What has Trump done to this country?

Wow, you call me a moron, don't be so childish.

Mathew Dolloff attempted to grab the murder victims mace, the murder victim then swiped out at Dolloff knocking his hat off, Dolloff then pulled his gun and at that point the murder victim tried to mace the aggressor, Dolloff then discharged his weapon illegally. That is what happened and that is how a jury will see this.

Denver self defence law: To use a gun in self-defence, the shooter must have reason to believe that he or someone else would otherwise suffer serious bodily injury or death.

This matters not as Dolloff was the aggressor. Dolloff will be spending the rest of his sad little life getting what he deserves.
don't bring mace to a gun fight. why did the Vet show up for a "peaceful" protest celebrating law enforcement with a can of mace??
and he didn't try to mace Dolloff, he maced Dolloff while he was doing what he was paid to do, protect the News9 journalist.
he'll be off scot-free and he'll get to keep his CCW permit.
wtf? “Hello humans” yeah man you’re retarded.
You cannot use deadly force if someone maces you in self defence. Typical double standards from you leftards.
The guy he murdered was a veteran and defended your right to be able to post here today. you should be ashamed.

It looks like Mathew Dolloff was the instigator in this attack and is going to jail for a very long time. Dolloff has a history of extreme left activism.

I agree with you that our laws regarding the use of a firearm in self defense are too lax. People in this country don't set a very high value on human life in this country, left or right. We need to change that.
Biden has stepped in it more times than a stable hand. He new nothing about Burisma and never spoke to any of his sons business partners. Well looooky here.
He will lose this coming election, those cards are already dealt.
He was/is a TV personality/failed business man that the Electoral College put in office, not, & I repeat not, the popular vote.
The fucking MAJORITY of American citizens did not fucking choose Donald J Trump to be their leader, some antiquated/archaic bullshit process, a remnant from fucking slavery did.
But, the die has been cast in the sense that Trump has brought to the forefront the massive divisions in American society.
Now, the entire World/USA awaits what the day after November 3 brings to this Planet.
I predict calamity.
God bless Joe Biden, he's inheriting a country in it's worst shape since 1776 & the future is bleak.
I pity the man
‘Meeting jaw to jaw is better than war.’

i take back calling you a moron. looks like 4chan has legit info. lol, moron.

One newer and particularly grim post-shooting mile marker is the hoax — the misidentified shooter, the incorrectly labeled photograph, the fake story that spreads after the shooting. Early this morning, in the hours after the mass killing at a country-music festival in Las Vegas, the continually inept right-wing blog Gateway Pundit misidentified an innocent man as the shooter based on errant 4chan speculation
There you go, we agree on something, I would imagine we agree on more than that we disagree but we are living in unprecedented times where extremism has rooted deep into both extremes of the political landscape.

We don't have to fight to resolve this situation that the world is in right now, human history would suggest It's inevitability but I refuse to fight when I can remember to self reflect.

Pain is certain, suffering is optional
We took the middie out to a bar in Olongapo and got him drunk on "mojo", which is sort of the Filipino version of Long Island Iced Tea

He wore his dress whites and a bar girl came over and sat on his lap- when she got off his lap there was a red stain