What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member

I'll admit that Trump isn't "presidential" in dialogue, an affinity for social media and general vulgarity. He was elected for because his opponent was widely recognized as a liar and megalomaniac.

Flash forward to 2020 - - - A lot of people don't like Trump because of his policies. (seems like most of them are opining on this thread.) It is equally true that a lot of people came to like Trump for the very same reasons. I'm willing to call that a push, so let's compare Trump to Biden.

73 years old, non-presidential
Net Worth: Was 2-2.1 billion, now, since covid, slightly < $1 billion (Forbes)
In politics since 2016, 4 years in office
Significant impact on domestic and foreign policies (for better or worse)
Killed federal funding of almost all international cooperation organizations, especially ones where the US provided most of the funding. Most are listed above in the initial post on this thread - they are numerous.
Seen by critics as a wealthy self-centered charlatan, taking advantage of downtrodden in favor of other fat cats.

76 years old, very presidential in speech and demeanor
Net Worth: $9 million (Forbes)
In politics since 1973, 47 years in office
Various policies and numerous reversals:
Segregation - he was a former supporter - not no mo.
Sexual preference - was against gays in military and other rights - now waves a rainbow flag whenever the opportunity arises
Law Enforcement - he authored the "Violent Crime Control Law Enforcement Act", now pleads for understanding and compassion
Abortion - was against it and banned federal funding to support it, now support federal funding before "crowning".
Seen by critics as an inept, mentally infirm old man, running on a campaign of fixing the very government he helped design while in office for the last 47 years.

The only other factor in the minds of voters has to be Nancy Pelosi. No opinion from the author about her, but most voters have come to realize that this nasty skelator-faced stupid asshole should be tarred, feathered and beaten.

My final analysis: Brace yourselves for another 4 years of Trump.
Dont waste ur time or finger strength...these cats have an agenda...n if the headlines tmmrw morning said that Biden is confirmed n has admitted to being the antichrist himself they'd still rather have him than Don J...fact...ha...smh...its not really Biden they want in office you know that rightbongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Dont waste ur time or finger strength...these cats have an agenda...n if the headlines tmmrw morning said that Biden is confirmed n has admitted to being the antichrist himself they'd still rather have him than Don J...fact...ha...smh...its not really Biden they want in office you know that rightbongsmilie
is your penis 2'' or 3'' when erect


Well-Known Member
I will say Biden seems like a genuinely nice fella...Im sure he may have been a good president at some point in his life...I'm just not convinced it's his time...that's all


Well-Known Member
I will say Biden seems like a genuinely nice fella...Im sure he may have been a good president at some point in his life...I'm just not convinced it's his time...that's all
He will at least put smart competent hardworking people in the jobs Trump has either left vacant or assigned trolls to figure out how to use them to benefit Trump's re-election, Trump's pocketbook, and/or both.

And we won't have to be exhausted with scandal after scandal coming from the one person we should all be able to at least know is not actively trying to make our lives worse. For 51%+ of us who are not in his cult, getting attacked by the POTUS daily takes a toll.


Well-Known Member
Dammit hanimmal...that's some slick shit...its not that serious man...to me anyway...you did that the other day n it thru me off n took my slow ass a minute to figure out what you were doin...


Well-Known Member
Dammit hanimmal...that's some slick shit...its not that serious man...to me anyway...you did that the other day n it thru me off n took my slow ass a minute to figure out what you were doin...
Trump's base of support are top terror threat:

White Supremacists Are Top Terror Threat In DHS Draft Assessments: Report
The Department of Homeland Security has prepared three draft reports warning that white supremacists are currently the most significant terror threat in the U.S., Politico reported Friday.
All three drafts reviewed by Politico warn that white supremacists represent an even greater threat than violence from foreign terrorist groups.
None of the drafts reviewed by Politico mentioned any threat from antifa, the anti-fascist movement that President Donald Trump has repeatedly characterized as a pressing danger.

Elections matter.


Well-Known Member
Dont waste ur time or finger strength...these cats have an agenda...n if the headlines tmmrw morning said that Biden is confirmed n has admitted to being the antichrist himself they'd still rather have him than Don J...fact...ha...smh...its not really Biden they want in office you know that rightbongsmilie
Haven’t had enough winning biggly under trump, huh?