What has Trump done to this country?

If trump goes to Georgia it will ne to whine about the election and con the base out of cash, I doubt he will even mention the senate race. Them good old boys in Georgia are literally crazy over Trump!

Trump says he'll travel to Georgia to support Republican Senate candidates in runoff election

Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump said Thursday he will travel to Georgia to support the state's Republican Senate candidates ahead of the January 5 runoff election.

"Speaking of Georgia, I'll be going there," the President said after his Thanksgiving video teleconference call with US service members, as he baselessly railed against the integrity of the state's election results.
White House press secretary Judd Deere said the President's visit is scheduled for Saturday, December 5.
"Maybe I'll go twice," Trump said at one point, noting that he'd love to do it in a stadium, "But you can't, because of Covid."

Georgia is holding runoff elections for both of its US Senate seats. If either of the incumbent Republicans, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, hold onto their seats, the party will maintain its majority control in the chamber.
If Democratic challengers Jon Ossoff and Rev. Raphael Warnock both prevail, however, Democrats would gain control of the Senate thanks to Vice President-elect Kamala Harris' tie-breaking vote.

"Don't be disappointed yet," Trump said, "cause this race is far from over."

The President's comments punctuated a rambling news conference in which he pushed more unfounded voter fraud conspiracy theories and continued to deny his election loss. The spectacle came directly after his call with troops -- an event US Presidents traditionally use to boost morale of service members stationed abroad during the holidays and remind the country of their service.

"Many of you are very far from home, but today, we hope you know that millions of American families are praying with gratitude for the sacrifices you make and the incredible, absolutely incredible, job you do," Trump said as he began the call."

The country, he added, "is doing very well. It's the highest honor of my life to serve as your commander in chief."
Trump spoke with six units representing each US military branch, including the Space Force, which he said holds a "special place in my heart."

"Thank you all, have a great Thanksgiving, and don't eat too much turkey," he said as he concluded the call.
President-elect Joe Biden tweeted that he spent the afternoon on video calls with frontline workers.
"Jill and I were honored today to talk to some of the heroes on the front lines of this crisis," Biden said. "We're thankful today and every day for the nurses and firefighters who sacrifice so much to keep our communities safe. We see the very best of America in your courage and selflessness."

In 2017 and 2018, Trump held his Thanksgiving call with troops from his Mar-a-Lago resort and last year, he made a surprise visit to US troops in Afghanistan.

"There is nowhere I'd rather celebrate this Thanksgiving than right here," Trump said at the time, "with the toughest, strongest, best and bravest warriors on the face of the earth."
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That's crazy. I think it's actually kinda cool. It's amazing how many different ones there are. I like this one and the Founding Fathers one too. Of couse I would never pay more than $2 for a $2 bill though, lol.
This is why you should never trust a con man like Trump with your data.

Screen Shot 2020-11-27 at 6.47.25 AM.png

You just make yourself a bigger target.
President Donald Trump was playing a few holes when he found out he had lost the election and it was on one of his own golf courses that activists decided to emphasize that message, using the insult he often hurls at opponents.

The front lawn of the Trump Turnberry course in Ayrshire, Scotland, was lit up with the word "Loser" to the strains of the Village People song "YMCA," which was a Trump campaign anthem.

As the disco classic played, huge letters were displayed one after the other, flashing in time with the music, in the colors and stars and stripes of the American flag.

The projection was the handiwork of Led By Donkeys, a British activist group formed at the end of 2018 to oppose Brexit. Named after the phrase "Lions led by donkeys," which refers to First World War soldiers being led to their deaths by incompetent leaders, the group raises money from crowdfunding to post billboards and projections.

The group wrote on Facebook: "Hey Donald J. Trump, we know you're finding it difficult to accept the election result so we projected it onto your golf course with some familiar music." The video was shared widely and has been watched more than half a million times on Twitter.

It is not the first time the group has targeted Turnberry, which Trump last visited in 2018. Last month Led By Donkeys projected the U.S. COVID-19 death toll outside the course.

That's crazy. I think it's actually kinda cool. It's amazing how many different ones there are. I like this one and the Founding Fathers one too. Of couse I would never pay more than $2 for a $2 bill though, lol.
Not a good investment.
Not a good investment.
Donald's mailing list will kill Trumpism in the end, like Stalin killed communism, people will be driven insane with "special offers" once Donald sells their asses to other con men. Donald list will be grifter gold and will fetch top dollar in the marketplace of sleaze. Maybe that's what "My Pillow Guy" was really after, Donald's list of suckers.
we all know the office guys around him run the show, he was made president for his trading skills so the office guys could learn from him, little did he know.

that's the truth
Top Iranian Nuclear Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Assassinated | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

Iran's Defense Ministry confirmed that Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a leading Iranian nuclear scientist, was assassinated near Tehran. Fakhrizadeh was largely seen as the architect for Iran's nuclear program.
After Trump loss, Obama Rebukes Him As A Law-Breaking Failure Who Couldn't Pass A Bill

Pres. Obama made news in his first interview with The Breakfast Club, and host Charlamagne Tha God talks with MSNBC's Ari Melber about interviewing the former President, wider debates over race in the Trump era, and the controversial Grammys snub of The Weeknd, a hugely popular artist with one of the most popular songs of the decade who was still denied any nominations this year.
tRUmps little toadstool gets hard when he gets to kill people, surprised he's not pushing for the pit full of hungry wolves.

Bring back burning at the stake and make him first up! Repeal it after he's been reduce to ashes.
Notice liberals aren't suggesting corruption like Trump, they are suggesting ignorance and stupidity, about people who can't get past their inherent biases to do their jobs properly. You can disagree, 3 justices did too.
WASHINGTON, DC - FEBRUARY 5: Supreme Court Justices Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh attend the State of the Union address in the chamber of the U.S. House of Representatives at the U.S. Capitol Building on February 5, 2019 in Washington, DC. President Trump's second State of the Union address was postponed one week due to the partial government shutdown. (Photo by Doug Mills-Pool/Getty Images)
Supreme Court's scientifically illiterate decision will cost lives
Analysis: What SCOTUS exposed by rejecting New York's pandemic limits on religious services
READ: Majority opinions on Covid restrictions from Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh
Top Iranian Nuclear Scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh Assassinated | Hallie Jackson | MSNBC

Iran's Defense Ministry confirmed that Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, a leading Iranian nuclear scientist, was assassinated near Tehran. Fakhrizadeh was largely seen as the architect for Iran's nuclear program.

does this mean we're going to war with them after Trump claims victory?

Several questions came in this week asking about why a program offering an extra 13 weeks of unemployment benefits is ending four weeks early.

Stop reading if you’re on Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) because this doesn’t impact you (although, don’t forget, PUA benefits end Dec. 26).

But read on if you’re on regular unemployment, Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) or State Extended Benefits (SEB).

Last week, I mentioned the length of regular unemployment benefits goes something like this:

Unemployment (26 weeks) PEUC (13 weeks) SEB (13 weeks)

But because the state’s unemployment rate fell below 5%, it now looks like this:

Unemployment (26 weeks) PEUC (13 weeks) SEB (13 weeks)

Colorado is not eligible for the SEB program after Nov. 28 because it was knocked off the program when the insured unemployment rate fell to 4.9% on Nov. 7.

And the huge bummer is that the state can’t rejoin for 13 weeks, even if the rate goes back up -- which it likely will since two dozen counties are now at red-level COVID-19 restrictions that have shut down indoor dining, closed bars after 8 p.m. and so much more.

You may be wondering how the state’s unemployment rate dropped to 4.9%? Astute readers will know that I last reported that the state’s unemployment rate was 6.4% for October. But it’s apples to oranges.

The monthly rate is based on how many people are on regular unemployment -- or workers who are insured -- on the 12th of each month. SEB only cares about the 13-week average of continued claims by the insured workforce -- or folks whose employers paid for unemployment insurance.

On Nov. 7, that average dropped to 131,429 people making a continued claim. Out of 2,692,685 in the workforce, that's 4.9%. According to data provided by the Colorado Department of Labor and Employment, here’s what it looked like during the pandemic so far:


The reality: Way more are unemployed
The 4.9% only counts workers whose employers pay for unemployment insurance (UI).

But because we’re in a pandemic, there are several other types of unemployment, including compensation for self-employed and gig workers (PUA), and for workers who’ve used up their 26 weeks of benefits. All of these groups are paid from federal dollars -- so they’re excluded from the 4.9% calculation.

If the SEB calculation included everyone, that would add nearly 100,000 included in the rate, which brings the rate to 8.34% for Nov. 7, according to state data. People are moving off of regular unemployment to extended benefits and aren’t being counted. Add those in, and the chart would look more like this:
