What has Trump done to this country?

free frostbite at Dotard rally!
I really deep down inside wish no hardship/pain/suffering on anyone, except for Trump supporters.
They are a fucking cancer on our society.
Now, which really hurts my soul, I hope they all fucking die.
The World will/would be a better place without them.
That entire family should have been exterminated.
Imagine the World without a fucking Trump existing?
Fuck Hitler/Stalin/Mao/Pol Pot, they are NOTHING compared to the devestation released upon the USA/World by Trump.
Very sad fucking fact
They will need to move the trial of these fucks out of Washington, might I suggest Nuremberg, Pennsylvania! ;)

I really deep down inside wish no hardship/pain/suffering on anyone, except for Trump supporters.
They are a fucking cancer on our society.
Now, which really hurts my soul, I hope they all fucking die.
The World will/would be a better place without them.
take the whole GOP too. they are the baby boomers that need that medicare and SS that the people they vote for are taking away. f'ing morons.
It's time for me too chill out, like right now
I'm sooo fucking tired/angry reading the news about COVID-19/Trump.
So, I'm going to sit back & pack a bowl & close my eyes & listen to this.
It is solace.

A trip to urgent care with vitals that freaked out the nurse got me my very first RX for “brain meds” because of this mess. I’ve only used a handful of times, but this shit is exhausting. I early voted in person the day after it opened here in IL, so I’ve tried to just lay low since then. Check up on the news, but not absorb too much....saving all of my anxious for next week.

Living along the IL/WI border right now is panic inducing, Rona wise and militia-wise.
A trip to urgent care with vitals that freaked out the nurse got me my very first RX for “brain meds” because of this mess. I’ve only used a handful of times, but this shit is exhausting. I early voted in person the day after it opened here in IL, so I’ve tried to just lay low since then. Check up on the news, but not absorb too much....saving all of my anxious for next week.

Living along the IL/WI border right now is panic inducing, Rona wise and militia-wise.
Trumps actions are/have taken there toll on a lot of people, at least one's with a functional fucking brain.
You take care/stay safe.
Peace out brother :)
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The latest reliable poll puts Biden ahead by 17% in hard covid hit Wisconsin!

What To Make Of That New Wisconsin Poll That Has Biden Way Ahead

Once in a blue moon, you see a poll that makes you blink twice to make sure you’re not seeing things. This morning’s ABC News/The Washington Post survey of Wisconsin was just such a poll. It showed Joe Biden 17 points (not a typo) ahead of President Trump, 57 percent to 40 percent, among likely voters. To put it mildly, this is a stunning margin in what is supposed to be one of the most competitive swing states in the country — a place that Trump carried by less than 1 percentage point in 2016.

And this is not an easy poll to disregard. ABC News/Washington Post adheres to what we consider the gold-standard methodology (meaning they use live phone interviewers, call cell phones as well as landlines and participate in the American Association for Public Opinion Research’s Transparency Initiative or the Roper Center for Public Opinion Research archive) and earns an A+ grade in FiveThirtyEight’s pollster ratings database.1 The poll single-handedly increased Biden’s lead in our polling average of Wisconsin from 7.1 points to 9.0 points, and it is currently the most influential poll in our forecast of Wisconsin, where Biden’s chances of winning the state have reached a new high as a result — 93 in 100.

That said, ABC News/Washington Post is definitely an outlier; no other poll has shown Biden with that large a lead in Wisconsin since June. (Then, it was a Hodas & Associates poll sponsored by the conservative Restoration PAC that put Biden 17 points ahead.)

On the other hand, this poll doesn’t exactly exist in a vacuum. Biden has recently gotten a lot of very strong polls from some of the states that border Wisconsin. To wit:

RABA Research was out with a poll yesterday showing Biden at 50 percent and Trump at 46 percent in Iowa. Last week, the A+ pollsters Monmouth University and Siena College/The New York Times Upshot found similar margins. Iowa, remember, is a fairly red state that Trump carried by 9 points in 2016. And for the first time, our forecast now gives Biden a better chance than Trump of winning the state, although it’s still basically a coin flip (Biden’s odds are 51 in 100).
Yesterday, Gravis Marketing released a survey of Minnesota in which Biden led Trump by 14 points. Biden’s chances of winning Minnesota have now reached an all-time high of 94 in 100.

On Sunday, we also got a Gravis poll of Michigan that gave Biden a 13-point lead. That’s on top of last week’s Fox News poll of Michigan showing Biden 12 points ahead. And this morning, ABC News/Washington Post also released a Michigan poll giving Biden a smaller 7-point lead. Overall, our forecast gives Biden a 94 in 100 chance of winning the Wolverine State.

What might be going on here? Well, Biden has led in some of these states for a while, but it’s also possible that Trump could be losing support in the Midwest due to the recent spike in COVID-19 cases there. Much of Wisconsin is currently a hot spot; on Tuesday, the state reported more new cases (5,262) and deaths (64) than any other day of the pandemic. The same day, Iowa and Minnesota announced a record number of hospitalizations, and cases are on the rise in Michigan as well.
5 days out from poll closing and Donald is down bigly in the latest national polls, he appears to be his own worst enemy.
A little dive into the numbers from this latest poll reveals a lot about the mood of the nation on the eve of this critical election. It's increasingly looking like a major blow out for the republicans and as the national polling lead increases it means more republican senate seats. It's appears to be a blue wave in Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, Georgia and Texas are in play, senate seats and all. It might now be a question of how much damage Donald is gonna do to the GOP both federally and on a state level, which is important too with redistricting coming.

CNN Poll: Biden continues to hold nationwide advantage in final days of 2020 race

(CNN)With the race for the presidency approaching its end amid a raging pandemic, Democratic nominee Joe Biden maintains a substantial lead over President Donald Trump nationwide, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS.

Among likely voters, 54% back Biden and 42% Trump. Biden has held a lead in every CNN poll on the matchup since 2019, and he has held a statistically significant advantage in every high-quality national poll since the spring.
Although the election will ultimately be decided by the statewide results, which drive the Electoral College, Biden's lead nationally is wider than any presidential candidate has held in more than two decades in the final days of the campaign.

View 2020 presidential election polling

The poll offers no indication that Trump's four-year-long campaign for reelection has managed to garner him substantial new supporters since his narrow win in the 2016 election.

Barring major changes in the landscape in the final days of the race, Trump's chances for closing the gap are deeply dependent on Election Day turnout. The poll finds that among those who have already voted (64% Biden to 34% Trump) or who plan to vote early but had not yet done so at the time they were interviewed (63% Biden to 33% Trump), Biden holds nearly two-thirds support. Trump leads 59% to 36%, though, among those who say they plan to vote on Election Day.

The demographic chasms that have defined the nation's politics in the last four years remain in place. Women break sharply for Biden, 61% to 37%. Among men, it's a near-even split, 48% for Trump and 47% for Biden. Voters of color support the Democrat by a nearly 50-point margin, 71% to 24%, while White voters split 50% for Trump to 48% for Biden.

Those near-even numbers among men and among White voters mask significant divides by education among Whites and by race across genders. Women of color (77% Biden to 21% Trump) and White women (54% Biden to 45% Trump) both break for Biden, as do men of color (64% Biden to 28% Trump). White men, however, favor Trump by 56% to 41%.

Those with college degrees favor Biden by 30 points, while those without degrees split evenly. Among White voters, the difference is larger. White voters with college degrees favor Biden 58% to 40%. Those White voters who do not hold a four-year degree are a mirror image, breaking 58% for Trump to 40% for Biden. Among those White voters with degrees, the gender gap is relatively small, but it is a yawning 38 points between White women without degrees (49% Biden to 49% Trump) and White men without degrees (68% Trump to 30% for Biden).
Fucker Carlson is baffled ....

gosh, they must think really poorly of their audience base if they think that story is remotely believable. "We received damning, authentic evidence against Biden, and decided not to make copies before we sent it cross country the least secure way possible." Gimme a f'n break, even the legally blind trumptard knew to make several copies of the supposed hard drive.