what does being stoned feel like?

For me, being high is like being in a heightened state of awareness. Everything just seems better. Your friends are funnier, your ideas are better. Food tastes amazing, and any kind of physical contact, like petting a dog or touching someone's hand just feels good.
Some times colors distort for me too, like people turn green. One time it looked to me like I was wearing 3D glasses. I've also felt like I'm in side a snow globe, and walking on the moon.
Listening to music while high is one of my favorite things to do, because it just sounds so much more meaningful, and you get so into it.
The only thing I dislike about getting high is that a few hours after smoking, I just get super tired, no matter what time it is, and all I want to do is sleep.
Hope this gives you an idea!
i always describe it like chicken wire vision kinda? but not really, kinda like a buzzy feeling you know
but mostly it justmakes you happy and giggly
"Weed ain't a bad drug it's a good one. What's it do? Makes you hungry, happy, and sleepy!" - Katt Williams - the quotes definitely not exact but you get the gist.
yes a dream, or a cartoon, trees have faces and interact with me the frog planter 'floats' I know this isn't what weed is supposed to do (or that's what people say) but I guess weed is such an amazing drug because it effects every person differently. my older sister can't smoke because she has ocd and it gives her panic attacks, some poeple get giggly and hungry, I've never gotten hungry, wich I think is funny. differnt stokes for different folks I guess.
yes a dream, or a cartoon, trees have faces and interact with me the frog planter 'floats' I know this isn't what weed is supposed to do (or that's what people say) but I guess weed is such an amazing drug because it effects every person differently. my older sister can't smoke because she has ocd and it gives her panic attacks, some poeple get giggly and hungry, I've never gotten hungry, wich I think is funny. differnt stokes for different folks I guess.

a dream, or a cartoon, trees have faces and interact with me the frog planter 'floats'

your weed is laced with acid...lol....J/K...

it depends on the strain...

sometimes i will laugh my ass off..

sometimes i will laugh just a little bit

but have a more laid back just chill feel...ya know...

my w.widow gives me both...hehe.....:peace:
im like the most lightweight kid i know
like if i take a hit and hold it in ill be stoned before i blow it out sometimes haha
its awsome
but anyways
i think that the people on here wont be able to help you out describing it man. for 2 years people were tryin to tell me what it was like but i still had no idea until i finally got a chance to do it. then i did it and was like holy shit this is fuckin awsome. my point is try it once to see if u like it or not
Honestly, when I saw this thread I was like who the hell doesn't know what it's like to be stoned, but now that I think about it I really can't describe it one hundred percent, it's pretty hard to explain. Hmm, funny how Mary and riu makes u think.
Alright lets see.
I just smoked a few grams of some high grade and ive got a major body high. So im going to attempt to explain everything I feel in detail :)
Btw im also helped along by vyvanse so im rly concentrated on doing this so sorry if yah dont rly care.

Vision: When im not concentrated on my vision and just looking around everything seems to be delayed by just a few milliseconds but very noticeable, but when I am concentrated on how my vision is being affected everything seems to be in massive detail compared to my sober sight, but I am very tunnel visioned.

Body high: It feels like everything is more intense. I can feel what feels like a painless burning sensation going up my back and like a feeling of painless electricity going through my arms and legs.

Mood and head high: I feel very relaxed but very much wanting to get up and move around if that makes sense. I feel as though I had a great day and have no worries what so ever cause I can only focus on the one thing im focused on and cant get more than one major mental thought across at once. I want to smile at everything and everything is funny.

All around I feel very messed up at the moment :)
For me being stoned is different from being high. Being stoned makes me want to just chill or get a few things I've been putting off done cuz I don't feel so bored with it. Doing simple things become amusing even if it's an every day thing. Going to sleep is very nice and I sleep sooooo well (insomniac) When high I like to go and do something with a lot of activity and some thinking required like skateboarding or fetch with my dog or games or get on an irc and slam a few idiots with intellect lol The thing I love the most about smoking is smoking... I love the smell, taste, effects, smoke, and how it makes my world so right and nothing could go wrong. Some shit I smoke does make me too lazy to do anything. If you have ever been awake for anything more than a few days then you know what it's like to be high on certain indicas. Hope this helps some...
you know I never thought about it before...

its kind of one of those things that cant really be described I guess?

I'll take a stab at it tho...

for me it depends on the weed.
my weed (indica) makes me feel very "heavy" like my body is being held down by sand bags, and its allot like when your dreaming... everything feels sort of far away and will require effort to get to.

That's EXACTLY how I feel when I smoke, pretty much no matter what I smoke. And I eat everything in sight because its like a never ending hunger. I get confused easily, too. I'll completely forget what I said 30 seconds before. I laugh for about 15 minutes, then I pass out COLD. Like, it would take a nuclear bomb to wake me up. And the next day I usually feel like complete shit, from over-eating.
My experience is this:
Immediately after the bong rip, I get a tingle in the back of my head.
This is followed by some amount of spitting/drooling, if the weed is any good.
Then some paranoia is induced because cannabis raises the heart rate and makes your palms sweaty. These physical symptoms trigger the mental symptoms of paranoia
Then I contemplate. If I did somehting dickish that day, it comes to mind and apologies follow.
There is some amount of laziness if I am being lazy, but if I get high before an activity, like golf, my attention gets focused to that activity.
After that, I experience laziness and hunger. Sometimes sleepiness. But by that time I smoke another bowl!
Geez, no one seems to know the answer!

Heres what its like for me, and most people who take the time to focus on the high....

As soon as you're stoned, you won't know it yet, after a few minutes, you'll remember the last few minutes but you'll feel as if it all happened without you actually having any control over anything, as if you're body and mouth went into 'auto pilot'. You'll be amazed and try to think about how it all went down and then BAM you're back into it again. Eventually you'll notice that time is going by very slowly, so slow that you notice every thought that passes through your brain, and you can even feel how each thought was constructed.

Even a trip from the living room to the bathroom feels like an hour long adventure. Although it took probably 2 minutes, you remember every step, every thought, the struggle to get the door to close properly and the distant voices in the background that made you think that hundreds of people had showed up outside waiting for you to exit.

You come up, and then down, then up, then down again over and over. Sometimes everything is funny as hell, other times you come temporarily down and feel awkward. Your mouth becomes extremely dry, and no bag of chips can suffice your hunger.

You realize how much fun your having, and by the time it all clicks, you are coming down completely. Time to smoke another bowl!

Thats how it works! If it's really good bud, you won't even see it coming, it's almost as if it's a memory already. Pot seems to slow everything down. It doesn't allow you to think faster in shorter periods of time, but it allows you to analize the thoughts that you would already have and then black out. Fun fun fun! Believe it or not, its a blast.

I remember several times that I had friends over and we planned to go somewhere to do something, and then we would get high first. Next thing we know, we'd been smoking it up for hours and completely forgot what we were gonna do.

Blah, I'm gonna smoke some now. Have fun!

I've only smoked once, but when I was stoned...I smoked some weed with tobacco, i dont know if this effects the high. But i get the up and down and up and down and up and down, it felt like my heart was going super fast when i whent up and then slowing down when i came down...i walked down the hall at my school and it felt like walking down that hall took forever! like SO LONG, legit. I didnt feel tired... i was scared and thought i was dieing...every thought was analized carfeully after that, i thought SO DEEPLY about EVERYTHING thinking about what would happen if i died...if people would be sad, what afterlife would feel like, how tall the mountains were, if there was a god... all this stuff, then i ate an orange, BEST ORANGE EVER, i had to exclaim that while i was sitting in class.. my eyes were as red as the devils dick :fire: and i zoned out really bad when i sat down...when i stood up again, if felt like my heart was speeding up and slowing down as i whent up and down and up and down and up and down...felt like i was on a cruise ship that was having some turbulance!
I've only smoked once, but when I was stoned...I smoked some weed with tobacco, i dont know if this effects the high. But i get the up and down and up and down and up and down, it felt like my heart was going super fast when i whent up and then slowing down when i came down...i walked down the hall at my school and it felt like walking down that hall took forever! like SO LONG, legit. I didnt feel tired... i was scared and thought i was dieing...every thought was analized carfeully after that, i thought SO DEEPLY about EVERYTHING thinking about what would happen if i died...if people would be sad, what afterlife would feel like, how tall the mountains were, if there was a god... all this stuff, then i ate an orange, BEST ORANGE EVER, i had to exclaim that while i was sitting in class.. my eyes were as red as the devils dick :fire: and i zoned out really bad when i sat down...when i stood up again, if felt like my heart was speeding up and slowing down as i whent up and down and up and down and up and down...felt like i was on a cruise ship that was having some turbulance!

This was funny. I liked the part about the orange cuz I feel the same way. The racing thing is familiar with most but the feeling like you're gonna die... That was a bad batch of bud homie lol don't give up smoking cuz you got some bad shit ;) Try to get your hands on some blueberry kush or some white widow. Those are favorites of mine haha
well....being high or me is kinda scary cuz when smoke i smoke alot! so when i trip im trippen hard.. like u dont know what is controlliing ur bodie... it feels like u but then there is a delay and u start to really trip! try to smoke the strain chees! that sit really fucks u up and u will fly!
when i get high it turns me into the person that i want to be. i feel confident, im funnier, i can sit and listen to music or make music for hours on end

cant explain the feeling i get sometimes, but when you get a phat ass deal of some phat ass bud. and after the first joint you always get to work skinning up the second, then after that its almost euphoric, i just literally want to explode with happiness seen?

ive been that contempt with everything before that after a few jays under a bridge in summer weve been walking around town in the heat and ive just put my arms up, like in my sig haha. my mates followed suit and it just felt good :)
people were probs like wtf but i really didnt care, i felt good :)

sadly im sober now (N)
waiting on a scav sesh (Y) ;) haha
man i got high for the first tyme yesterday....it was bad
i dnt like feeling like i was in a dream kus i know wat ur talkin bout, dats wat i felt like...horrible
everything moved to fast and i called my friend for help and my boyfried just laughed
he gave me sum jamaican kush
he tuk me to my best friends house and she tried to kalm me down bt i kudnt take it i called my dad and 911 and wus rushed to the hospital
i thot i wus dead kus everything didnt feel real...it felt like i wus in a dream
i spent da whole day yelling...am i gunna die!!!
i smoked this about 18 hours ago and im jus still a tiny bit high
yesterday i wus comletely high and as the paramedics said: havin a bad trip or stoned for 4 hours giv or take
i hated it
now im gunna b in trouble forever ugh

Yo Wtf?! Sounds like your weed was laced with JWH-018, thats happened around my area recently