Elite Rolling Society
Skunkus says:
Yes. I agree... with everything you've written in this post. I in fact have been a practitioner for many years (believe it or not, lol). The substance of thoughts. hmmm. Do you believe that with enough practise we might one day be able to take part in RECOGNISED thought transferral? As in the capability to read each others minds? we do it already to some degree.
I also go further than this. It is my belief that we are in more CONTROL over ourselves than we might believe. I'd even go so far as to say on a genetic level. If we can learn to move our finger it is almost reasonable to suggest that we might be able to rid ourselves of illnesses or even slow down the aging gene.
I believe we have untapped power, and when we start to use it our brain activities/useage will increase.
I'm impressed, this is good theory, matter a fact, I accept it as fact too.
Very good Skunk, Rep for you!
I cant' see Thoughts as Substance either. Books and more Books exist about the ETHERIC world, but I didn't gain anything from them. Just says that there exist "something" unseen and undetectable, but it still exists. I thinksimilar thoughts seek each other to strenghten each other into becoming REALITY and perhaps something of substance.
I am sitting at a desk. At one time this desk did not exist, it was NOT reality. But somewhere, at some time, a person had a THOUGHT. "I think I might buuild a desk". Well, that one thought did not yield a desk. BUT, that person thought it again, and again and again, until he got a pencil and paper and drew something or wrote something down. Well that didn't yield a desk, but it certainly strenghtened the THOUGHT of building a desk, and a desk becoming REAL later on. And the more POSITIVE Thoughts he had, the more the desk grew toward becoming a reality. If there had been a lot of Negative Thoughts, the desk may have never existed. But with Positive Thoughts and WRITTEN Words, the reality grew. The SPOKEN WORD also strenghtened the reality of the desk too. And then there was ACTION, and the desk became real.
What I just wrote as an example is what some people call MAJIK, or Alchemey, or even Witchcraft. But Most call it POSITIVE THINKING. If I want to make something happen, like smoke pot I grew myself, or see my sick friend get well, or have a table I built myself, I THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS, I WRITE IT DOWN OFTEN, AND I SPEAK IT OFTEN!
And Ta Da ! It Happens!
As Skunk says, we can heal ourselves of illness, we can make events occur, we can even share thoughts. Ask a married couple how often do they share the same thought. It seems it would seldom or never happen, yet it VERY OFTEN Happens!
I think I got to get back to work !
Yes. I agree... with everything you've written in this post. I in fact have been a practitioner for many years (believe it or not, lol). The substance of thoughts. hmmm. Do you believe that with enough practise we might one day be able to take part in RECOGNISED thought transferral? As in the capability to read each others minds? we do it already to some degree.
I also go further than this. It is my belief that we are in more CONTROL over ourselves than we might believe. I'd even go so far as to say on a genetic level. If we can learn to move our finger it is almost reasonable to suggest that we might be able to rid ourselves of illnesses or even slow down the aging gene.
I believe we have untapped power, and when we start to use it our brain activities/useage will increase.
I'm impressed, this is good theory, matter a fact, I accept it as fact too.
Very good Skunk, Rep for you!
I cant' see Thoughts as Substance either. Books and more Books exist about the ETHERIC world, but I didn't gain anything from them. Just says that there exist "something" unseen and undetectable, but it still exists. I thinksimilar thoughts seek each other to strenghten each other into becoming REALITY and perhaps something of substance.
I am sitting at a desk. At one time this desk did not exist, it was NOT reality. But somewhere, at some time, a person had a THOUGHT. "I think I might buuild a desk". Well, that one thought did not yield a desk. BUT, that person thought it again, and again and again, until he got a pencil and paper and drew something or wrote something down. Well that didn't yield a desk, but it certainly strenghtened the THOUGHT of building a desk, and a desk becoming REAL later on. And the more POSITIVE Thoughts he had, the more the desk grew toward becoming a reality. If there had been a lot of Negative Thoughts, the desk may have never existed. But with Positive Thoughts and WRITTEN Words, the reality grew. The SPOKEN WORD also strenghtened the reality of the desk too. And then there was ACTION, and the desk became real.
What I just wrote as an example is what some people call MAJIK, or Alchemey, or even Witchcraft. But Most call it POSITIVE THINKING. If I want to make something happen, like smoke pot I grew myself, or see my sick friend get well, or have a table I built myself, I THINK POSITIVE THOUGHTS, I WRITE IT DOWN OFTEN, AND I SPEAK IT OFTEN!
And Ta Da ! It Happens!
As Skunk says, we can heal ourselves of illness, we can make events occur, we can even share thoughts. Ask a married couple how often do they share the same thought. It seems it would seldom or never happen, yet it VERY OFTEN Happens!
I think I got to get back to work !