Today was domestic day. My task was to clean and vacuum the floors.
The mood had changed by the time I got to the bedroom.
When the job was done I looked back over my work and was pleased with myself.

That's when I heard "Did you vacuum under the bed?"

"The dogs go under there several times a day, they keep it clean."
She informed me "NO. It doesn't work that way"
So I go back and check under the bed. I found 2 storage bins, 1 empty, a dust bunny
the size of Rhode Island, a power cord for an electric blanket that had been thrown
away 3 years ago and $.23 cents. The big score was finding socks, several in fact.
Of course they did not match, but I knew where to find a mate for each.
I always buy socks in bulk and always from the same manufacture. So when one gets lost
I may never even notice and if one gets a hole in it I just throw it out, knowing that there is a drawer
full of mates in the dresser. Win Win.