What has Trump done to this country?

I'll tell you just a few things

Withdraw from the Paris Climate Accord
Withdraw from the Trans Pacific Partnership
Withdraw from the Iranian Nuclear Agreement
Withdraw from the World Heath Organization
Withdraw from NAFTA
Withdraw from the UN Human Rights Council
Withdraw from UNESCO
Withdraw from the World Trade Organization

There are more, but I'm tired of typing withdraw.

Never in the 1,227 days of Trump’s presidency has the nation seemed to cry out for leadership as it did Sunday, yet Trump made no attempt to provide it.

That was by design it seems.

Trump and some of his advisers calculated that he should not speak to the nation because he's a fucking idiot and had nothing new to say and had no tangible policy or action to announce yet, according to a senior administration official. Evidently not feeling an urgent motivation Sunday to try to bring people together, he stayed silent, which was nice for a change.

Trump let his tweets speak for themselves.

One attacked the Democratic mayor of Minneapolis; another announced that his administration would designate the ANTIFA movement a terrorist organization (good luck on that one), a third accused the media of fomenting hatred and anarchy & in yet another, he praised himself for the deployment of the National Guard and denigrated former vice president Joe Biden.

Then that cocksucker Tweeted

“Get tough Democrat Mayors and Governors. These people are ANARCHISTS. Call in our National Guard NOW. The World is watching and laughing at you and Sleepy Joe. Is this what America wants? NO!!!”

Then he Tweeted that he was ready to kill the protesters and release,

“the most vicious dogs, and most ominous weapons, I have ever seen,”

The United States is visibly, painfully broken by Trump & the unprecedented confluence of health, economic and social crises, any one of which alone would test a president, but Trump is not a POTUS, he's a fucking fool

It was extraordinary then to hear some in the public arena suggest yesterday that this idiot ought stay in the background, arguing that Trump lacked the moral authority and credibility necessary to heal the country.

“He should just stop talking. This is like Charlottesville all over again,” Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms said yesterday on CNN’s “State of the Union,” referring to Trump’s equivocations following a deadly white-supremacist rally in 2017. “He speaks, and he makes it worse. There are times when you should just be quiet. And I wish that he would just be quiet.”

I simply wish he would fucking die & do this country & the World in general a favor :)

This weekend exemplified many of the characteristics that have defined Trump’s five years as a presidential candidate and president, chaos and unrest, fear and anger, division and disruption. Some of these themes and qualities helped draw Trump’s brain dead supporters to him and keep them faithful, giving him a chance at reelection in November despite the carnage on his watch this spring.

“The rioting in the streets has put an exclamation point on what this president cannot do: To bring people around and say we are all in this together,” said Tom Rath, a longtime Republican official and former attorney general in New Hampshire. “On his automatic transmission, there is one speed. It is not conciliate. It is not comfort. It is not forge consensus. It is attack. And the frustration right now is that nobody is in charge. Anarchy rules.”

Yup, Anarchy rules for sure now, cities are burning from coast to coast, the National Guard is active in 3 states, curfews everywhere & the US militaries MP's are on alert to quell the riots in this country for the 1st time since the fucking Civil War.

Nice work Trump

Only 5 more months, and we can dump this POS
Get got let in somehow... some douche left the gate open I guess and the old man wandered in... and once he got in he just grabbed America by the p*$$y and told his friends "I WIN"
Masked-up Trump arrives in NYC to visit his younger brother Robert, 72, in hospital who is 'very ill' and 'having a hard time' - weeks after his sibling sued their niece to stop publication of tell-all book
  • Robert Trump, 72, was admitted to New York Presbyterian Hospital in serious condition, officials said Friday
  • The president's younger brother was described as 'very ill', but details of his illness were not released
  • During a White House press briefing on Friday, Trump said Robert 'is having a hard time' in hospital
  • 'He's in the hospital right now, hopefully he'll be alright,' he told reporters before departing for New York
  • The president had originally been scheduled to travel to his country club in nearby Bedminster, New Jersey
  • Robert was hospitalized at Mount Sinai Hospital in June where he was treated for a 'serious condition'
  • Around the same time, he filed a lawsuit against niece Mary Trump, seeking to block the publication of her tell-all book about the president

if this old fvcker dies of COVID..? Can't wait for the headlines TRUMPLAGUE KILLS BROTHER and Robert Trump is scum like the rest.

deep down feeling sorry for others' crazy- not this time..not..this..time.

life is choices.
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Idk people even give a shit about mail in voting, ROFL.
I do.

Fortunately our (Democratic) governor in Michigan outsmarted Trump and has drop boxes for the ballots outside of city buildings.

So now it is a question of when we get our ballots, and Trump's minion in the Post Office is going to really have to pull some shit to mess up our getting our ballots.
God damn Trump to hell.

It's becoming a badge of honor, this Republican focus on fucking with our little state. We are 100% mail-in ballots, so, of course Trump is going after our ability to vote.

In urban areas, we have ballot drop-off boxes at every county courthouse and most banks. Ballots dropped off in those boxes can be dropped off up to and on the day of the election (before 8 pm). They are picked up by election officials, not the postal services. It's the slow-downs in delivery of ballots to voters that's going to fuck most with our mail-in system. Ballots are mailed to voters two weeks before the election. So, how much of a delay would Trump cause? If it's more than two weeks, we are screwed but I don't think that's likely. A week would be more like it. Rural areas without many drop boxes will be most affected and guess which party depends on that voter most? Trump was always a policy-driven leader who ignored the process and unintended consequences of his policies. This is going to be a game changer in Oregon's representation state-wide if not in DC.

A lot of states are increasing the number of drop-off sites:

We've been using them for years with zero issues.
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I've been mailing my ballot in California for 25 years now!

Next month, they will send a mail-in ballot to you too, Einstein! You should just toss it in the recycling. :roll:

He will, has anybody checked all those scrapped post office drop off boxes for mail? Some might be full of mail when the contrator santched them off the streets. Your ballot is now considered bulk rate and subject to recycling, if undelivered and they are pulling sorting machines out of facilities, I'd make sure there were ballot drop off boxes and ballot pick up locations at all state offices and at special booths. Don't trust the USPS, the worst is yet to come, he might close it down completely a week or two before election day claiming it spreads covid.

Nothing is too low or too stupid for Donald, expect anything and be ready for everything. Donald and Barr are facing life in prison anyway, they have nothing to lose and no way out, save one, to grab for power.
I'm not concerned about my mail-in ballot.

There is a ballot-verification service that will tell me when they receive my ballot, and when it is counted.

Still, even in CA, folks should reduce the load on the USPS as much as possible for a couple of months, if they are gonna fuck with the mail, make sure they have to go to extremes and go to prison for it. Every state that can, should have ballot drop off boxes, fucking with the USPS will screw rural voters over the most, well before the election, Trump is directly attacking his base and fucking them over.

Rural voters use the mail the most, for shopping, benefit checks, medications and for voting, Donald will screw himself and the republicans on federal and state levels by disenfranchising their rural base the most.
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'suddenly stricken..':lol:

Citing the family, WLS reported that Thompson was receiving treatment and recovering at a rehabilitation center in downtown Chicago when "he suddenly was stricken and passed Friday evening."

you'll start to see this^^^^^^what's missing in above statement is 'due to complications of Covid-19'. Same with Robert Trump..'he's fighting for his life'.