What has happened to weed ?

You can continue to miss the entire point for as long as you like.
Admit it nor not.
Like it or not.
Today's cannabis strains are based upon strains that were bred to reduce smell and isolate THC production.
Lots of things were lost when that took place.
Breeders are beginning to notice that by introducing landraces to stabilized hybrids that it brings back hybrid vigor and opens the genetic potential back up in genetics that have been bred into a corner.
You don't have to believe, or even be able to understand what I'm telling you to make it true.
You obviously don't watch any shows or read anything either.
Ignorance is bliss.
You can loudly speak as if your voice has any sort of authority, and never know what a sort of a chump you sound like.

You obviously don't know anything about me. I don't grow any of today's flavor of the month polyhybrid strains.

I currently have landrace Highland Thai and some Malawi flowering right now. I've been growing these kinds of strains for years. You must have me confused with some dude waiting up all night to get in on some instagram drop of Pink Sugar Raspberry Cream Banana Cookies for $30 a seed.

When you say breeders are beginning to notice well then I wouldn't call anyone that's just beginning to notice a breeder. Making seeds is easy. That doesn't make you a breeder. I've been growing landraces for seed preservation and making hybrids between different ones for years and realize that the results can be quite exceptional. It's not something I've just started to notice.

So when you say ignorance is bliss you might want to look in the mirror before you refer to me.
You obviously don't know anything about me. I don't grow any of today's flavor of the month polyhybrid strains.

I currently have landrace Highland Thai and some Malawi flowering right now. I've been growing these kinds of strains for years. You must have me confused with some dude waiting up all night to get in on some instagram drop of Pink Sugar Raspberry Cream Banana Cookies for $30 a seed.

When you say breeders are beginning to notice well then I wouldn't call anyone that's just beginning to notice a breeder. Making seeds is easy. That doesn't make you a breeder. I've been growing landraces for seed preservation and making hybrids between different ones for years and realize that the results can be quite exceptional. It's not something I've just started to notice.

So when you say ignorance is bliss you might want to look in the mirror before you refer to me.
arrogant is as arrogant does....
Actually local farmers, they are often cross different regional cultivars. Congo was X to Tanzanian by local growers to increase yield. Most afghan farmers will swap meet seeds and grow various varietals from the surrounding regions. Sometimes cross breeding if they find desirable traits in the introduced genetics.

Bhutan is more landrace cause no one uses cannabis for recreation. Rather it's become a weed there. Also harvested for fibre and seeds for flour. Many landraces also have a # of pheno expressions.

Also 10,000 years ago folk using cannabis were far from cavemen. They built complex societies and stone megaliths as well as actual towns and the first cities ever.

Sythians were using bong like implements 2,500-4,000 + years ago. Egyptians also were well found of weed as we're vikings. So to sum it up, cannabis is very much manipulated by humans for thousands of years. True wild landrace is a pretty rare and unique thing.

A landrace strain is a variety of cannabis plant that has less diluted DNA than other strains of cannabis. That means landrace strains have not been crossbred with another variety of cannabis.

To take the distinction even further, landrace strains are usually indigenous to a certain part of the world (meaning they have adapted to the environment of a specific geographic location). And since these landrace strains are the original cannabis plant from that area, descendants from those strains often bear part of the region’s name (e.g., Kandy Kush, Durban Thai, Super Lemon Haze).

Let’s think of it this way for clarification: The original strain that developed in the Hindu Kush so many thousands of years ago was a wild species.

Caveman potheads took seeds from that wild species and planted them in various parts of the world in the thousands of years between then and now. Those plants that were directly descended from the original species are now known as landrace strains.

I mean, I searched for exactly .0049 seconds, it says...
Why argue when you can do a search?
Reunion island? Zamal?

Many of those farmers didn’t let Arjan and his gang into their best fields would be my hunch.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely no Arjan fan, but they would have to be stupid to lead some foreigner to their prize fields in the hopes of swapping what they have for some silly coloured seeds and a greenhouse seeds menu.
Really it’s shame they didn’t all (except Franco) get chopped up and eaten by cannibals for being so cheeky in the first place.
i'll give you that, but they're still guilty of irreparable damage. although my point is, that unless you're willing to do some travelling, or know someone who is, very well, you're never going to get your hands on those genetics, and many of those that do travel to the appropriate places never meet the appropriate people. i personally wouldn't trust any seed bank that purports to be selling pure landrace genetics
You obviously don't know anything about me. I don't grow any of today's flavor of the month polyhybrid strains.

I currently have landrace Highland Thai and some Malawi flowering right now. I've been growing these kinds of strains for years. You must have me confused with some dude waiting up all night to get in on some instagram drop of Pink Sugar Raspberry Cream Banana Cookies for $30 a seed.

When you say breeders are beginning to notice well then I wouldn't call anyone that's just beginning to notice a breeder. Making seeds is easy. That doesn't make you a breeder. I've been growing landraces for seed preservation and making hybrids between different ones for years and realize that the results can be quite exceptional. It's not something I've just started to notice.

So when you say ignorance is bliss you might want to look in the mirror before you refer to me.
Had a dude with the same tude. He released his Malawi gold x (ace seeds didn't even go in country, lame AF). Side note: Always pay the local farmers good money too, don't be fucked like GHSC. Just be chill, cash, know folk and don't be an Arjun piece of shit. Femme church seeds... Garbage strain.

Anyway 80% male ratio. Legend breeder.
i'll give you that, but they're still guilty of irreparable damage. although my point is, that unless you're willing to do some travelling, or know someone who is, very well, you're never going to get your hands on those genetics, and many of those that do travel to the appropriate places never meet the appropriate people. i personally wouldn't trust any seed bank that purports to be selling pure landrace genetics
Mate it's like a holiday with a plan b. Heaps of places I'd like to go but don't know anyone at all in those countries. Plus if caught some places you might get executed or at least spend a long time in jail. Always have a bribe handy. Indonesia for example the local LE hey will stitch you up. Like full plant shit on you unless you pay them a "fine". South America too.

Fuck greenhouse. Always pay money for what you take. (US $ prefered).

Then the fun game of smuggling seeds through 2-3 international destinations including maybe Dubai (like fuck being done with ANYTHING there) begins. You can post it to a legal country or state if you've someone to send it to. Umm yeah, real balls in your throat shit sometimes.
What seed companies are creating landraces by announcing some breeding program? I fail to see how any seed company is doing anything other than selling currently existing seeds of landraces that have been sourced from location.

I've been doing reproduction runs of actual landraces. I wouldn't call that a breeding program but a preservation program. If you think there are some group of seed companies breeding landraces that's not what's going on. There are seed companies that have actual landrace seeds for sale but it's not from some breeding program.

There isn't much else to know. I don't follow instagram or watch cannabis reality shows on youtube.
The Malawi you grow (by Ace) has been further refined by them and doesn't look nor grow close to an original Malawi.

And, for example, if you look into the history of the Congolese by TRSC you'll notice that it's been a national genetic preserve expedition that took "congo hemp" and in spain it got further refined by crossing it with modern "indica" genetics and that's what TRSC delivers and why the plant resembles more a drug-type cannabis variety than an africa wild-type sativa.
The original 'Congo hemp' genetics (and many more) are still reserved in national preservation seedbanks but sadly no longer publicly available because some of the MJ breeders exploited the hell out of that source. These people usually also distribute fake stories of how they did come by these genetics (usually a rural friend brought mysterious seeds...) in an attempt to disguise/protect their sources.

Well, that's at least the case with our reserve that took everything "offline" a decade ago.
Mate it's like a holiday with a plan b. Heaps of places I'd like to go but don't know anyone at all in those countries. Plus if caught some places you might get executed or at least spend a long time in jail. Always have a bribe handy. Indonesia for example the local LE hey will stitch you up. Like full plant shit on you unless you pay them a "fine". South America too.

Fuck greenhouse. Always pay money for what you take. (US $ prefered).

Then the fun game of smuggling seeds through 2-3 international destinations including maybe Dubai (like fuck being done with ANYTHING there) begins. You can post it to a legal country or state if you've someone to send it to. Umm yeah, real balls in your throat shit sometimes.
None of that matters if you know people. This is all under the assumption you don't and if you don't, you shouldn't.
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The Malawi you grow (by Ace) has been further refined by them and doesn't look nor grow close to an original Malawi.

And, for example, if you look into the history of the Congolese by TRSC you'll notice that it's been a spanish national genetic preserve expedition that took "congo hemp" and refined it further by crossing it with modern "indica" genetics and that's what TRSC delivers and why the plant resembles more a drug-type cannabis variety than an africa wild-type sativa.
The original 'Congo hemp' genetics (and many more) are still reserved in national preservation seedbanks but sadly no longer publicly available because some of the MJ breeders exploited the hell out of that source. These people usually also distribute fake stories of how they did come by these genetics (usually a rural friend brought mysterious seeds...) in an attempt to disguise/protect their sources.

Well, that's at least the case with our reserve that took everything "offline" a decade ago.
Graph or stfu.

Hey Kass :razz:
I'm pretty sure I lost some braincells from reading this thread.

Depending on what circles you ran in I think the old school form of "tolerance break" was the yearly late summer drought (figurative drought) and difficulty in getting top quality flower all the time.

People talking about the loss of RKS isn't a new thing (because it isn't a new thing), people were lamenting the prevalence of sweet skunks and disappearance of RKS twenty years ago.
Some of us are lamenting the loss of Afghan/skunks which mostly disappeared from the commercial market way less than 20 years ago. They were floating around my area until 2016.
I agree that some strains and most anymore are questionable but that doesn’t take away from the fact that it’s all on how it’s grown and good genetics. Take your time and buy what you can grow and do it right and you’ll have good potent weed I’ve smoked stuff at the dispensary that gets you high for twenty minutes and smoked stuff that my neighbor grew that blew my mind and vice versa so is what it is welcome to the times of our lives
Some of us are lamenting the loss of Afghan/skunks which mostly disappeared from the commercial market way less than 20 years ago. They were floating around my area until 2016.
There's still prime cuts going around from the late 80's early 90's. Probably some even longer. I've grown a clone only Afghani that was supposed to be a cut smuggled from Afghanistan once too.
I don’t think it’s the weed.
People just smoke too much.
THC tolerance will do that.
Put down the reefer for a couple of months and see if you get high.
That's true, after 1 month of not smoking, the next joint will get you extremely high. But unfortunately the tolerance gets back very quickly, after few days of smoking you're back again at being tolerant.
That's true, after 1 month of not smoking, the next joint will get you extremely high. But unfortunately the tolerance gets back very quickly, after few days of smoking you're back again at being tolerant.
This whole thread is bullshit.anyone stand up and say growers from the 70s and early 80s were chicken shit is a fool
The Malawi you grow (by Ace) has been further refined by them and doesn't look nor grow close to an original Malawi.

And, for example, if you look into the history of the Congolese by TRSC you'll notice that it's been a national genetic preserve expedition that took "congo hemp" and in spain it got further refined by crossing it with modern "indica" genetics and that's what TRSC delivers and why the plant resembles more a drug-type cannabis variety than an africa wild-type sativa.
The original 'Congo hemp' genetics (and many more) are still reserved in national preservation seedbanks but sadly no longer publicly available because some of the MJ breeders exploited the hell out of that source. These people usually also distribute fake stories of how they did come by these genetics (usually a rural friend brought mysterious seeds...) in an attempt to disguise/protect their sources.

Well, that's at least the case with our reserve that took everything "offline" a decade ago.

Well of course, they've been working it for quite a long time selecting plants that are the most desireable. But it's not Chunky Strawberry Monkey x Pineapple Stargazer Haze or anything like that. ACE has already done much of the work in selecting the best plants of specific strains. Most people don't want to plant a bunch of seeds and end up with half the plants being ones you don't want to use. Which is what you get with more wild specimens.

As far a TRSC and the Congolese they have. I don't know the history of all their strains but they do let you know if it was sourced locally or if it's a reproduction as some are.