What has Trump done to this country?


Well-Known Member
Another Neck Beard getting dragged about his Ego in Chief Trump being a fucking Yuge Loser.

I can taste the tears ... lol.

View attachment 4740688

Neighbor : “ WOO HOO .... Fuck Trump ! “
* Bangs pots and pans , 1 year old
shoots gun in air , grandma flashes
boobs .

Trump Supporter :
* Fetal position sobbing
guarantee you that this was the very same guy who figured where the property line was and stuck his Trump sign in it with razor blades on the bottom..black guy just at the election day caught a Karen taking his Biden sign off his yard, putting it in her trunk and driving away- but he caught her Karen fun ensued for all.


Well-Known Member
Olbermann vs. Trump #25: Pompeo Was Joking? Wasn't Joking? I Don't Care. Cut Off Red State Funding.

Mike Pompeo may have thought he was being snarky or sarcastic or just subservient to the madman sulking in the White House bathroom.


Well-Known Member
Trump's Own Former Lawyer Cohen Hits 'Crybaby' Trump After Biden Win | The Beat With Ari Melber

Several days have passed since Biden was declared the President-Elect and Trump still refuses to concede and to help Biden’s team transition to the White House. Michael Cohen and MSNBC contributor Jason Johnson discuss Trump’s financial motivations for dragging out the inevitable and remaining in politics with MSNBC’s Ari Melber. Cohen also discusses his friendship with comedian Rosie O'Donnell and the time she visited him in prison.


Well-Known Member
This doesn't include criminal indictments like those Cohen did time for, Donald would get 3 X Cohen's sentence and he is covid immune too.
6 post-presidency lawsuits waiting for Trump

President Donald Trump will return to just plain old Donald Trump on January 20. Meanwhile, there are at least a half dozen ongoing cases involving him -- and placing him in various levels of legal jeopardy -- still pending.


Well-Known Member
Moral failure to back up those on the front lines, be they in the military or in the hospitals, another moral failure of Trump & republican voters all 72 million of them. When you break the hearts of the compassionate you are an asshole, no two ways about it.

For doctors who think Trump fumbled the pandemic, the tight election is seen as an insult

  • Many front-line health-care workers in America expected that the coronavirus pandemic would be a big priority for voters.
  • A variety of polls indicate that the majority of Americans don’t approve of the administration’s management of the virus.
  • In July, just 32% of Americans said they approved of Trump’s pandemic strategy, according to The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
A doctor treating patients with symptoms related to coronavirus takes a break at a health clinic on April 3, 2020 in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

A doctor treating patients with symptoms related to coronavirus takes a break at a health clinic on April 3, 2020 in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Francisco Macias | Getty Images

In the spring, U.S. medical workers were heralded as heroes. But by the fall, the rhetoric had started to shift, with the public growing increasingly fatigued by the coronavirus pandemic and President Donald Trump accusing doctors of inflating Covid-19 death counts for money.

With the death toll from the coronavirus continuing to tick up, many medical workers say they hoped for a landslide victory for Democratic nominee Joe Biden, who has said he’ll follow the advice of scientists if he wins the presidency.

“Trump has insulted our integrity and allowed for more than seven months of chaos and excessive deaths (due) to Covid,” said Dr. John Purakal, an emergency medicine physician based in North Carolina. “It’s so surprising to me,” he said. “But here we are.”

A variety of polls indicate that the majority of Americans don’t approve of the administration’s management of the coronavirus. In July, just 32% of Americans said they approved of Trump’s pandemic strategy, according to The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. In August, 7 out of 10 Americans who responded to a CNN poll said the president’s response was embarrassing. NBC exits polls from Election Day and early voting, found that 51% of voters think U.S. efforts to contain the outbreak are going badly.

Biden may still eke out a victory. But after the Trump administration undermined or contradicted its own medical experts on everything from wearing masks to reopening schools at the beginning of the outbreak, the tight race feels like a slap in the face for many physicians fighting the pandemic .

Texas and Florida — where there have been more than 960,000 and 827,000 confirmed cases, respectively, so far — solidly went for Trump even though Democrats thought the outbreak gave them a fighting chance in some red states.

“Many of us are now questioning whether we’re speaking into an echo chamber,” said Miami-based physician Dr. Krishna Komanduri. Miami-Dade County dealt a big blow to the Biden campaign in Florida and helped seal the state for Trump.

The economy, and not the pandemic, was more of a priority for 70% of Trump voters, according to the NBC poll.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Moral failure to back up those on the front lines, be they in the military or in the hospitals, another moral failure of Trump & republican voters all 72 million of them. When you break the hearts of the compassionate you are an asshole, no two ways about it.
I am glad I am a vet in healthcare and have drowned on my own plenty of times before because I am going down under again now and Know what to expect and I know how to survive.


Well-Known Member
I am glad I am a vet in healthcare and have drowned on my own plenty of times before because I am going down under again now and Know what to expect and I know how to survive.
Vaccine by spring or so says Fauci and antibody therapy has just been approved for compassionate use, by summer you should have herd immunity without the tragedy and pain. If it wasn't for the skill of medical professionals and the treatments they developed with in months, the death toll would be 3 times higher at least. Hang in there kid, Joe and the Calvary are on the way.

The fuckers are ingrates as well as inconsiderate assholes all 72 million of the moral morons, just let anybody try and carry Trumps water when I'm around, I will be most unpleasant, no excuses only apologies and a solemn promise never to be so fucking stupid and pathetic again. You can't trust a moral failure, if they voted for Trump and you are a healthcare worker, they hung you out to dry and threatened your life, it's even worse when they are related to you.


Well-Known Member

The economy as we knew it might be over, Fed Chairman says

New York (CNN Business)The Covid-19 pandemic brought the economy to a screeching halt, and while it has started its long road to recovery, the economy we knew is probably a thing of the past, said Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell on Thursday.

"We're recovering, but to a different economy," Powell said during a virtual panel discussion at the European Central Bank's Forum on Central Banking.

The pandemic has accelerated existing trends in the economy and society, including the increasing use of technology, telework and automation, he said. This will have lasting effects on how people live and work.

While technological advances are generally positive for societies over the long term, Powell said, on a short-term basis they create disruption, and as the market adjusts to the new normal the pain isn't shared evenly.

For example, it's likely that lower-paid workers, as well as those in jobs requiring face-to-face interactions, such as retail or restaurant workers, will shoulder most of the burden of this shift. These groups, heavily skewed towards women and minorities, have already been among those most affected by pandemic layoffs, Powell said.

The post-pandemic economy is also at risk of being less productive: women have been forced to quit their jobs due to child care responsibilities during the crisis, and children aren't getting the education they deserve, Powell said.
Generally speaking, inequality holds the economy back, the central banker said.

"Even after the unemployment rate goes down and there's a vaccine, there's going to be a probably substantial group of workers who are going to need support as they're finding their way in the post-pandemic economy, because it's going to be different in some fundamental ways," Powell said.

Washington has spent trillions of dollars to boost the economy in the wake of the pandemic. But jobless workers are still in a tough spot: some benefits have already dwindled and more are set to expire at year-end. Economists are hopeful that the next administration will manage to pass another stimulus bill to help workers and businesses as the recovery continues.

More work needs to be done
Powell has long said that the economy might need more stimulus from both the government and the central bank to get through the crisis. He again echoed this sentiment on Thursday.

"My sense is that we will need to do more and that Congress will need to do more," he said.
While the prospect of a vaccine is goods news, many questions remain, including the resurgence of the virus around the world.

"The main risk we see today [...] is the further spread of disease here in the United States," he said. Several states have restarted their pandemic restrictions to curb the spread.

US stocks weakened following Powell's sobering comments. The market had lately been rallying on vaccine hopes.


Active Member
Wake up people... this has been going on since before you were born. When Jesus stood up for taxation he took the sins of the world upon him... once anointed with miraculous powers he suddenly became hated and was crucified along with the thieves and murderers proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that God does not look favorably on taxation but instead judges those who live off taxes to be no better than thieves and murderers. So get the hell off the welfare and support your own damn self... That Is What America is all about! That is Freedom for All!


Well-Known Member
Wake up people... this has been going on since before you were born. When Jesus stood up for taxation he took the sins of the world upon him... once anointed with miraculous powers he suddenly became hated and was crucified along with the thieves and murderers proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that God does not look favorably on taxation but instead judges those who live off taxes to be no better than thieves and murderers. So get the hell off the welfare and support your own damn self... That Is What America is all about! That is Freedom for All!
go to sleep


Well-Known Member
Just an update on what Trump has done to this Nation
As of this moment, 242,073 dead Americans due to COVID-19, with a projection that if the current curve is maintained, almost 400,000 will be dead by February,2021

Should have mandated masks/social distancing 9 months ago, but shit-for-brains ignored science so now we're all gonna die, or at least a shitload are.
Oh, the school where my wife teaches has an outbreak and canceled all classes until further notice & now all instruction will be online only.
She teaches kindergarten so what that means is that all those parents have to deal with that & that should prove to be problematic.
Good news is she will be able to work from home & be safe.
That's a relief.


Well-Known Member
Just an update on what Trump has done to this Nation
As of this moment, 242,073 dead Americans due to COVID-19, with a projection that if the current curve is maintained, almost 400,000 will be dead by February,2021

Should have mandated masks/social distancing 9 months ago, but shit-for-brains ignored science so now we're all gonna die, or at least a shitload are.
Oh, the school where my wife teaches has an outbreak and canceled all classes until further notice & now all instruction will be online only.
She teaches kindergarten so what that means is that all those parents have to deal with that & that should prove to be problematic.
Good news is she will be able to work from home & be safe.
That's a relief.
Another nail in the asshole's coffin James 290 now, let the whining bitch deal with that.
Biden carries Arizona, flipping a longtime Republican stronghold


Well-Known Member
Wake up people... this has been going on since before you were born. When Jesus stood up for taxation he took the sins of the world upon him... once anointed with miraculous powers he suddenly became hated and was crucified along with the thieves and murderers proving beyond a shadow of a doubt that God does not look favorably on taxation but instead judges those who live off taxes to be no better than thieves and murderers. So get the hell off the welfare and support your own damn self... That Is What America is all about! That is Freedom for All!
You learned your scripture from Paula White, correct? Jesus did not stand up for taxation. Did Jesus condone separating babies from their mothers? Would Jesus grab your pussy? Would Jesus suggest shooting refugees at the border? Eat stool.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Moral failure to back up those on the front lines, be they in the military or in the hospitals, another moral failure of Trump & republican voters all 72 million of them. When you break the hearts of the compassionate you are an asshole, no two ways about it.

For doctors who think Trump fumbled the pandemic, the tight election is seen as an insult

  • Many front-line health-care workers in America expected that the coronavirus pandemic would be a big priority for voters.
  • A variety of polls indicate that the majority of Americans don’t approve of the administration’s management of the virus.
  • In July, just 32% of Americans said they approved of Trump’s pandemic strategy, according to The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research.
A doctor treating patients with symptoms related to coronavirus takes a break at a health clinic on April 3, 2020 in Guayaquil, Ecuador.

A doctor treating patients with symptoms related to coronavirus takes a break at a health clinic on April 3, 2020 in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Francisco Macias | Getty Images

In the spring, U.S. medical workers were heralded as heroes. But by the fall, the rhetoric had started to shift, with the public growing increasingly fatigued by the coronavirus pandemic and President Donald Trump accusing doctors of inflating Covid-19 death counts for money.

With the death toll from the coronavirus continuing to tick up, many medical workers say they hoped for a landslide victory for Democratic nominee Joe Biden, who has said he’ll follow the advice of scientists if he wins the presidency.

“Trump has insulted our integrity and allowed for more than seven months of chaos and excessive deaths (due) to Covid,” said Dr. John Purakal, an emergency medicine physician based in North Carolina. “It’s so surprising to me,” he said. “But here we are.”

A variety of polls indicate that the majority of Americans don’t approve of the administration’s management of the coronavirus. In July, just 32% of Americans said they approved of Trump’s pandemic strategy, according to The Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research. In August, 7 out of 10 Americans who responded to a CNN poll said the president’s response was embarrassing. NBC exits polls from Election Day and early voting, found that 51% of voters think U.S. efforts to contain the outbreak are going badly.

Biden may still eke out a victory. But after the Trump administration undermined or contradicted its own medical experts on everything from wearing masks to reopening schools at the beginning of the outbreak, the tight race feels like a slap in the face for many physicians fighting the pandemic .

Texas and Florida — where there have been more than 960,000 and 827,000 confirmed cases, respectively, so far — solidly went for Trump even though Democrats thought the outbreak gave them a fighting chance in some red states.

“Many of us are now questioning whether we’re speaking into an echo chamber,” said Miami-based physician Dr. Krishna Komanduri. Miami-Dade County dealt a big blow to the Biden campaign in Florida and helped seal the state for Trump.

The economy, and not the pandemic, was more of a priority for 70% of Trump voters, according to the NBC poll.
I felt insulted when Trump came back from his solid gold treatment for Coronovirus and talked about how it's no big deal, don't be dominated by the virus. I have two elder women in my bubble. By his words and actions. he mocked the care I take and sacrifices I make to keep them safe. The motherfucker is the main reason they are at risk. All of the people of this country were insulted, whether they understood it or not.

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
Vaccine by spring or so says Fauci and antibody therapy has just been approved for compassionate use, by summer you should have herd immunity without the tragedy and pain. If it wasn't for the skill of medical professionals and the treatments they developed with in months, the death toll would be 3 times higher at least. Hang in there kid, Joe and the Calvary are on the way.

The fuckers are ingrates as well as inconsiderate assholes all 72 million of the moral morons, just let anybody try and carry Trumps water when I'm around, I will be most unpleasant, no excuses only apologies and a solemn promise never to be so fucking stupid and pathetic again. You can't trust a moral failure, if they voted for Trump and you are a healthcare worker, they hung you out to dry and threatened your life, it's even worse when they are related to you.
A real slap in the face. So many dumb fucks out there it’s frightening . Happy Friday the 13th.


Well-Known Member
He's facing an inquiry in Scotland too. Too funny.
First Minister Nicola Sturgeon spoke out Wednesday in Parliament in response to a call from the co-leader of the Scottish Green Party to seek an “unexplained wealth order” to determine the source of funding for Trump’s $60 million cash purchase of his Trump Turnberry golf resort in 2014, when his U.S. tax returns showed vast losses that allowed him to avoid paying any income taxes.