What do I place my plant in while cleaning my DWC every week?


I recently switched from super soil to hydro and am currently running a 5 gallon bucket DWC with a 5 plus watt air pump with stone and a water chiller keeping the water between 67-69 degrees at all times. When I went to clean my bucket after week one, I set my net pot with my plant inside of it on an empty CLEAN bucket but it had no water in it. Needless to say when I returned nearly an hour later, the plant had already started to show stress signs from not having enough water. What could I place the plant in while I clean my DWC bucket every 7 days? Just water ph'd or what? Any information would be super helpful! Stay safe!
I honestly just set it in an empty bucket. Takes 5 to 10 minutes to get a new bucket ready and shouldn't do any harm during that time of just hanging in the air.
Yeah but I have my water filter hoses running in through the side so I normally have to undo everything and and clean the tubing on the chiller air tube etc so it’s always at least a 30 min process for me minimum unless I prep another bucket to be ready with the same hole structure for the tubes Thanks for your comment and help!
Water chiller hoses**
Yeah but I have my water filter hoses running in through the side so I normally have to undo everything and and clean the tubing on the chiller air tube etc so it’s always at least a 30 min process for me minimum unless I prep another bucket to be ready with the same hole structure for the tubes Thanks for your comment and help!
I've done around 50 DWC grows with multiple plants in Rubbermaid tubs and never once cleaned my tubs . . . ever. The only time they might get a clean tub during the grow was if I switched up to a larger tub after the stretch. Once I started going the whole grow without ever changing nutes and getting the same good results I just started with the 50L tubs and cleaned it once the plants were cropped. Unless I was going to reveg the plants then I might drain half the nutes and freshen up with some Grow based AN.

Weekly changes and/or cleaning is just freakin' anal. Or OCD then have at 'er. Too much like work for me.

I never cleaned my bucket either. I scrog, so once that netting is in place, the bucket, plant, and all, stayed in place until harvest. I only topped up when low, and changed out nutrient solution once a week.
Uhm, mix new solution in a separate bucket, ph etc. move plant to new bucket? rinse repeat?

For my larger tanks, i mix all the solution in a trash can, drain the tanks, rinse with plain tap water to get any residual out, then refill. I use the water indicator hose to drain mine. Just turn it to the side
I was going to add it today since the roots just started really stretching down

Fill it to overfill as any light leak is going to get algae growing in the bucket and root rot will soon follow. I always used 35% peroxide at 0.5ml/L twice a week before I made a chiller out of an old water cooler and fountain pump and could keep the temps between 65 - 68F. I never covered the tops of the Rubbermaid tubs with anything and never got algae growth. You can even wrap electrical tape around the outside of the net pot to cover the top half of the holes for even better light blocking. Best to do that before installing a plant in it but still doable.


Fill it to overfill as any light leak is going to get algae growing in the bucket and root rot will soon follow. I always used 35% peroxide at 0.5ml/L twice a week before I made a chiller out of an old water cooler and fountain pump and could keep the temps between 65 - 68F. I never covered the tops of the Rubbermaid tubs with anything and never got algae growth. You can even wrap electrical tape around the outside of the net pot to cover the top half of the holes for even better light blocking. Best to do that before installing a plant in it but still doable.

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Gooddddd gracious that’s beautiful!!!! The only thing I’m running into is my ppms are low. It’s currently day 10 since sprouting and I changed the water and went to week 2 feed with nutrients but my ppms have dropped from 250-275 to 150 in 3 days. I’m afraid to top up with water and not sure about topping up with nutes. Any recommendations? I change the water every week so just curious on what you think! Thanks again!
Gooddddd gracious that’s beautiful!!!! The only thing I’m running into is my ppms are low. It’s currently day 10 since sprouting and I changed the water and went to week 2 feed with nutrients but my ppms have dropped from 250-275 to 150 in 3 days. I’m afraid to top up with water and not sure about topping up with nutes. Any recommendations? I change the water every week so just curious on what you think! Thanks again!
What nutes you using?