found homeboy hobbling down the road and picked him up.....obviously he left out the part where him and his buddy stold my shit......so the sheriffs office obviously needed to see me face to face at this point ((GREAT))....so they roll up to the house and I explain to them what happen and they also meet my sister and talk to her .....I show them the cut lock on my box ...they see my ripped shirt and then I hand them his back pack with a pair of bolt cutters that were not mine inside....I told them he's lucky he didn't get shot trying to open doors ....one of the sheriffs replied ...he probably wishes he got shot rite now ...you messed him up pretty bad man ....((I thought fuck))....I went rite into defense mode saying my baby my wife my sis.........the cop actually stopped me mid sentence and said I totally understand you were acting in self defense on your own property....:shock: I felt the weight of the world get lifted off my shoulders when he said that ......so they took a report of what happen and what's still missing and arrested the dude I beat senseless .......so I'm left with a ripped shirt fucked up knuckles and a scratched and dented car from pinning a bicycle ........but family is safe and I can replace my tools .....

I'm more pissed about my hand being scratched up by tweaker teeth
:spew:It's soaking in peroxide
Good to hear you and the family are good Inda. A bit of advice: find out all you can on Hector's compadre and even Hector if possible. Data is always useful