What games do you play?

Yeah, gta 5 does look fun. I'll just wait for till the pc release and play it as it's meant to be played :) After such a wait, i'm not going to defile it by playing it on ps3/360. Until then, i just bought a ps3 controller and gta vice city for android :)

Bought Tak 2 for 80p, tis a fun game, and just bought Castle Story :)
Yeah, gta 5 does look fun. I'll just wait for till the pc release and play it as it's meant to be played :) After such a wait, i'm not going to defile it by playing it on ps3/360. Until then, i just bought a ps3 controller and gta vice city for android :)

Bought Tak 2 for 80p, tis a fun game, and just bought Castle Story :)

PC fanboy right here :) also got a ps3 controller for games~ ill check out castle story~
While i'm a fanboy, i still enjoy consoles, i just don't see the point in waiting 5 years for a game, then not to wait a few more months to be able to play it on pc or say the ps4/one and actually have decent graphics. I've watched youtube gaeplay vids of gta5 and good god is it ugly for this day and age. It's like waiting and waiting and waiting for something to be released, say a phone refresh, to then just settle with the mediocre budget model because the premium one you were waiting for wouldn't be in stock for another month. Silly.

Castle story is something i'd have a hard time recomending. It's similar in a way to minecraft, just more user friendly, even though it isn't user friendly, and you are paying for a pre-beta version riddled with bugs to the point of often being unplayable, but once it's polished off, it should be a hit. as it is, if you save a game, when you load it again, you will have lost all of your stokpiles and have to go and mine and chop down your resources all over again. That said, i somehow put 3 hours of my time into it without realizing it.

I actually prefer the 360 controller for no other reason than the concave analogue sticks. With playstation analogue sticks, once the texture has worn out, the slightest bit of grease or sweat and i find my thumbs slipping off them entirely.
I just finished Uncharted 3, which was totally epic by the way. I'm just sorry that I didn't get it when it came out. Now I'm on Starhawk playing the campaign mode. I got it free from PSN+ but unfortunately that did not include online play which was kinda the whole point in Starhawk. So far it has been very amusing. It is like a 3rd person shooter cross between Starcraft and Borderlands. I think I'll be on to Farcry 2 after this.
Farcry 2 is nothing special imo. It's great at first, but then it becomes incredibly boring as you realize that every single mission is the same, just in a different location.
Ok guys I was just given a xbox 360 (brand new) 300gig harddrive I think, I gave away the damn Kinect thing lmao last thing they need here is me jumping around the living room at 6ft 2 210 pounds. I gotta admit that fifa 14 looms good, oh and they really want me to buy battlefield 4 so I am unsure where to go really. I traded 4 hakapelita snow tires for a new Kinect system with gold 12 month live card, and those free games that come with the system in the box. My question is this to you gamers how can we figure out which games are the best buys for the money and gaming experience?
Yeah, gta 5 does look fun. I'll just wait for till the pc release and play it as it's meant to be played :) After such a wait, i'm not going to defile it by playing it on ps3/360. Until then, i just bought a ps3 controller and gta vice city for android :)

Bought Tak 2 for 80p, tis a fun game, and just bought Castle Story :)
Defile it? please explain?
When it comes out for pc, and there are strong indications it will be released on the one/ps4 as well, it will look fantastic, as it ought to, given its time in development and the level that we are now at with regard to graphics quality. On the 360/ps3 it just looks like a pile of crap. For console gamers, this probably is not an issue as they've never seen good graphics, but as a pc gamer, who had graphics that far surpassed this over 7 years ago, it's just rather lame. I'll wait to play it as it was meant to be played :) I like pretty games, not butt ugly ones :)
Ok I see now, I used to play world of warcraft when shat city was tha shit! yeah many many moons ago. That being said the alienware tower I had was NOT CHEAP, so in the end we have to pay for this level of quality I guess. Tbh if I could afford a tower that would push anything on the market with ease I would def invest. I am NOT gamer like most here and even I can admit to the computer having a graphic level that's eons above basic consoles, not only that but puter players seem to have more of a gaming moral compass when it comes to co-op playing.
I'm hardly a gamer any more. My computer would sturggle to get £200 on ebay these days, but it can play every game on the market :) While i don't have any issue with playing a game with bad graphics, i'm not going to spend £50 on the game when i know it can be better. £50 for any game is a joke imo. I'm only now beginning to play through ps2 games because i have a agme shop 20m from home that sells em for <£1 each. Can't argue with that. The number of times when i was young when my brothers and I would pool our money together for an expensive game only to find it was a load of gaff, eurgh. Never again. I never buy a game any more these days without having pirated it first to see if it's actually worth buying.
!! A game section!! :clap: :clap:

What games do you play?

List your games and system for those games. Maybe toss uo your gamer tag too.

I've been playing lots of black ops 2. Dayman422 ps3. Got steam too, will have to look at what games I have. I'm down for some L4D2 on steam at the moment. :)

Ps3 Black Ops Duece.

Lets kill some fucking zombies, mate.
Origins is off the CHAIN.
fifa 14 do you play? Enjoy a puff of good herbs and through passes from a sexy as midfielder I play with? Well sheet mang then let me know in a pm or something id LOVE to play the beautiful game with fellow stoners.bongsmilie
fifa 14 and this battlefield 4 game my brother bought for me. I like fifa but shit its hard toi find a decent teammate to pass to. kinda sad too cause my pro does work at midfield! I like getting stoned and shooting Chinese infantry with my ma deuce!:fire: