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This article explains some of what got them to where they are now. It is not just lower education, there are enough who are. It is just how their world view was shaped.As bad as trump was he was a symptom of the loss of the fairness doctrine. As a Canadian, looking from the outside I've been trying to figure out what went wrong with America and how it got to where it is now. To me, it looks like the loss of that legislation has resulted in the downfall of their society.
Fairness doctrine | History, Provisions, Repeal, & Facts | Britannica
Fairness doctrine, U.S. communications policy (1949–87) formulated by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) that required licensed radio and television broadcasters to present fair and balanced coverage of controversial issues of interest to their
Controlling the information people are fed will shape their beliefs.
Which is what the world just witnessed with the disinformation regarding the election. The bulk of these trump supporters who are generally "poorly educated" according to his words, are susceptible to being misled and by not having truthful broadcasting it permits lies and misinformation to infect their minds. Look at the right wing media, I can't think of a right wing news organization that is generally honest.
Should you trust media bias charts? - Poynter
These controversial charts claim to show news outlets' political lean and credibility. Here’s what you need to know. (Originally published Dec. 14, 2020)
"When people are influenced by undisclosed political bias in the news they consume, “that’s pretty bad for democratic politics, pretty bad for our country to have people be consistently misinformed and think they’re informed,” Groeling said." An excerpt from the article.
Notice how the right wing media has a huge gap on the top where it refers to reliability.
How ’90s Christian radio enabled Rush Limbaugh’s toxic views
The 1990s Christian radio ecosystem played a crucial role in enabling Limbaugh and conservative talk radio.
The late Rush Limbaugh’s far-reaching and toxic impact on conservative America and the Republican party is well-known and well-documented. Still, there’s one aspect of his legacy, specifically his cultural dominance in the 1990s, that’s difficult to convey in the post-internet era: Limbaugh’s pivotal role in the ascension of conservative talk radio and the pivotal role that conservative radio played in emboldening modern conservative populism.

The toxic relationship between Rush Limbaugh and Christian radio networks
The 1990s Christian radio ecosystem played a crucial role in enabling Limbaugh and conservative talk radio.