What has Trump done to this country?

I thought it was such an obvious troll how Putin tries to act like Russia is on equal footing with the USA.

He is acting tough, and may be crazy enough to want a war, but as much damage as he will be able to do, the world will win that war.
Putin has been waging a low grade offensive on the government of the US for decades and especially on our faith in our institutions and in one another. He has weakened Western alliances and secured his territorial gains in Ukraine and Georgia. All this with the submissive trump keeping his silence. According to some, also the wealthiest person on the planet.
I was thinking about how he thought Obama was weak, but it is telling how afraid he was of Clinton to have attacked our nation to not have her as the leader in the world stage the last 4 years. With her and Merkel working together a lot would have gotten done. Even with the Republicans impeaching her for cleaning up email spam.

And Obama wasn't weak. It took real strength to not just go to war for Russia attacking our citizens as soon as it became obvious. And now that Obama's faith in our country was validated no amount of puffing his chest is going to allow him and his rich puppets to not get sanctioned into oblivion.
Pandemic, schmendemic. Water flow from your shower-head, now that’s important.

Trump administration finalizes rollback of showerhead standards
Pandemic, schmendemic. Water flow from your shower-head, now that’s important.

Trump administration finalizes rollback of showerhead standards
Well, in his defense, it's got to be tough covering that much area with a standard shower head.

Probably like trying to water a 600 yard, par 5 hole with a single sprinkler.
I've been hoping that a conservative party will arise in America, a third party, one that has the goal of keeping the republicans out of power. Steve Schmitt joined up with the democratic party yesterday and this Lincoln project founder and patriot is a good guy to have on your side. Others might be planning other ways to take down fascism in America, here is Steve's buddy Rick Wilson and a clever bastard if there ever was one, what he has to say is important, he knows the republican base and how to push their buttons. This guy is a patriot too and was part of the "brains" of the republican party, the republicans have lost their brains and will be reeling around without one.
'The emergence of a third party is among us' - Interview with Lincoln Project Co-Founder Rick Wilson

Joe Biden won the US presidential election with 306 electoral votes. But incumbent President Donald Trump has yet to concede, and the Republican Party seems to be at a crossroads after four years of Trumpism. What direction will the GOP take going forward?
The Lincoln Project's Rick Wilson offers a very bleak outlook into the GOP's future. He says 'the Republican party has sold out itself to Trump' and what follows Trump will be more dangerous, because it will be more sophisticated.
Former McCain Strategist Steve Schmidt explains why an autocratic GOP made him a registered Democrat

While explaining why he became a registered Democrat on his appearance on @lawrence, @SteveSchmidtSES did not mince his words.
The Seditious Stephen Miller, "Alternative" Electors and Trump Administration as RICO Crew

Trump advisor Stephen Miller tells Fox News that he has assembled an "alternate slate of electors" - seperate and apart from the electors who are lawfully authorized to cast electoral votes for the next president. Miller unbelievably announces that the administration will present the "alternate electors" to Congress. This conduct is nothing less than an attempted overthrow of the duly elected incoming administration.
Those who wish to avoid division are blind, the country is divided and has been, reality needs to be accepted. Kissing a proud boys ass or a Nazis swastika tattoo is not the answer. The "nice people" who support them are the soft targets and these people are going after those soft targets, it starts with a simple choice. The constitution or authoritarianism is that simple choice, then we go from there, but no further until they first make this choice.
Pandemic, schmendemic. Water flow from your shower-head, now that’s important.

Trump administration finalizes rollback of showerhead standards

everyone salute! and flush!
This is the work of Rick Wilson and Steve Schmitt among other conservative patriots Steve joined the democrats the other day and others did too. They know how to fight these people with ads and in other ways too, they are on the right side of history and how well ya fight will determine how loud your voice will be. The constitution and democracy first, everything else, including their ideology is of secondary importance if at all.

When parliamentary democracies are attacked and at war, right, left and center come together and form a national unity government composed of all parties and everybody has one objective, win the war, cause if you don't you are all fucked. Politics is set aside and in WW2 Churchill was the PM but his deputy PM was Attlee the labor leader, the cabinet was composed of all parties, though the debates in parliament were fierce.