What do you think of my setup?


hello everyone :joint:
i have a big cigarette box covered by reflective foil. and a 60 watt 6400k cfl.. student work.. i'll add 3 pc fans and 3 60 watt 6400 k cfls next week. got 16 seedlings right now and 3 of them sprouted yesterday. here are the pics, last one is my new guitar.. what do you think?



maybe. i dont have future plans right now. stealth is not a problem for now. and cfls seem to ok.. i know i am really unlucky. i can imagine half of the dudes will die on the half of the journey and 5 or 6 of them will be male. so i just wanted to ensure my work.. i will buy 5-10lt. pots next week and replace them. setup is really cheap but air circulation is my #1 problem right now..

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
maybe. i dont have future plans right now. stealth is not a problem for now. and cfls seem to ok.. i know i am really unlucky. i can imagine half of the dudes will die on the half of the journey and 5 or 6 of them will be male. so i just wanted to ensure my work.. i will buy 5-10lt. pots next week and replace them. setup is really cheap but air circulation is my #1 problem right now..
If you don't know how to take care of them they will. I have had 0 seedlings die on me. I have had 100% germination rate. I have also had 1 or 2 plants end up being a male out of 15 regular seeds.

Question - What are the fan sizes? If you can I would recommend going with 140mm fans since they move more air and meens you need less fans.


i have 3 3cm fans on the cargo.. regular pc processor fans. do you think they'll do the job? heat and humidity is not a problem thanks to where i live. would not 140mm fans be small for the box?
i hope they dont die. like i said, i have 16 seedlings germinated but, only 3 of them sprouted. i have been waiting for 5 days.. i hope they'll like 3 more cfls.. if the being male rating is that low, i think i will be more lucky. i heard male ones grow faster than females. what do you think?

Toolage 87

Well-Known Member
1 - Determine what the Cubic Feet of the grow space is and that will give you an idea on what size fan you wanna go with.
2 - The whole males growing faster then females is not true. I have had some males grow faster then females and some males grow slower then females so you can't rely on that.
3 - If you haven't learned yet learn about the method of topping and tieing down
4 - I would change that 60w CFL out for either a 70w MH lamp or 2 45w CFLs.


my box is like 50 cm tall 40x20.. metal halides come with required ballasts which are really expensive. then will it be good if i remove 60w and add 8x45 cfl lamp ? which one you recommend, 6400 or 2700k?


Active Member
You can do a mix of the warm an cool white Cfls, more blue (cool) in veg and more red (warm) in flowering though. Are you looking at replacement watts or actual usage? If its actual wattage then 8x45w should do well if not then go for the 26w actual bulbs. 3-5 per plant will carry you through flowering. And with Cfls top and LST the crap out of them to keep an even canopy.


You can do a mix of the warm an cool white Cfls, more blue (cool) in veg and more red (warm) in flowering though. Are you looking at replacement watts or actual usage? If its actual wattage then 8x45w should do well if not then go for the 26w actual bulbs. 3-5 per plant will carry you through flowering. And with Cfls top and LST the crap out of them to keep an even canopy.
i thought so either.. i was thinking 5 daylights and 3 warmlights and 18/6. of course, it is the actual wattage. it says 60w cfl is equal to 300 watts.. but i was thinking about spreading the light more efficiently and way to do is to get more lamps i suppose?


Well-Known Member
More lamps, and a mix of CFL's...
You can not have too many CFL's...
I mix the 2700k with the 6500k... 1 to 3 or 4 ...
in Veg 18/6...
My 2700k lamps have a few more lumans...for what it's worth...
Bought at Lowes, with lamp extender/and two 'Y' per fixture...
= 4 x 23 watts = 92 watts used for 400 watts of equal light [which means nothing]...
Ha to me, I only worry about actual watts used for my max load on circuit...


Well-Known Member

Hey, thanks for visiting my thread and grow earlier today. Only advice I'd like to share is not to lisiten to the guys that are going to tell you to buy a bunch of stuff and to use complex techniques. They're just trying to show off and make you feel bad about what you have going on. Cfl is fine for your entire grow as is the box you are using. There are lot of growers on here with your same setup producing quality bud. Go search bakatare666 and thatboyis1uvakind,those guys grow all cfl and can help you out if you run into trouble.

Keep it simple and learn from your mistakes.

Good luck with your grow and welcome to RIU.


More lamps, and a mix of CFL's...
You can not have too many CFL's...
I mix the 2700k with the 6500k... 1 to 3 or 4 ...
in Veg 18/6...
My 2700k lamps have a few more lumans...for what it's worth...
Bought at Lowes, with lamp extender/and two 'Y' per fixture...
= 4 x 23 watts = 92 watts used for 400 watts of equal light [which means nothing]...
Ha to me, I only worry about actual watts used for my max load on circuit...
400 watts mean nothing? sigh.. ok. i think 4x45 watts plus 2x60 will do but that much cfl will hurt the bill i guess. plus i have whole box covered with foil.. heard that 2700k is the best for flowering..



Hey, thanks for visiting my thread and grow earlier today. Only advice I'd like to share is not to lisiten to the guys that are going to tell you to buy a bunch of stuff and to use complex techniques. They're just trying to show off and make you feel bad about what you have going on. Cfl is fine for your entire grow as is the box you are using. There are lot of growers on here with your same setup producing quality bud. Go search bakatare666 and thatboyis1uvakind,those guys grow all cfl and can help you out if you run into trouble.

Keep it simple and learn from your mistakes.

Good luck with your grow and welcome to RIU.
thanks for helping me out! will follow those guys. all i hope is no dead girls until flowering, after that i can handle myself i think. keep stoned man :leaf:


Active Member
Just make sure when using Cfls you get them as close as you can without touching the plants ( they won't burn the leaves unless they touch the bulbs) I've also had a couple grows on Cfls so if you have some other questions feel free to pm me


thank you my friend.. there is 2-3 cm between cfl and girls. i will add my fans tomorrow! it is pretty exciting..


Active Member
it is exciting and it gets better as they get bigger. :) just hope that box is big enough for all them seedlings as they grow lol. good luck.