What Do You Believe?


Well-Known Member
here it is again, the expert that has been in the field for 11 days, that has spent 1-2 hours during that time reading some retarded magazine, youtube vid or some ebay report is giving us the live true feed.
wow really what your saying is spot on, really you should be awarded the best reporter on earth.

how many years have you spent living in the middle east for? im sorry what did you say? 0
how many years have you spent studying religions? 0
what do you know about why people are blowing themselves up? 0
where did you get your really acurate information from? ur behind.

you must have been that kid at school that acted like he knew it all and lied all the time, but everyone new about it. actually ur still that kid. {and i know about it.}

Never been to the middle east, but guess what, I live in America where we enjoy this device called the internet that enables me to actually look up the shit I'm interested in, which would include, wouldn't ya know it! Middle eastern affairs, world politics, history, religion, etc.

I've spent 4 years studying religions, mostly Christianity, but I've also touched on Judaism, Islam, a little bit of Buddhism and a little bit of Hinduism.

How bout you tell me why you think Muslim extremists are blowing themselves up, lets start there...



Well-Known Member
Well brotha! The whole blowing them selves up is an EFFECT of religion. Religion in its principles are not applicable till death. Sadly, and mostly based on ignorrance...extremist seem to think RELIGION matters RIGHT NOW....but in most religion...none of it matters till death...Its cool we can be civilized and have a debate...but I think really...when it comes to debating religion...it just seems like such a pointless battle. Let those who wish to believe ...believe...and those who dont should not have to deal with those seeking to convert people all in the name sake of a "god" they havent met yet :)

Peace, Love, and Happiness

Dude, I think your positive attitude is seepin' through the net lol it's infecting me!

Why argue about it right? Thanks for your posts man, changed my mood completely around.

The Potologist

Active Member

Dude, I think your positive attitude is seepin' through the net lol it's infecting me!

Why argue about it right? Thanks for your posts man, changed my mood completely around.
Hey Hey that bong does work after all :) Thanks for the kind words brotha :) I try to always demonstrate what I believe in the most PEACE< LOVE< AND HAPPINESS :) Bongs to you !


Active Member
Religion in its principles are not applicable till death.
I think while the ultimate goal is not achieved until death, religion provides philosophies, principles, and rules for people to live by become a better person because of those philosophies, etc. But it is also a way for people to manipulate and control others. Religion brings people together and divides them. Or is it the individual hubris and bull headedness doing the dividing and not religions. A lot of people focus too much on what divides instead of the uniting factors. It&#8217;s like Bruce Lee said in Enter the Dragon: It is like a finger pointing a way to the moon. Don&#8217;t concentrate on the finger or you&#8217;ll miss all that heavenly glory&#8221;

when it comes to debating religion...it just seems like such a pointless battle.
The pointless battle is debating with those who agree with you. I mean in most cases no one changes their mind but hopefully each side has a better understanding of themselves and the other side.


Well-Known Member
I wish it was that easy potologist... the problem with that is that it all does very much matter while we're still alive because religious fanatics are blowing people up every single day because of their religion and people are being denied equal opportunities and equal rights because of their religion.
let's see now. it seems people are being blown up over money, land, power, ideological differences and a host of other equally nonsensical reasons. our opportunities and rights are being denied because of political opportunism, differing appearance, alternative attitudes and a raft of other petty excuses. what is it about religion, among all of man's other endeavors, that makes it so deserving of your scorn?


Well-Known Member
let's see now. it seems people are being blown up over money, land, power, ideological differences and a host of other equally nonsensical reasons. our opportunities and rights are being denied because of political opportunism, differing appearance, alternative attitudes and a raft of other petty excuses. what is it about religion, among all of man's other endeavors, that makes it so deserving of your scorn?
It's false hope, it sells a faulty product to people who are too naive, gullible, emotional, or weak to see it for what it actually is. It demands things that go against equality, freedom and human nature. It holds humanity back in countless different ways, it divides cultures..

I could go on, but you get the point right?

Most other modern issues seem to stem directly or indirectly from organized religion.

The Potologist

Active Member
I think while the ultimate goal is not achieved until death, religion provides philosophies, principles, and rules for people to live by become a better person because of those philosophies, etc. But it is also a way for people to manipulate and control others. Religion brings people together and divides them. Or is it the individual hubris and bull headedness doing the dividing and not religions. A lot of people focus too much on what divides instead of the uniting factors. It&#8217;s like Bruce Lee said in Enter the Dragon: It is like a finger pointing a way to the moon. Don&#8217;t concentrate on the finger or you&#8217;ll miss all that heavenly glory&#8221;

Great points! I still stand with my side :) While religion may provide what you stated, I think LIFE is a one shot deal. I got one to live...thats it. I have no interest in wasting it on religion :) Just a personal choice.

@Undertheice Why do I scorn just religion?.....well the thread is about religion...not about all the other stuff. If this thread wanted my opinion on all that I would voice it, but its all about religious beliefe in this thread. But to answer you question more directly...What makes religion so deserving of scorn ?? ITS THE NUMBER ONE KILLER OF HUMANS...need I say more? I think we should re evealuate the number one killer amongst mankind...so is it deserving of scorn....ya id say so...but I dont expect everyone to see it that way :)

If I happen to miss all that heavenly glory...its was on purpose...You can keep it all for yourself. :) I have no use for concentrating my one and only life on lies ( IMO). I have done enough studying and been through enough education to make my own decision. Heaven....RIIIIGHHHHTTTT.....:)

Peace, Love, and Happiness

The Potologist

Active Member
It's false hope, it sells a faulty product to people who are too naive, gullible, emotional, or weak to see it for what it actually is. It demands things that go against equality, freedom and human nature. It holds humanity back in countless different ways, it divides cultures..

I could go on, but you get the point right?

Most other modern issues seem to stem directly or indirectly from organized religion.
Great points, all which are FACTS. Although, I tend to believe that the religious tend to ignore the obvious for their own selfish interest in still being "accepted" in whatever religious cult. Nobody wants to lose their chance at heaven ya know man...HEY, which way is heaven by the way...have u been there???? I havent...when can I get a tour...should I just call?? I mean its real right...or should I just have faith and it appears??? FUck this is so confusing...I want to get there...maybe I will go see a deacon..IM SURE HEEE WILL LEAD ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTIOn....AHAHAHAHAH AHAHHAHAAHAH ( really evil laugh) AHAHAHAHHAHAHA


Well-Known Member
First off, this is my last reply to you as if u think that ur smart,cunning and able to duck behind your replies your wrong.those following might not notice this and that, but i do and your not fooling anyone but urself.
lets see what the thread is about again so i can refresh your memory.
What do you believe?

Does it seem like the more intelligent an individual is, the more inclined they are to turn to atheism? Do people use science and their own logic as proof that God does not exist? Does it seem like people will base their beliefs on other people's words? Do we try to find truth that will conveniently fit our wish of the universe?
I just want to know the range of thoughts out there, and how distant our beliefs are. I dont like to see anyone flaming or regurgitating religious facts. I just want to know. What do you believe and hold dear to the deepest part of your cerebral cortex?
first off, you either have not even read what the thread is about and u just thought it would be an opportunity to be a hater, or if you have, it means ur a complete retard.
at first i thought you were islamophobic, but iv come to realise that ur really just religionphobic {if i can say that}. you need to figure out what happend to you when you were a kid/teen that made u hate it like that. i dont wanna know, this is for u to figure out. and please dont reply to this.
ill start from your old thread and work my way to ur ending in this thread.
this is my post after i answerd your questions in your thread, about isalm {the so called religion u had and still have no clue about and i highly doubt uv opened the bible before either}:
"i would love to go deeper on the subject but i dont think it has a place here."
{as you can see i did not want to go deeper on the subject so i made it clear}.
here is another post of mine while dealing with that other guy on ur same thread:
Lol or maybe he didnt.

Maybe you have no clue wt ur talkin about, what ever slight "insight" u gave is the insight of ur "Complete Ignorance" on the subject and nothing more, and now dont go and watch a few youtube videos and come back trying to be smart.
i wont go further as i was following the topic and not trying to get into a completely different debate and hijack the thread.

"I'm no expert on Islam myself
"I have no ideawhat dickdasterdly is talking about with the science thing",
i mean really, do i have to explain to you what your saying???

"basically take the bad guys from the bible and they are portrayed as good and vice versa
"for the most part from what I have read it's basically the same idea."
No1 leaves a religion to another religion if it was "BASICALLY THE SAME" u fool.
What most part? i doubt uv read the most part of ur 9th grade exam let alone the "most part" of the Bible or Quran for that matter.
You must be one of those geniuses to have figured those 2 out.

P.s. re-read your post and try and spot the major contradiction inside it.

then another person suggested the below and i replied in the following way:
there is no need to fight for such a minute reason. but by all means "hijack" this thread if it involves informing us on the muslim religion, this is just another religion fueled debate thread anyway =p
not fighting just putting the facts forward.
Really i would love to, but ill opt out on this, it will take loads out of my time to explain. iv already done that in Attention Atheist thread so im not looking do that again.

They say : you can take a horse to water but you cant force him to drink.
I Say: you shouldn't need to take a horse to water in the first place, if he's thirsty then even if you throw him in a desert he will use his "Instincts" to find it, and even if he doesn't he will die trying.

I hope that makes sense to you, im trying to be clear
Clearly you know that i am not looking to get into a debate or an argument or and explanation in this thread or any other and im definately not trying to convert anyone, u knew that from ur thread but ur still insisting for some reason and throwing out this and that and trying to be smart, do i really make u itch that much? amazing.
clearly the thread we are in now is pretty clear, which is the only reason i thought id write my point of view since it wasnt a debate or argument etc...
Yeah, because you can't respond to any of the points I made. Admit it, if you could you would have without any complaints.
lool, admit it! i admit, ohhh what can i do im so weak and powerless and ur so witty, smart and well informed.

And yeah, it's your belief but you're sitting here making claims of fact based on the foundation of Islam, which isn't fact.
We already know what you believe, it's your job to defend it with logic and reason, not retell it over and over again claiming "this is only my belief", because you wouldn't be in here talking about it for only that reason, and you admitted as much in the last post. So what's the point?
you know nothing of what i believe, and whos we? lol.
its my job to defend it from who? you ? HAHAHA-
i defend myself i dont need to defend my religion and it does not need me to protect or defend it.
yes i would be here talking about it for only that reason as u fully well know that im not interested in any other reason.
i admitted much in the last post for the only point, which is the threads point. you know the point u dont seem to catch cuz ur all up in da mix.

Come back with something of substance and it might warrant a better reply.
im not looking for a reply from you and i never have, i was showing u that ur a lier thats all and i definately am not looking to provide u with anything of any substance, just smacking this flee off my back.
And drop the arrogant tone in your posts, is that necessary?
Do i become arrogant if iv got 10's of years of live, untamperd, true and honest research about the subject.? not to mention living in and around the middle east for 14 years and speaking arabic fluently. and i wasnt living in no hotel room either little boy.
But you on the other hand have had a couple of hours max of study on islam since 11 days ago, then what do you become? A RETARD {and dont go denying that u know about it as its right in ur posts that i posted on page 9 and its clearer than day light and if u did research since 11 days ago then ur more of a retard today then you were 11 days ago, good job sunny}
btw at the end of my first post there is this paragraph:
This is not intended to fuel dynamite, its a reply to what the topic is about not an argument.
REPLY TO WHAT THE TOPIC IS ABOUT NOT AN ARGUMENT. {just incase you missed it above}
later when i expossed your lies and hate, to urself i said the following too:
"this shit is just too complicated to understand, so you just have to take my word for it"
can u show me where u quoted that from? im sorry i couldnt find it in my post, u must be seeing things.{im waiting for copy paste}
{which i didnt get obviously}
go back to the post and copy and paste where i said. "they should automatically deserve respect".{ill be waiting for a copy paste of that too}
{which i didnt get either}
you keep asking me to show you this and that, lol what a guy. for the last time, I DONT NEED TO SHOW YOU ANYTHING, you believe your right then right on sunshine :) no problem here.
{but since we have established that your english is rubbish u obviously didnt understand that and still insisted in ur later posts}
{but u still didnt understand that either}.
then i replied to some one else after my post:
no negativity here, i wrote my point of view, i made sure i made it clear that it was my own point of view and that im not starting an argument or debate and i even did that in his thread and made it clear. i didnt not threaten or ask ny1 to believe in what i do, but some want to make attacks for no valid reason.{which ur still doing lol, see the problem is in ur english or ur brain}
and even worse present information which is rubbish especially when they know that they have no knowledge about the sub...
i have no problem with the guy, i just showed him what he had done so he can notice his actions before jumping in the wrong manner the next time, since he says he has control over himself.
Never been to the middle east, but guess what, I live in America where we enjoy this device called the internet that enables me to actually look up the shit I'm interested in, which would include, wouldn't ya know it! Middle eastern affairs, world politics, history, religion, etc.

I've spent 4 years studying religions, mostly Christianity, but I've also touched on Judaism, Islam, a little bit of Buddhism and a little bit of Hinduism.

How bout you tell me why you think Muslim extremists are blowing themselves up, lets start there...
lol so uv never been to the middle east, u used the internet since 11 days till now to look up islam and middle eastern affairs and i doubt uv spent 4 days studying urself let alone 4 years studing christianity. u must be one of those guys that picks up one of those little leaflets explaining sumthing in like 2 pages and busts into the world feeling like a mint leaf of enlightenment. lol PATHETICCC.
btw u need to study a little bit more about how using the internet is different in the US than it is in europe and the middle east. especially on middle eastern affairs that ur an expert in. lol.
why u asking me why bro, u know it all man, you know the interenet n shizel, google n bizel.. deal with it one time.
Your like a theif that gets caught red handed but still says it wasnt me, only its lieing ur practicing and not stealing.
u need some anger managment, and u need to sort urself out little boy.
lol im going to wait for ur reply to see if ur going to ask me again to provide you with this and that or to defend myself. not to mention i want to see how ur going to continue claiming u know it all about islam/christianity/middle eastern affairs and that ur 11 days of research is the pinacle of enlightenment. + i can wait for u to tell me to "admit it" n how i cant reply to you because i have no "substance".
iv got a business oportunity for you, maybe you should put ur 11 day internet research program on paper, patent it then sell it to all the media/news stations around the world. can u imagine how long the Q would be? i mean u would have every station in the world begging for ur special techniques. they wouldnt have to send another reporter abroad to research or cover an event ever again. think of how much savings u would make them, plane tickets, co2 omissions etc... etc... etc... can i have 1% share for providing u with the idea? pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.
can u forward me the technique as it would be saving me alot of money and travel and hassel. i promiss i wont give it to anyone else.
alllll breeze chat.
and pop goes the weasel.


Well-Known Member
ill bail out of this thread because im very scared and iv been exposed and uv destroyed my religion piece by piece. :( {Snif.Snif}. try and refer to my horse story, it might help u figure it all out.

where did all the honest people go?
has anyone seen tweety?


Well-Known Member
Great points, all which are FACTS. Although, I tend to believe that the religious tend to ignore the obvious for their own selfish interest in still being "accepted" in whatever religious cult. Nobody wants to lose their chance at heaven ya know man...HEY, which way is heaven by the way...have u been there???? I havent...when can I get a tour...should I just call?? I mean its real right...or should I just have faith and it appears??? FUck this is so confusing...I want to get there...maybe I will go see a deacon..IM SURE HEEE WILL LEAD ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTIOn....AHAHAHAHAH AHAHHAHAAHAH ( really evil laugh) AHAHAHAHHAHAHA
I think after giving it a little heavy thought, the idea of heaven doesn't really sound that great...

Sure, the first thousand years would be THE SHIT! But what about ten thousand, one hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, a million, a BILLION years? I think even with access to literally everything, it would all lose it's appeal eventually. Maybe that's just me though..

To carry on potologists positive vibe I'm only responding to the stupidest of the stupid of your GIGANTIC redundant unnecessary reply dd666. Perhaps you should take note and do the same thing if you decide to reply back. (cuz we both know you're going to, why kid yourself?)

I'll disregard the insults, I'll forget about the condescending tone coupled with the self righteous arrogance only believers can offer. Lets just see what you actually... said..

at first i thought you were islamophobic, but iv come to realise that ur really just religionphobic {if i can say that}.

Not the first time someone has accused me of that, though it's not really "religionphobic" so much as "ignorancephobic". See, your religion, Islam, along with the other two Abrahamic religions are filled with inaccuracies. That fact can't be denied, it's right there in black and white. The inaccuracies make people living around me and out in the real world believe C R A Z Y S H I T.

Take the stupid shit out of your religion and replace it with real, true facts compiled by using the scientific method and you wouldn't hear a fuckin' peep from me.

{the so called religion u had and still have no clue about and i highly doubt uv opened the bible before either}

I don't know a goddamn thing about Islam, except that it means "submit" and that it's just as oppressive (if not more) and mind shackling than the rest. You're not special, neither is Islam. I'm sorry to break it to you, but get over it.

im not looking for a reply from you and i never have, i was showing u that ur a lier thats all and i definately am not looking to provide u with anything of any substance, just smacking this flee off my back.

Time to put up or shut the fuck up dd666. What have I lied about?

Do i become arrogant if iv got 10's of years of live, untamperd, true and honest research about the subject.? not to mention living in and around the middle east for 14 years and speaking arabic fluently. and i wasnt living in no hotel room either little boy.

You are a dishonest person if you can sit there and say you did "true and honest research" and are a Muslim. If you came to that conclusion of our reality based on your own observations, you are ignorant of scientific achievements, ignorant of some of the most important philosophies of all time and ignorant of the rule of law and the concept of justice.

Your own description of yourself sounds exactly like an indoctrinated child, congratulations. :lol:

But you on the other hand have had a couple of hours max of study on islam since 11 days ago, then what do you become? A RETARD {and dont go denying that u know about it as its right in ur posts that i posted on page 9 and its clearer than day light and if u did research since 11 days ago then ur more of a retard today then you were 11 days ago, good job sunny}

Show me where I claim to be some sort of expert on Islam. When have I said that? As far as I can remember, I just said I don't really know very much about it, but check that shit out! I don't talk much about it either. Like I said, I know enough about it to know it's complete bullshit and that it makes certain types of people susceptible to influence from some of the worst terrorist organizations on planet Earth, like the Taliban and AQ. Are they themselves bad people? No, they're not, they're just living in unfortunate circumstances that they don't have the ability to pull themselves out of. You on the other hand have no excuse. I have no problem calling you an idiot, because you've shown yourself to be one on this thread, and other threads. How someone sits there and claims superior intelligence while simultaneously admitting to being a Muslim and making obvious spelling errors (with spell check! props! :clap: )a high school dropout wouldn't make is beyond me, above me, I guess like your god... lmao.

It wouldn't be an issue if you didn't make it one, but hey, I guess you're the expert right?

can u show me where u quoted that from? im sorry i couldnt find it in my post, u must be seeing things.{im waiting for copy paste}
{which i didnt get obviously}
go back to the post and copy and paste where i said. "they should automatically deserve respect".{ill be waiting for a copy paste of that too}
{which i didnt get either}

Look again, because I quoted you on both of them.

{but since we have established that your english is rubbish u obviously didnt understand that and still insisted in ur later posts}

This is the shit I'm talking about. What kind of idiot says "your english is rubbish" while not speaking or spelling the language correctly themselves?! lmfao... :dunce:

{which ur still doing lol, see the problem is in ur english or ur brain}

Yet here you are, continuing to come back for more to argue.

So whose the liar?

lol so uv never been to the middle east, u used the internet since 11 days till now to look up islam and middle eastern affairs and i doubt uv spent 4 days studying urself let alone 4 years studing christianity.

Believe what you want bro, no sweat off my back.

btw u need to study a little bit more about how using the internet is different in the US than it is in europe and the middle east. especially on middle eastern affairs that ur an expert in. lol.

I'm not an expert on middle eastern affairs, that's clear right?

Your like a theif that gets caught red handed but still says it wasnt me, only its lieing ur practicing and not stealing.

Again, show me one quote where I lied about anything. ONE.

The rest of your post reminds me of that scared little kid you described a few quotes up.

Miss MeanWeed

Active Member
I'll jump in here to boldly state that in my opinion no-one has any choice at all in what they do or think. I think the concept of choice is a misnomer, and what we actually have is perceived choice. We think we have a choice but what we really have is a set of predetermined outcomes, seeing as everything we say, do, or think is based entirely on our previous experiences. We are truly the products of our environment, and the old sayings 'You are what you eat' and 'We are the sum total of all our experiences' and the like are literal truths. Popular interpretations of these types of sayings are too generalised and need to be seen from a literal moment-to-moment vantage point. Every moment of awareness, every single micro-instance of thought, either outputted as words or actions, or internalised as thoughts and observations, is the result of a recursive referencing, relating, and rating of previous instances or groupings of experiences. Barring a few genetic variables, every action and reaction whether instant, delayed, or prolonged, is the culmination of mental equations processing relevant data from incoming and prior experiences. Everything you experience can be characterised as links in a chain. If you trace the chains of linked experiences back to inception and visualise all experiences in their entirety, you would see a linear timeline in the shape of a pyramid. The very top of the pyramid represents all experiences at the early stages of life, and the older you get moving down the timeline, the wider the pyramid becomes as more and more is experienced. When you act or react to stimuli, your brain is referencing that pyramid for similar experiences and computing an appropriate response. When you are stunned by something you see, or dumbfounded by a question, your mind is searching fruitlessly for previous or similar incarnations of what you are currently experiencing, or anything it can link it to, hence the pause or stutter or blank look on your face.

"I didn't know how to react to the news", "I just froze", " I drew a blank" etc...

No-one can control how they truly feel. You can control your reactions to your feelings either preemptively or as they emerge but you cannot control, you have no choice, as to how you actually feel in the first place. Something funny makes you laugh out loud. You didn't have a choice. Someone you love, dies. You are saddened, you have no choice. You have no choice as to how you actually feel, as your emotions are predetermined, and emotions are really nothing more than timed-release reactions.

Everything is cause and effect. Everything that has ever happened, did so because something caused it to happen. It is impossible for something to happen with no cause. It is the same with people. Every emotion, every personality trait or belief you have is the result of your brain computing every bit of sensory data it has received and outputting it as you.

You have no choice, you only have perceived choice.

The Potologist

Active Member

I think after giving it a little heavy thought, the idea of heaven doesn't really sound that great...

Sure, the first thousand years would be THE SHIT! But what about ten thousand, one hundred thousand, five hundred thousand, a million, a BILLION years? I think even with access to literally everything, it would all lose it's appeal eventually. Maybe that's just me though..

To carry on potologists positive vibe I'm only responding to the stupidest of the stupid of your GIGANTIC redundant unnecessary reply dd666. Perhaps you should take note and do the same thing if you decide to reply back. (cuz we both know you're going to, why kid yourself?)

I'll disregard the insults, I'll forget about the condescending tone coupled with the self righteous arrogance only believers can offer. Lets just see what you actually... said..

Not the first time someone has accused me of that, though it's not really "religionphobic" so much as "ignorancephobic". See, your religion, Islam, along with the other two Abrahamic religions are filled with inaccuracies. That fact can't be denied, it's right there in black and white. The inaccuracies make people living around me and out in the real world believe C R A Z Y S H I T.

Take the stupid shit out of your religion and replace it with real, true facts compiled by using the scientific method and you wouldn't hear a fuckin' peep from me.

I don't know a goddamn thing about Islam, except that it means "submit" and that it's just as oppressive (if not more) and mind shackling than the rest. You're not special, neither is Islam. I'm sorry to break it to you, but get over it.

Time to put up or shut the fuck up dd666. What have I lied about?

You are a dishonest person if you can sit there and say you did "true and honest research" and are a Muslim. If you came to that conclusion of our reality based on your own observations, you are ignorant of scientific achievements, ignorant of some of the most important philosophies of all time and ignorant of the rule of law and the concept of justice.

Your own description of yourself sounds exactly like an indoctrinated child, congratulations. :lol:

Show me where I claim to be some sort of expert on Islam. When have I said that? As far as I can remember, I just said I don't really know very much about it, but check that shit out! I don't talk much about it either. Like I said, I know enough about it to know it's complete bullshit and that it makes certain types of people susceptible to influence from some of the worst terrorist organizations on planet Earth, like the Taliban and AQ. Are they themselves bad people? No, they're not, they're just living in unfortunate circumstances that they don't have the ability to pull themselves out of. You on the other hand have no excuse. I have no problem calling you an idiot, because you've shown yourself to be one on this thread, and other threads. How someone sits there and claims superior intelligence while simultaneously admitting to being a Muslim and making obvious spelling errors (with spell check! props! :clap: )a high school dropout wouldn't make is beyond me, above me, I guess like your god... lmao.

It wouldn't be an issue if you didn't make it one, but hey, I guess you're the expert right?

Look again, because I quoted you on both of them.

This is the shit I'm talking about. What kind of idiot says "your english is rubbish" while not speaking or spelling the language correctly themselves?! lmfao... :dunce:

Yet here you are, continuing to come back for more to argue.

So whose the liar?

Believe what you want bro, no sweat off my back.

I'm not an expert on middle eastern affairs, that's clear right?

Again, show me one quote where I lied about anything. ONE.

The rest of your post reminds me of that scared little kid you described a few quotes up.
Dude, I have no idea how or where you got your quotes, but leave my Name outta of it. I have never EVER SAID ANYTHING OF THAT NATURE,....I really wish you would find who said all that CAUSE IT WAS NOT ME....I have a great memory, and I KNOW I HAVE NEVER SAID ANY OF THAT>...Please FORWARD LINKS AND SHOW ME WHO YOU ARE QUOTING...YOU HAVE MISTAKEN MY !!!! Please Take care of this man. You know I have nothing but respect for you, and I have never said anything of that nature to or towards you so please fix it, fast :)

Peace, Love, and Happiness

The Potologist

Active Member

Originally Posted by Padawanbater2
It's false hope, it sells a faulty product to people who are too naive, gullible, emotional, or weak to see it for what it actually is. It demands things that go against equality, freedom and human nature. It holds humanity back in countless different ways, it divides cultures..

I could go on, but you get the point right?

Most other modern issues seem to stem directly or indirectly from organized religion.

Great points, all which are FACTS. Although, I tend to believe that the religious tend to ignore the obvious for their own selfish interest in still being "accepted" in whatever religious cult. Nobody wants to lose their chance at heaven ya know man...HEY, which way is heaven by the way...have u been there???? I havent...when can I get a tour...should I just call?? I mean its real right...or should I just have faith and it appears??? FUck this is so confusing...I want to get there...maybe I will go see a deacon..IM SURE HEEE WILL LEAD ME IN THE RIGHT DIRECTIOn....AHAHAHAHAH AHAHHAHAAHAH ( really evil laugh) AHAHAHAHHAHAHA

See man, just a couple threads ago this is what I quoted of yours and said of your views and opinions...I never said that stuff man :)


Well-Known Member
Hey Potologist, I fucked that one up pretty bad! lol, I meant to quote dd666, I just multi-quoted you by mistake. I'll fix that, sorry man, I was aware it wasn't you the whole time.


I can easily show you proof that folks who believe are generally happier than those who do not believe.
I don't think a man can get close to believing by THINKING....Oddly enough thinking also rarely leads to
Happiness, in fact an Ancient Book concerning Mans beginning clearly states by Mr. Bigboots, " ..and that tree, the tree "of the Knowledge of Right and Wrong" should be left alone, because when you eat of the tree of the Knowledge of right and wrong you shall be cast from Paradise.
So relax, don't try so hard, follow what your heart is singing NOT what the chattering mind is now telling you !
Good Luck


The Potologist

Active Member
Hey Potologist, I fucked that one up pretty bad! lol, I meant to quote dd666, I just multi-quoted you by mistake. I'll fix that, sorry man, I was aware it wasn't you the whole time.
Thanks man. Shit happens , we get all baked and it tends to happen moreso...Its understandable...thanks for the peace...Bongs to you mate :)

Peace, Love, and Happiness

The Potologist

Active Member
I can easily show you proof that folks who believe are generally happier than those who do not believe.
I don't think a man can get close to believing by THINKING....Oddly enough thinking also rarely leads to
Happiness, in fact an Ancient Book concerning Mans beginning clearly states by Mr. Bigboots, " ..and that tree, the tree "of the Knowledge of Right and Wrong" should be left alone, because when you eat of the tree of the Knowledge of right and wrong you shall be cast from Paradise.
So relax, don't try so hard, follow what your heart is singing NOT what the chattering mind is now telling you !
Good Luck

Just to debunk your myth....Im way happier as a "Non Believer" than a believer..."Without thinkin Lies NOTHING" ( DR. MARTIN LUTHER KING)....Kinda hard to be a believer without thinking in my opinion( Dr. King thought the same). The last time I checked...If you dont "think" you are a vegetable...BRAINDEAD....COMA...Kinda hard to be a believer if you cant "think". Growing up in a "Orthadox Christian" home...required NO THINKING on my part to decide to liberate myself from said lies, propaganda, and suppression. I am as free as possible without the constraints of "faith"...and certianly HAPPIER....THE ONLY JUDGE OF ONES OWN HAPPINESS IS THY SELF...Not GOD, or a THERAPIST, or a SHRINK...I know my level of happiness...And its as high as its ever been....funny cause I am as far away from religion or faith as ever...and that, will never, ever ,change :) ALL THAT MATTERS TO ME IS :



Well-Known Member
I can easily show you proof that folks who believe are generally happier than those who do not believe.
Even if that is true, it still doesn't make what they believe to be true. Maybe some people are content to just be happy. Me, personally, I would prefer to know the cold, hard truth, regardless of how it makes me "feel."