What did you see first?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
The crickets sound like my grow room right now. I'm such a sucker. I brought a dying praying mantis in from the cold and started buying her crickets. Sadly, a few may have escaped LOL. So I keep her and the feeder crickets in a little insect box and I know she's hungry when she goes to the bottom to watch the crickets in the bin below her. She laid 2 oothecas! I'll have to get them outside to continue her line.

I'm torn between hers and the original. I like the song.


Well-Known Member
The crickets sound like my grow room right now. I'm such a sucker. I brought a dying praying mantis in from the cold and started buying her crickets. Sadly, a few may have escaped LOL. So I keep her and the feeder crickets in a little insect box and I know she's hungry when she goes to the bottom to watch the crickets in the bin below her. She laid 2 oothecas! I'll have to get them outside to continue her line.

I'm torn between hers and the original. I like the song.
Any pics. I hatched some once, but they didn't like the environment in my house. Probably since it's like 10% RH, and I didn't make a special home for them. I think they might have liked a bowl of water or something too to drink.




Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Any pics. I hatched some once, but they didn't like the environment in my house. Probably since it's like 10% RH, and I didn't make a special home for them. I think they might have liked a bowl of water or something too to drink.

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Yeah it's not the humidity it's their ravenous cannabilism . You gotta set those bitches free or they eat each other. Humidity only determines shell hardness, not assholery ;D

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
Mating is usually terminal for the male.
Score one for the boys

The most incredible and interesting insects. I have tons in my backyard year after year. Call me crazy. But I take such fragile care with them. Keeping them fed with my garden. I’m sure I’d have tons of bad insects if it not for them.
They are awesome- you're lucky, I don't see them very often here