What Do YOU Smoke From?


Active Member
19 replies, and 144 views?!?!?! you can do better then that ppl....i know your not growing that sweet mary, for shits and giggles...:joint:bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
19 replies, and 144 views?!?!?! you can do better then that ppl....i know your not growing that sweet mary, for shits and giggles...:joint:bongsmilie
lol Probably because this is like the 5th thread this week asking the same shit.
But I smoke dutches.


Well-Known Member
I smoke out of my zong with ice, or my piece which has been hiking with me everywhere :D (too lazy to take a pic, it's just a thick glass color changing piece, so tough it landed on rock in yosemite and didn't even break!)

my zong is the main smoking device thoughg . . .

*rips zong*


Blunts, Bongs, Pipes, Joints, Steamrollers, bubblers, chelums, gravitys, vaporizer, knife rips, skillits... i think that's it haha. I love variety. I personally own About ten different pieces, but my best homie who i grow with has at least 50 different pieces, his passion is collecting glass works. BLAZE KUSH


Well-Known Member

This be my main bong. An 18 inch green skull GEAR bong. Buddy of mine got it for 80 bucks flat. Not sure how thick the glass is; but its definately strong.

It's no ROOR but its a got a nice ice catcher beneath the skull which makes for an excellent ice hit.

Also, not sure if anyone will believe me or care but the circumference around the bottom (the beaker-like chamber) is the exact same as the height. 18''

Which blew me the fuck away. SoHighh lolhahah