what drug and how many times?

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Thats what I hear... coke and heroin almost killed me.. then came the pills and methadone which almost killed me again... Im glad to be alive with a nice girl, house and dog smoking my killer homegrown... dreams do happen


Well-Known Member

weed =?lol everyday since ive been like 12...
shrooms = 45
mdma = pillwise prolly like 80, how many different occasions = 18
lsd = 15 sheets
pcp = 3 ounces, roughly 250 dips
k = 15 grams
2ct-7 = 2
coke = 1
perceocet = 100 or so
xanax = 50bars


Well-Known Member


nothing else.


hydrocodone (wisdom teeth got pulled)
Advil PM

and thats it....

I'm not into pills.

Only others I wanna try are shrooms and ecstasy.


Well-Known Member
pills...Done those.If they didn't work, should they count?Pills don't do a lot to me, usually.
the whole number thing is the number of times you have been high off the substance. im not saying ive had 1000+ beers/shots. im saying ive been drunk 1000+ times. get it?

I used to get dilaudid from a cancer patient in the city.. anyone ever try that? it was what they all went batshit for in that movie Drugstore cowboy... its just like any other opiate, didnt think it was thaaaat special
i liked drugstore cowboy. i think i may have done that once. some kid in high school handed me a baggie of 12 white pills and told me to take em all. i knew him of course. but i only took 6 and was fucked up.

never tried smack, but i was a cokehead bad for a few years. i threw up on that shit rather often. wasnt a big deal then either.

sorry stevie, not trying to threadjack.:hug:

i dont care about thread jacks. only when people start argueing, regurtitating the same thing as the poster above them, or says how dumb the threa they are POSTING in sucks.... in other words. its cool feel free to chit chat away my friend...


Well-Known Member
just be careful with your source for E. especially in socal theres tons of fake pills. real mdma is a very safe substance when used responsibly, but some of the look-alikes are quite dangerous. theres websites for monitoring the good/bad pills in your area... www.pillreports.com www.dancesafe.org are a couple reliable resources.

I've actually been to pillreports.com

i wanted to know what I was getting into



Active Member
oh how fun is this, im 27
weed every day for the last 12 years
mushrooms 15-20 times
acid 10-15 times
sylvia 4 times
meskulin 6-10 times
special k 2 times
cocaine 30-40 times
crack 25-30 times
meth power 10 times
meth pills every day for four mounths
mdma pure 4 times
extacy 100+
adderal 2 times everyday for a year
and the only thing i ever got addicted to was weed and the meth pills so i had to move 4000 km away from those dam things.


Well-Known Member
the only things i've done are weed and shrooms, ate some shrooms on three separate occasions and i couldn't tell you how many times i've blazed
never took pills, and i'm not really interested in much else


Well-Known Member
and you call yourself a Zepplin... or wait is that a Floyd.... lmao ;)

CreepySteve always has to bust out the fear & loathing threads on drug consumption!

Cannabis- smoked on a regular basis for 3 yrs.... smoked dozens of dozens of dozens of dubs (no longer a potsmoker due to a broader realization from psychedlics)

Cocaine- dabbled with these a few times... estimate about 8 times... 4 grams worth

Meth- Have no utter clue... my brain was too hyper-spunned to realize it... smoked off the pookah for about 1yr (nasty, degradable shit) Has anybody watched the movie "The Saltun Sea?"

lsygic sid- 3 times.... very weak stuff, shrooms packed more of a punch.

SHROOMS- 25 times- very spiritual thing!

MDMA- What can i say im a candykid! 300 pills +... Party Monster! yeah


forget about tHE:

SPECIAL k: 3 seperate occasions... probably consumed about 1.5 grams... route: insufflation... it was a nice warm buzz... similar to liquor.. yet more euphoric.. the way to go though is intramuscular!


Well-Known Member
and you call yourself a Zepplin... or wait is that a Floyd.... lmao ;)

CreepySteve always has to bust out the fear & loathing threads on drug consumption!

Cannabis- smoked on a regular basis for 3 yrs.... smoked dozens of dozens of dozens of dubs (no longer a potsmoker due to a broader realization from psychedlics)

Cocaine- dabbled with these a few times... estimate about 8 times... 4 grams worth

Meth- Have no utter clue... my brain was too hyper-spunned to realize it... smoked off the pookah for about 1yr (nasty, degradable shit) Has anybody watched the movie "The Saltun Sea?"

lsygic sid- 3 times.... very weak stuff, shrooms packed more of a punch.

SHROOMS- 25 times- very spiritual thing!

MDMA- What can i say im a candykid! 300 pills +... Party Monster! yeah


to be honest drugs have shapped me into the person i am today. and i like the person i am. drugs and drug culture is very interesting to me. im not like "yeah man lets get fucked up im a waste of life!!!" well sometimes ;) but only for special occassions.

but i always felt i was made for something better than to just sit around and watch the world govern itself. i feel like i was made to make a huge impact.

i been doing alot of thinking lately and i first changed my mind on the culinary thing. i was thinking hmm digital photography? then this morning it came to me; i guess you could say an epiphemy. i think im going to change my major to digital filmaking. i want to make documenteries and sort of hit the political field as far as reforming our whole drug culture.

i want to make films along the lines of american drug war, super high me, zeitgeist, and not just for drugs either. also food. and pollution. i wanna hit the scene and be on the front lines. i want to change the world.

this is the first time in my whole life where i feel comfortable and confident in choosing what i want to do with the rest of my life. the weight has been lifted... :)


Active Member
change away stevie!! :D I'm ready for YOUR world lol
so -19
Tavist-D-3 times (it's a cold medicine, makes you FuUCKED up in a very bad way-seizures)
Delsum/Robos/ccc's-shit... about a year straight that I don't even remember...
coke- everyday for 2 weeks, but strangely never got addicted..
script pain killers- probably over a dozen times but less than 30
diphenhydramine(benadryl)- twice
Dramamine- 3 times (craziest dreamlike trip)
shrooms- 3 times
adderal- 10 times?
xanes- 5 times... crazy shit right there
weed-years worth...
alcohol- 20 times? not much of a drinker..