What has Trump done to this country?


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Does Biden Need to Do Anything Different to Win?

So far, the lack of standard politicking in recent months — or even at times, widespread visibility in the press — has not appeared to hurt Joe Biden’s presidential campaign at all. As the Democratic nominee widens his lead in national and state polls, I spoke with politics reporter Gabriel Debenedetti about Biden’s path forward.
Ben: Joe Biden is now leading comfortably in every reputable national survey and is doing remarkably well in the key swing states, too. Unless polling were off to a far larger degree than it was four years ago, he would romp if the election were held right now. At the beginning of the quarantine, there was quite a bit of concern that his relatively low-key strategy — a major part of which is sitting back and letting Trump self-destruct — was the wrong move. At the moment, it seems to be paying major dividends. In the coming weeks and even months, is there any incentive for Biden to do anything different from what he’s doing right now?
Gabriel: Sure, if only because the natural rhythm of a campaign isn’t a flat line through summer and fall. National- and state-level polls are a snapshot in time, but they also include a guess about what the electorate will look like in November, and that assumes a certain amount of expected activity from the parties and campaigns between now and then. Biden’s team will naturally ratchet up its organizing and get-out-the-vote activity as the fall approaches. He will also almost certainly keep increasing his presence on the trail, slowly — he’s said that’s his intention.

But I think there’s still a bit of a mismatch in a lot of the conversation around this question, between the talkers and the people setting Biden’s strategy. He has been low-key, yes, but those around him don’t think that’s necessarily why he’s winning, and their ultimate goal is to try and make his win as comfortable as possible. If they think he will have an even better chance of winning in November by amping up contrasts with Trump — whose disastrous spring and summer are undoubtedly primarily responsible for the size of his deficit — then of course he’ll come out into public more, to make that contrast clearer. They don’t actually think this whole campaign is 100% about Trump. Just … mostly.
The other piece of this, though, is that Biden has been open about believing strongly in modeling what leadership should look like, so he doesn’t want to get out there too much — we’re still in the middle of a pandemic, after all.


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The Consequences of Charging vs. Not Charging Trump and other Political Criminals Come January

What are the implications to our nation of criminally charging Trump and his co-conspirators, aiders and abettors and accessories come January vs. declining to charge Trump and company come January? Here's the answer.


Well-Known Member
"Friend of mine says..." Check this out. Just from 24:50 to 25:35. Yow! sez Zippy.
'Friend of mine', I am guessing Putin?

And, 'They got nothing on me' doesn't scream innocent.

And the sandwiching is classic, stir up the racial snow flaking by playing protector to the old white guys who caused genocide and slavery in this country, into his they got nothing on me I am so persecuted rant, to a cultist asking a Dear Leader question.


Well-Known Member
'Friend of mine', I am guessing Putin?

And, 'They got nothing on me' doesn't scream innocent.

And the sandwiching is classic, stir up the racial snow flaking by playing protector to the old white guys who caused genocide and slavery in this country, into his they got nothing on me I am so persecuted rant, to a cultist asking a Dear Leader question.
His imaginary friends are nameless.


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July is gonna be judgement month for the red states, Trump and the GOP, the proverbial chickens have come home to roost and are starting to lay eggs, all over the faces of certain republican governors. The republican senators up for election and congressmen from those states must be panicking, even in deep Dixie. By the end of July many of these places are going to be in very deep shit, a good time for some covid oversight and testimony, a good time to get serious about documents and subpoenas. With what will be going on back home and Donald dropping below 40% in the polls, some of these greedy pricks are starting to squirm. I hope Nancy holds their feet to the fucking fire over this and makes them suck Donald's ass one more time with a covid impeachment. Use Bill Barr's impeachment as a warm up, do him over La Fayette square and secret police, that will be popular.


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Donald Trump Says Joe Biden Is 'Going to Be Your President' Because 'Some People Don't Love Me, Maybe':lol:

Donald Trump's disapproval rating is currently at a record high .

Speaking on Fox News during a town hall hosted by Sean Hannity, Trump, 74, first attacked Biden, 77, saying that the former vice president "can’t put two sentences together."

"I don’t want to be nice or un-nice, okay? But I mean, the man can’t speak," Trump said, falling back on one of his repeated critiques of Biden. "And he's going to be your president 'cause some people don't love me, maybe, and you know, all I'm doing is doing my job."

Trump's disapproval hit a high this week, according to a new poll from NPR, PBS Newshour and Marist that shows his approval at 40 percent overall and a 58 percent disapproval rating.
Trump's disapproval hit a high this week, according to a new poll from NPR, PBS Newshour and Marist that shows his approval at 40 percent overall and a 58 percent disapproval rating.

The poll also found that 49 percent of voters "strongly disapprove" of "the job Trump is doing."

Gets you right in the feels right ?!


Well-Known Member
Looks like my prediction of the country being in a pandemic hellhole by forth of July is spot on sadly, but was this intentional by the psycho, is he creating chaos to steal the election?
No question in my mind.

What sounds worse to millions of people, 4 more years of Trump, or standing for hours in a line and catching a highly contagious virus that may well kill you horribly efficiently.


Well-Known Member
Just so there's no mistake, this is what you (we) are dealing with, WTF is gonna fight as an ally with you folks? Trump is a fucking traitor. The generals and admirals know all about this I'm sure...
Russia Paid Bounties To Kill US Troops, US Intel Says; Trump Mum: NYT | Rachel Maddow | MSNBC

Rachel Maddow reviews the details of a New York Times report that U.S. intelligence told Donald Trump in March that Russia was paying bounties to Taliban fighters to kill coalition troops, including U.S. troops. Trump has yet to respond and instead has advocated for Russia's return to the G8. Aired on 6/26/2020.

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Well-Known Member
Looks like my prediction of the country being in a pandemic hellhole by forth of July is spot on sadly, but was this intentional by the psycho, is he creating chaos to steal the election?
It just looks that way because he is such an astounding fuckup and narrsistic psycho, I doubt Putin could have instructed him in any detail, Donald doesn't listen to anybody because he can't. He can follow simple orders like get Russia back into the G-8 (do it now Donald before you forget), he is incapable of governing, unfit and you have seen it. I'm sure Vlad wished he had better material to work with, but the job is only as good as the fools you have to work with in this case. Nope, Donald "managed" this all on his own, now you understand why he bankrupted a casino, a place where they walk in the fucking door and give you money for nothing.


Well-Known Member
Get scammed by a fraudulent college? Trump's veto protects the scammers and forces students to pay back their loans.

Nothing to see here... it's not like Trump was owner of his own fraudulent "college" at one point or anything.
40% of Americans support this scum bag and another 10% really want to, but can't stomach it anymore.