What has happened to weed ?

Breeding programs coming up with landraces? I don't think so. Landraces evolve over decades and hundreds or thousands of years. The pollen chuckers today crossing this with that are not breeders. They might as well be growing a seed crop like soybeans for yield.

You can still get landraces but it's not from some breeding program.
I can tell you've been paying attention to the breeding programs announced by various seed companies.
You don't know what you don't know, do you?
I think RKS is BS. A highly successful strain that somehow spread across the entire map wouldn't just disappear all of the sudden because growers everywhere, through some sort of collective consciousness, wanted less loud crops.
I can tell you've been paying attention to the breeding programs announced by various seed companies.
You don't know what you don't know, do you?
Breeding and selling seeds are very different things
I was there back in the early seventies and weed was creeper and the best gold looked like hay with giant black seeds
Thing is I’m not down to run anymore 20 plus weekers and that is what landrace is
No amount of internet promotion is gonna make folks buy it when they can do several runs of hybrids in the same span
Maybe a few but I see no demand for slow growing good weed with little bag appeal and in all likelihood seeds
I’ve heard many talk of the boring, muddied effects of a lot of the modern poly hybrids.

Obviously there’s plenty that people like (me included) and have great effects and flavours, but interesting that the topic often comes up. Tolerance is definitely a massive factor.

Like others, I’m just collecting a nice wide basket of genetics, including landrace varieties to preserve and play with.
I can tell you've been paying attention to the breeding programs announced by various seed companies.
You don't know what you don't know, do you?

What seed companies are creating landraces by announcing some breeding program? I fail to see how any seed company is doing anything other than selling currently existing seeds of landraces that have been sourced from location.

I've been doing reproduction runs of actual landraces. I wouldn't call that a breeding program but a preservation program. If you think there are some group of seed companies breeding landraces that's not what's going on. There are seed companies that have actual landrace seeds for sale but it's not from some breeding program.

There isn't much else to know. I don't follow instagram or watch cannabis reality shows on youtube.
Back in 1998/1999 I ordered some F1s that were out of the back of I think HighTines. I don't remember exactly but it was out of the back of a magazine for real. It was "Kush F1s - Should be some good F1s" that is all the ad said.

They came, I grew and one bong hit later it took me two hours to come down enough to know just how stoned I was.
I had the auditory halluciination and others had it too, with the first bong-hit..
I went to some weed-friends and I was accused of spiking the weed with something until I broke out a fresh bud and this young man who was visiting these friends became the Guinea Pig. He took a bong rip and he seemed interested in empty space for a little while but only after he smiled and laughed like someone told him a funny joke just after he took his first hit.
I wasn't accused of dosing the weed with something after that.

Oh how I wish I knew then what I know now.

a landrace is a localized strain that breeds true.
The Strain Hunters didn't ruin all the Cannabis in the world.
Arguing ineffectually I would say, from lack of information.
they went to every major "famous" location they could get to, and destroyed those genetics by giving local growers outside seeds.
so they didn't get to every strain, but they were far from the only "weed tourists" out there, i'll give you five bucks and let you kick me in the ass once if you can find any place on earth that still has it's old school genetics intact....
and a landrace is exactly what i said it was, because i copied that from merriam webster...you wanna say they're arguing from ignorance?
they went to every major "famous" location they could get to, and destroyed those genetics by giving local growers outside seeds.
so they didn't get to every strain, but they were far from the only "weed tourists" out there, i'll give you five bucks and let you kick me in the ass once if you can find any place on earth that still has it's old school genetics intact....
and a landrace is exactly what i said it was, because i copied that from merriam webster...you wanna say they're arguing from ignorance?
Reunion island? Zamal?

Many of those farmers didn’t let Arjan and his gang into their best fields would be my hunch.
Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely no Arjan fan, but they would have to be stupid to lead some foreigner to their prize fields in the hopes of swapping what they have for some silly coloured seeds and a greenhouse seeds menu.
Really it’s shame they didn’t all (except Franco) get chopped up and eaten by cannibals for being so cheeky in the first place.
Greenhouse has the stash!
And the Cash.

On the one hand... Going in and collecting land race is a way of saving genetics and on the other it is a way of destroying genetics.
Once again it's all about the Benjamins.

I briefly met Franco Loja in Amsterdam in 2009. He was nice enough.
The whole Amsterdam culture was very different for me.
they went to every major "famous" location they could get to, and destroyed those genetics by giving local growers outside seeds.
so they didn't get to every strain, but they were far from the only "weed tourists" out there, i'll give you five bucks and let you kick me in the ass once if you can find any place on earth that still has it's old school genetics intact....
and a landrace is exactly what i said it was, because i copied that from merriam webster...you wanna say they're arguing from ignorance?
A landrace strain is a variety of cannabis plant that has less diluted DNA than other strains of cannabis. That means landrace strains have not been crossbred with another variety of cannabis.

To take the distinction even further, landrace strains are usually indigenous to a certain part of the world (meaning they have adapted to the environment of a specific geographic location). And since these landrace strains are the original cannabis plant from that area, descendants from those strains often bear part of the region’s name (e.g., Kandy Kush, Durban Thai, Super Lemon Haze).

Let’s think of it this way for clarification: The original strain that developed in the Hindu Kush so many thousands of years ago was a wild species.

Caveman potheads took seeds from that wild species and planted them in various parts of the world in the thousands of years between then and now. Those plants that were directly descended from the original species are now known as landrace strains.

I mean, I searched for exactly .0049 seconds, it says...
Why argue when you can do a search?
What seed companies are creating landraces by announcing some breeding program? I fail to see how any seed company is doing anything other than selling currently existing seeds of landraces that have been sourced from location.

I've been doing reproduction runs of actual landraces. I wouldn't call that a breeding program but a preservation program. If you think there are some group of seed companies breeding landraces that's not what's going on. There are seed companies that have actual landrace seeds for sale but it's not from some breeding program.

There isn't much else to know. I don't follow instagram or watch cannabis reality shows on youtube.
You can continue to miss the entire point for as long as you like.
Admit it nor not.
Like it or not.
Today's cannabis strains are based upon strains that were bred to reduce smell and isolate THC production.
Lots of things were lost when that took place.
Breeders are beginning to notice that by introducing landraces to stabilized hybrids that it brings back hybrid vigor and opens the genetic potential back up in genetics that have been bred into a corner.
You don't have to believe, or even be able to understand what I'm telling you to make it true.
You obviously don't watch any shows or read anything either.
Ignorance is bliss.
You can loudly speak as if your voice has any sort of authority, and never know what a sort of a chump you sound like.
It seems to me like all the weed genetics have been filtered out Lost and weed is getting weaker And there's plenty of whack seeds floating about ?
tolerance break?

I was around in the day. When indoor Kronic in 87 tested at max 12% and one of the local outdoor hybrid tested at 13.8%... plus all the older growers and shipping weed in Lego boxes in the 70s and 80s. Think an island... or chain of islands...

Memory, it's a funny thing. Tolerance also. Back in the 70s most weed didn't get over 10%. Thai was one of the only hitting mid to high teens. I even remember fake Thai sticks and real Thai Green hash, that came in the late 80s and early 90s.

The green hash came in a plastic wrap with a red Dragon logo straight out of Thailand. Before that butcher paper. I was just a kid but if you think your special because you were around back then... Your not. Unless your involved in the smuggling etc your just some customer/consumer among millions.

I'm sure if you had a time machine or those same genetics today you'd probably not even comment. Not saying the high wouldn't be great cause THC % isn't everything. Just saying subjective effects and memory aren't always as reliable as we think. I have those genetics still cause older folk used to give away seeds etc.

I've mates that used to bang on like that about weed from 30 years ago or more. They don't anymore. They grow hybrids based on the original heirlooms we have here. Yes I've not smoked weed as psychedelic as Balinese grown under hps in Dutch trays from 94... I've smoked weed more psychedelic (also extremely racy on the heart etc). Mind that was heirloom sativa X Kandahar and I diy on that strain.

Do your own thing if your not happy. Find genetics you like or grab ya balls and go in country. Yes it's dangerous as all fuck but if you get some say Tanzanian landrace, from Tanzania, from a local growers then you win. Then hybridized grow out 200 seed plants. Find one you like. Clone, reverse for femme seed or use a male for regular. DIY, never happier.