What good has religion brought the world collectively?


New Member
if there was only 1 religion or no religion the seperating of groups of people would not happen as much and economic or land based wars would be less frequent. different cultures clash because because of many things but what originally formed different countries and the dividing of people is and always has been to some degree religion. the underlying cause of wars or 1 of the major factors are religious beliefs this allows people to see others as different or inferior. this is a catalyst for land and money wars to begin. the nazis and the ww2 japanese are good examples.

It doesnt matter what RELIGION someone is, the fact that people are different causes contempt by nature. Every group of people hates on another group. Religious or non. I was an investigator for 8 years, WE HATED THE POLICE, guess who hated us... THE POLICE!!! You'd think we were all best friends, pfffff. People hate if you're too much like them even. ITS HUMAN NATURE. The only cure is self awareness, not the eratication of religion (shakes head)


New Member
YES, yes I do... It is Satan who turned the Sanhedrin against Jesus. It is Satan who killed all those in Jonestown. It is Satan who killed those at Waco Texas. It is Satan who guided Po Pot, Hitler, Stalin, the Taliban, Hamas and the PLO. It is Satan that caused the Oklahoma Bombing too. I could go on, but I'm tired, it's time to go to bed, peace friends...
There isnt a guy named satan going around as a daily job influencing people to be bad. Its a concept, a label. We call bad things evil, and evil is represented in the bible by Lucifer. YOU DONT NEED SATAN TO DO BAD THINGS, just a lack of goodness in you're heart. Hitler wasnt a devil worshiper lol, he was just a bad guy with a lot of hate in his heart that did bad things. Satan and the taliban aren't homies. lolol.

Edit: I get a kick out of people that want to bash religious people. Some people cant wait for them to fuck up to call them a "HYPOCRITE," but the truth is... at least the majority of these people have a standard they try to live by. Never have I heard anyone of religion say "im perfect" but I've heard plenty of non religious people point out how imperfect a religion is. What guiding principles do the haters live by? Do they have a set of guiding principles, or do they just wing everything as it comes?


Well-Known Member
Technically if there was one religion not broken down sects Most of the things describes in theory should not of happened

Also have you guys read the bible? because satan is one strong guy, we always say that if satan was to walk into a room, we would probably think he was a pastor
satan AKA Lucifer which means light sat above gods throne giving light onto all of 3rd heaven he ended up getting a swelled head because he sat above god and looked down upon god, god cast him out but took one of his powers he is only kept out of third heaven by john calling on the name of god.........

I understand that it is a little on topic but it should give you guys a reference to continue your answers understanding what satan CAN do helps

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Absolutely nothing.Religion doesn't teach us anything we shouldn't already know anyway.Treat others as you wish to be treated, don't steal, lie, and kill.Don't rape, don't force your religious beliefs on others.And done.Now that we've saved all that paper we would have used making bibles, let's go enjoy nature and appreciate all the trees that weren't cut down and sent to the paper mill.:clap:
Can someone PLEASE answer this question for me?

What have religions brought to the world aside from ignorance, hatred, fear, and naivety?


Please dont answer how it improved your life, I want to know what religion has done for the world as a whole...

+Rep for intelligent responses. :hump:


New Member
I have an answer.

During the inquisition when the Christians were running out of women to burn as witches, the inquisitors turned to burning cats as witches. Without all the cats, the rat population ran unchecked causing the black death (bubonic plague).

Had the christians not been so destructive, mankind may have never figured out that rats spread bubonic plague. They only had to kill thousands of women and cats to figure this out. :bigjoint:

There we are, a scientific discovery based on the hysteria of religion.