What do this look like????


Active Member
GDG_label.jpg gonna use these nutes, havn't feed them anything yet, my soil is vitamix-pro some good stuff i found out when i looked it up on the web page for it


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This is the soil im using' om the web page this is what it said,
made by holland hydroponics
Lightweight mix based on a tried and tested forula of top quality peat and screened spagnum moss with added wetting agents and vitacell. Vitacell is a foamed aminoplast resin that is fully biodegradable and increases air space and drainage in the substra without scrificing water-holding capacity. Vitamix-pro boosts root vitality and promotes the production of bigger harvests.
This is the soil im using, the guy in the hydro shop said that its got hardly anything init' i was on about how my last soil burned my plants and thats why he said to use this stuff, its good to


You have to be patient, after doing what I said just wait for the new growth, the instructions I gave you was a few day process...the first 24 hrs was only part of the remedy. Please don't do anything else for the sake of your plants, if you do too much they will die. I know it's hard not to, I have done it myself, you are loving your plants to death....literally. When they are that small all they need is good water, and VERY VERY VERY little food. I really hope it works out, nobody knows everything so if there is any advice out there other than adding more nutes please help this guy out. I am out of ideas. Good Luck!


Active Member
You have to be patient, after doing what I said just wait for the new growth, the instructions I gave you was a few day process...the first 24 hrs was only part of the remedy. Please don't do anything else for the sake of your plants, if you do too much they will die. I know it's hard not to, I have done it myself, you are loving your plants to death....literally. When they are that small all they need is good water, and VERY VERY VERY little food. I really hope it works out, nobody knows everything so if there is any advice out there other than adding more nutes please help this guy out. I am out of ideas. Good Luck!
I flushed them yesterday like you said and dont worry im not doing anything else to them' i thought that i had some hydrgen peroxide here, got epsom salts' i flushed yesterday with alot of ph'd water, no nutes' what shall i do today feed with 1/4 nutes?


Well-Known Member
Dude your gonna love your plants to death, just feed them and then let them grow... I understand you wanna take the best care of them as possible but sometimes you can love them to death.. KISS keep it simple stoner


Active Member
Thanks max, i flushed them yesterday and told to leaves for 24hrs which ive done, i made the guys mix up without the peroxide coz havn't got any and i just fed them, i gave them 700ppm's and now ill sit back and wait' thats alright for first fed max?


Active Member
the nutes i used max wasn't the ones in the pic, 7-7-7 with micro nutes, shall do my friend and max thanks again man, scunk


Active Member
Thanks man thats not only nice to know its reassuring at the same time to know other good people like your good self. scunk


We are all in this thing together, you are never alone. I think that you now have a good foundation of knowledge to work from and will be doing better than us, actually, don't do better than me...I'll get depressed...lol


Active Member
We are all in this thing together, you are never alone. I think that you now have a good foundation of knowledge to work from and will be doing better than us, actually, don't do better than me...I'll get depressed...lol
I wish i could do as good as your self and max, plus everyone else on here who know what they are on about, im not saying that everyone on the site dont know what they are talking about' its just some know more than others. i did the same with my mother northern lights and after the flush the day later the leaves were just laying out flat loving the enviroment. with my seedling and clone i fed them 1/4 nutes, gave them 700ppms and epsom salt in the microwave like you said but the only peroxide i got here is the stuff for hairand i didnt know if what else is in with it would kill mt plants so i didnt put any in.
Anyway my friend thanks so much dude scunk,


Active Member
I went and checked my plants today and they are starting to turn white, along the margins/tips, i did what the guy said and now my plants are not doing well at all.