What has Trump done to this country?

I'm sure lots of these fools would still vote for him after he ripped them off. Stop the steal donations, went to pay off the suckers who he ripped off with his campaign site.
How The Trump Campaign Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations: NYT

NYT reporter Shane Goldmacher discusses how the Trump campaign last September set up recurring donations by default for online donors, for every week until the election and how contributors had to dig through fine print to manually uncheck a box to opt out.
I'm sure lots of these fools would still vote for him after he ripped them off. Stop the steal donations, went to pay off the suckers who he ripped off with his campaign site.
How The Trump Campaign Steered Supporters Into Unwitting Donations: NYT

NYT reporter Shane Goldmacher discusses how the Trump campaign last September set up recurring donations by default for online donors, for every week until the election and how contributors had to dig through fine print to manually uncheck a box to opt out.
PT BARNUM, Bait+Switch, why not, if you're CHEETOMAN what in your mind do you think you couldn't get away with at this point, MAGA=HOOK LINE and SINKER!! SUCKA LOLccguns
“Surveys of those who identify with Christian nationalist beliefs consistently show that this group feels that they are subject to more discrimination and marginalization than any other group in society, including Islamic people, Black people, atheists, [and] Jewish people,” Gill said.

“They are experiencing their loss of prominence in American culture as an unacceptable attack on their beliefs – and this is driving much of the efforts we are seeing to cling on to power, undermine democracy, and fight for ‘religious freedom’ protections that apply only to them.”

'Allergic reaction to US religious right' fueling decline of religion, experts say | Religion | The Guardian

'Allergic reaction to US religious right' fueling decline of religion, experts say
Donald Trump with religious leaders for a national day of prayer in September 2017.

Donald Trump with religious leaders for a national day of prayer in September 2017. Photograph: Evan Vucci/AP

Fewer than half of Americans belong to a house of worship, a new study shows, but religion – and Christianity in particular – continues to have an outsize influence in US politics, especially because it is declining faster among Democrats than Republicans.

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Wow! I agree with Justice Clarence Thomas on something!:o Though my concerns are with national unity, disinformation and social division. My premise is the truth is a fundamental human right and should not compete with lies, lies kill citizens and Trump proved it beyond a doubt.

Guys like Thomas have watched their political home get burned to the ground as the republicans descend into madness. The leader of his party is a criminal and a seditionist who attempted to overthrow democracy and Thomas knows it, as do the other conservatives on the court. Even corporate America is jumping ship on the republicans, they know that they are worse than useless, they have become a problem and an impediment to economic growth.
Clarence Thomas suggests US should regulate Twitter and Facebook - CNNPolitics

Justice Clarence Thomas suggests US should regulate Facebook, Google and Twitter

(CNN)Justice Clarence Thomas suggested on Monday that Congress should consider whether laws should be updated to better regulate social media platforms that, he said, have come to have "unbridled control" over "unprecedented" amounts of speech.

The provocative and controversial opinion comes as Twitter banned former President Donald Trump from its platform for violating its rules on incitement of violence and some conservatives have called on more regulations in the tech world to combat what they view as political bias on social media.

"If part of the problem is private, concentrated control over online content and platforms available to the public, then part of the solution may be found in doctrines that limit the right of a private company to exclude, " Thomas wrote in a 12-page concurring opinion Monday.

Thomas's stance will raise concerns from critics who point out that social media platforms have not historically been subject to such content regulation, but instead have been left to devise their policies on their own.

"Justice Thomas's opinion represents the first time that we've seen a Supreme Court Justice appear to endorse the view increasingly prevalent among conservatives that private social media platforms should potentially be subject to significant government regulation notwithstanding the First Amendment," said Steve Vladeck, CNN Supreme Court analyst and professor at the University of Texas School of Law.

No other justice joined Thomas's opinion, that came as he agreed with the court's decision to dismiss a case concerning Trump's use of Twitter while he was President. Thomas said the court was right to dismiss the case that predated the election and Twitter's decision to ban Trump after the Capitol Hill riot.

But Thomas said the issue caused him to think about the "principal legal difficulty that surrounds" a digital platform, specifically the concentration of power in the hands of so few owners at social media companies. He took the opportunity to suggest further exploration which could lead to a sea change for tech platforms if it ever gained traction.

Today's digital platforms, Thomas argued, "provide avenues for historically unprecedented amounts of speech," but he said it also concentrates control "of so much speech in the hands of a few private parties."
Wow! I agree with Justice Clarence Thomas on something!:o Though my concerns are with national unity, disinformation and social division. My premise is the truth is a fundamental human right and should not compete with lies, lies kill citizens and Trump proved it beyond a doubt.

Guys like Thomas have watched their political home get burned to the ground as the republicans descend into madness. The leader of his party is a criminal and a seditionist who attempted to overthrow democracy and Thomas knows it, as do the other conservatives on the court. Even corporate America is jumping ship on the republicans, they know that they are worse than useless, they have become a problem and an impediment to economic growth.
Clarence Thomas suggests US should regulate Twitter and Facebook - CNNPolitics

Justice Clarence Thomas suggests US should regulate Facebook, Google and Twitter

(CNN)Justice Clarence Thomas suggested on Monday that Congress should consider whether laws should be updated to better regulate social media platforms that, he said, have come to have "unbridled control" over "unprecedented" amounts of speech.

The provocative and controversial opinion comes as Twitter banned former President Donald Trump from its platform for violating its rules on incitement of violence and some conservatives have called on more regulations in the tech world to combat what they view as political bias on social media.

"If part of the problem is private, concentrated control over online content and platforms available to the public, then part of the solution may be found in doctrines that limit the right of a private company to exclude, " Thomas wrote in a 12-page concurring opinion Monday.

Thomas's stance will raise concerns from critics who point out that social media platforms have not historically been subject to such content regulation, but instead have been left to devise their policies on their own.

"Justice Thomas's opinion represents the first time that we've seen a Supreme Court Justice appear to endorse the view increasingly prevalent among conservatives that private social media platforms should potentially be subject to significant government regulation notwithstanding the First Amendment," said Steve Vladeck, CNN Supreme Court analyst and professor at the University of Texas School of Law.

No other justice joined Thomas's opinion, that came as he agreed with the court's decision to dismiss a case concerning Trump's use of Twitter while he was President. Thomas said the court was right to dismiss the case that predated the election and Twitter's decision to ban Trump after the Capitol Hill riot.

But Thomas said the issue caused him to think about the "principal legal difficulty that surrounds" a digital platform, specifically the concentration of power in the hands of so few owners at social media companies. He took the opportunity to suggest further exploration which could lead to a sea change for tech platforms if it ever gained traction.

Today's digital platforms, Thomas argued, "provide avenues for historically unprecedented amounts of speech," but he said it also concentrates control "of so much speech in the hands of a few private parties."
Trumpers were celebrating on a few forums I frequent. Most said they couldn't wait to start spreading their lies again.
Trumpers were celebrating on a few forums I frequent. Most said they couldn't wait to start spreading their lies again.
Level the playing field with HR-1 and voting rights and I think America will be ready to get rid of these assholes. It doesn't matter what goes through these POS heads, cause I haven't met one who could think yet. Keep them in the minority federally and away from power, though they are doing a pretty good job of that themselves. If it wasn't for racism and bigotry the GOP would no longer exist as an electable party, it's that simple. I would look for these assholes to be turfed in the midterms and more so in 2024 in states that aren't traditionally racist, in short I figure they will be reduced to some southern states and some mid west states.

The republicans are unfit to hold power, they allied with a hostile foreign power and killed a half million Americans with stupidity FFS. What till they take Trump down and put the fucker away, only to reappear for a new trial. The republicans are feeding off their base by coning them out of cash like Trump did with his sleazy email fundraising cons. Even though he ripped them off for thousands of dollars with his website robbing their bank accounts, it will make little difference to those stupid enough to give him money in the first place.
Such a messy topic. Regulation aims to fix something, so what exactly is the problem?
Trump and the disinformation system that brought him to you and will bring another one even worse. America is full of racists and bigots who can be easily duped, manipulated or who don't give a fuck as long as they blow the dog whistle. Social media and disinformation are dangerous to everybody, they are lethal to America in it's present state. Remember it does not matter if the republicans fuck up, break the law and the constitution or even kill 500,000 citizens, the democrats lose support with the slightest honest mistake and over policy issues. The republicans don't lose support on policy issues no matter how much it screws their base.

I have to laugh at Joe Manchin objecting to an increase in the corporate tax rate, as if anybody in WV gives a fuck about policy, gimme a break, trump got 67% support there. If the democrats pick up seats in 2022, they should not forget Joe Manchin and tell him that his time might be coming if he wants to continue to be a pain in the ass. I figure they should start accusing him of being bought off by the corporations, the republicans won't.
Prof. Tribe: Trump's Attempt To Escape Accountability Is Going To Be Very Uphill

Laurence Tribe, University Professor of Constitutional Law Emeritus at Harvard Law School, tells Lawrence O'Donnell a lawsuit by two Capitol Police officers has the best case to make Donald Trump pay for the Capitol riot and pave the way for many other officers to sue Donald Trump.
Trump and the disinformation system that brought him to you and will bring another one even worse. America is full of racists and bigots who can be easily duped, manipulated or who don't give a fuck as long as they blow the dog whistle. Social media and disinformation are dangerous to everybody, they are lethal to America in it's present state. Remember it does not matter if the republicans fuck up, break the law and the constitution or even kill 500,000 citizens, the democrats lose support with the slightest honest mistake and over policy issues. The republicans don't lose support on policy issues no matter how much it screws their base.

What you're basically talking about outlawing lies, which certainly isn't a new concept in the marketing world, but it would be for the average bozo. I guess something I'd like to know is, where are the most damaging/impactful lies coming from? I think we should be fine with preventing a president from expressing untruths while in office, same as how twitter was censoring his disinformation at the end. But, I don't think we should, nor would it be practical, to hold these platforms accountable for the speech of the average bozo. Obviously a private company can censor rando's if they want to, but forcing them to do it would be bogus, imo.
What you're basically talking about outlawing lies, which certainly isn't a new concept in the marketing world, but it would be for the average bozo. I guess something I'd like to know is, where are the most damaging/impactful lies coming from? I think we should be fine with preventing a president from expressing untruths while in office, same as how twitter was censoring his disinformation at the end. But, I don't think we should, nor would it be practical, to hold these platforms accountable for the speech of the average bozo. Obviously a private company can censor rando's if they want to, but forcing them to do it would be bogus, imo.
It's not these losers spouting speech that is the issue, it's how it's propagated, Facebook is a bigger media company than any regulated broadcaster and needs to be regulated like they are. Spoon fed media (radio film TV) has always been regulated because of the danger it represents. If you don't regulate it then you will be a victim of it.
All A Scam: Trump 2020 Exposed For Defrauding Own Fans, Echoing Trump U. Debacle

Donald Trump is under fire for conning over $100 million dollars from his most loyal supporters. The New York Times has released a new bombshell report busting his re-election campaign for a scheme mixing some of Trump’s oldest con artist tricks with his desperation during the election when he was clearly trailing Biden in the money race. MSNBC’s Ari Melber explains Trump's latest grift and discusses the significance of this deception with journalists Max Boot and Joan Walsh.
It's not these losers spouting speech that is the issue, it's how it's propagated, Facebook is a bigger media company than any regulated broadcaster and needs to be regulated like they are. Spoon fed media (radio film TV) has always been regulated because of the danger it represents. If you don't regulate it then you will be a victim of it.

I definitely support the idea from a "bad for our country" perspective, it's just that freedom isn't synonymous with kindness, or even with doing what's right. You can go flip off cops or whomever you want, because that's your 1a protected right. Even though it's shitty and only does harm, it must also remain legal.

Also, they just ruled that it's not 1a suppression for Trump to ban twitter followers. Does that seem consistent? Sounds like Thomas wants to have his cake and eat it too.
Trump and the disinformation system that brought him to you and will bring another one even worse. America is full of racists and bigots who can be easily duped, manipulated or who don't give a fuck as long as they blow the dog whistle. Social media and disinformation are dangerous to everybody, they are lethal to America in it's present state. Remember it does not matter if the republicans fuck up, break the law and the constitution or even kill 500,000 citizens, the democrats lose support with the slightest honest mistake and over policy issues. The republicans don't lose support on policy issues no matter how much it screws their base.

I have to laugh at Joe Manchin objecting to an increase in the corporate tax rate, as if anybody in WV gives a fuck about policy, gimme a break, trump got 67% support there. If the democrats pick up seats in 2022, they should not forget Joe Manchin and tell him that his time might be coming if he wants to continue to be a pain in the ass. I figure they should start accusing him of being bought off by the corporations, the republicans won't.
Manchin is starting to annoy the shit out of me, knows he's in spotlight and is center of attention and IMO is getting off on it,Always previously respected a center Dem like him but now he is being a pissant to garner attention. Shit Joe I'm all for inclusion and bi partisanship, but extrordinary times call for extrordinary measures, were not trying to pass through Congress some way out there far/left progressive 3 sex bathrooms in high school type BS here . Just want bloated Corporations to ante up their fair share,they showed their true colors after the CHEETOMAN's tax cut (didn't reinvest,expand, or hire, just bought stock back).And Reps have NO interest in passing ANYTHING to make Biden shine, After the CHEETO ADM. they are completely toast and only interested in spreading misinformation and killing voting rights. Wake up Joe Manchin, YOU'RE a DEM and anyone can see that the gloves are def. off now regardless of your now antiquated stance of working bi-partisanship. You're old, don't worry about losing reelection and show some BALLS JOE are we going to deal w/your recalcitrant posing for 2 more years?ccguns