What do you think?


Well-Known Member
These are my two new babies from random seed I got, 16 days old.

I am thinking they have at least 30% Indica in them, but honestly, I have no clue what they are.



Active Member
Is that from bag seed? I find it hard to tell until they are flowering,then I go by how broad the leaves are,is this how most judge the strain is by the leaf? I think its very hard to pinpoint what strain anything is without knowing what the seeds came from with the varied growth that occures with plants from the same seed,I have seen this first hand all the plants were grown from the same seeds and there were 2 that didnt look like the others. good luck peace and grow on


Active Member
Is that from bag seed? I find it hard to tell until they are flowering,then I go by how broad the leaves are,is this how most judge the strain is by the leaf? I think its very hard to pinpoint what strain anything is without knowing what the seeds came from with the varied growth that occures with plants from the same seed,I have seen this first hand all the plants were grown from the same seeds and there were 2 that didnt look like the others. good luck peace and grow on
never tried to guess the strain... just said it was indica dominant.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I was just wondering peoples opinions on if it could be indica or not, I know its kinda early to judge.

Anyway ill update with new pics in a couple weeks. I plan to top them once they get a couple more inches in height, then im gonna LST the main branch, bending it all the way over, then let it veg for 2 or 3 weeks, then finally flower. :peace:

Jamaican Mon'

Well-Known Member
If you havent yet start giving it a little molass. once a week it will help for more vigorous growth as well as developing resin early. Mix it in with your feeding schedule and continue into flowering 1T per gal is all you need.


looks great for random bag seeds. i'd say the one in the white pot is definitely indica dominate since it has fat leafs and looks like it will be short and stocky. the other one looks like its got just a little bit more sativa in it but is still mostly indica. i'd like to know how they turn out, hopefully they're girls! -best of wishes to you


Well-Known Member
Yeah when I grow bagseed I start a whole bunch then thin out the weak growing ones after a week, so I am left with at least the better growing bagseed.

As for the molasses, will any old molasses work, as in any brand, any type?

I cant wait till I start the flowering, vegging is kinda boring, and its taking longer than I thought it would.