What has Trump done to this country?

Trump is so depressed right now he can't even be bothered to have a hooker pee his hair color in.
He's lookin' a little gray, and not just around the gills. Maybe too much MSG from the voluminous fast food he's been uh, consuming? As you know many people say, I'm not saying it, that's what I've heard, everyone knows, okay (?)
Edit: Maybe his colorist is in quarantine?
I guess anybody Chad or any other illegal appointee fired, gets their job back and gets to sue Chad and the other assholes. I'm sure Donald will pay their legal expenses for them, suckers and losers. Anybody illegally detained from the border to Portland could sue the fuck if he had no legal authority, it is incumbent on him as a high government official with his legal staff to ascertain this.

Federal judge rules acting DHS head Chad Wolf unlawfully appointed, invalidates DACA suspension
"This is really a hopeful day for a lot of young people across the country," said Karen Tumlin, a lawyer in the case and director of the Los Angeles-based Justice Action Center.

A federal judge in New York City on Saturday said Chad Wolf has not been acting lawfully as the chief of Homeland Security and that, as such, his suspension of protections for a class of migrants brought to the United States illegally as children is invalid.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in June that the Trump administration wrongly tried to shut down protections under the Obama-era legislation known as DACA, or Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. On July 28, Wolf nonetheless suspended DACA pending review.

Homeland Security did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
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Liberal Redneck - Parler and Bridging the Gap

All the worst people you know are sick to death of traditional social media and are leaving for the meaner pastures of Parler. How will we ever bridge the gap now?!
How to Defeat the Trump Insurgency | Real Time with Bill Maher (HBO)

Max Brooks and Caitlin Flanagan join Bill to discuss how Democrats can win over Trump loyalists and build political power through the next election.
Ya know, on Jan 20th Donald will be banned from twitter for TOS violations, he will no longer be POTUS, ditto for facebook.
Let's talk about the Trump news network....

He's lookin' a little gray, and not just around the gills. Maybe too much MSG from the voluminous fast food he's been uh, consuming? As you know many people say, I'm not saying it, that's what I've heard, everyone knows, okay (?)
Edit: Maybe his colorist is in quarantine?

Hey bro , i read this shit while extremely buzzed and could not stop laughing at the visuals in my head reading this ...... gills ... msg. Love it !
Kayleigh the Airhead , tries to tout YUGE crowd numbers BUT ACTUAL NUMBERS don’t lie.

White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany spectacularly broke the White House fib meter in an administration with an astounding reputation for lies. She gushed Saturday that the “Million MAGA March” in Washington to protest President Donald Trump’s election loss had more than a million marchers.

She was only off by some 980,000 people — and that’s being generous. Most estimates in the media were “thousands.” The Washington Post characterized McEnany’s tweet as “ludicrous.”

The National Park Service issued a permit to march organizers for 10,000 people in Freedom Plaza, where participants gathered, DCist reported. The plaza’s maximum capacity is 13,900.

Trump’s own estimate of the crowd size was initially “hundreds of thousands.” He later referred in a tweet to “tens of thousands.”


They made a good point about Trump constantly going on about the witch hunts and being unfairly persecuted etc. If they didn't charge him it would vindicate him in the eyes of the public, he must have been right, they didn't charge him. That's one reason why they must charge him federally, judges hear cases and juries convict, let them argue with them. If there was a case and evidence against Joe, Hilary or Obama they would be in prison now, Trump tried his best.

Besides a courtroom is the best place to kill a conspiracy or a theory of one, being under oath makes bullshit "magically" disappear.
Scott Atlas needs to STFU!
I don't know where this clown is gonna read Xrays any more, the medical profession won't touch this POS with a ten foot pole after that. Trump might have got 72 million votes, but not many of them were doctors, nurses or other healthcare professionals. As far as the profession and industry is concerned, Atlas has the mark of Cain on his forehead.
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That might make a good thread and pool James.
Who gets him first, Vance or the SDNY?
The date Donald hits the court room for a plea hearing?
How long it will take the Judge to muzzle him pretrial?
How long before he ends up in jail for violation of a court order?
When will twitter ban him for TOS violations, like everybody else?, ditto for facebook? (Uncle Sam might step on em soon).

The trial will be great? After that he will be tried via video from prison where they have a mute button. They won't need to tie him to his chair and ball gag him like his first trial on TV, where his eyes bugged out while he squirmed and grunted chained in the chair.. :lol: Trust me James, it will be worth avoiding covid to see the sight of Donald disappearing behind a door for good! Mitch McConnell will be far happier than you! :wink: It will be manumission day for the republican congress as the slaves are set free...:lol: Donald is full of ironies and paradoxes.