What has Trump done to this country?

  • On January 16, HHS Secretary Alex Azar hosted 34 countries for a meeting on how to promote women's health and protect the lives of the unborn. This meeting followed an invitation sent by Secretary Azar and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to 70 different countries inviting them to join a coalition to oppose international efforts to enshrine abortion as a human right.
  • On January 16, the Departments of Education and Justice issued guidance on constitutionally protected prayer and religious expression in public elementary and secondary schools. This guidance ensures that prayer in schools is properly protected and not unconstitutionally prohibited or curtailed.
  • On January 16, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sent a memo to the heads of executive departments and agencies providing guidance on Executive Order (EO) 1379 8 "Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty." In order to protect the ability of religious organizations to operate in the public square, this memo required the agencies to review the EO and publish policies on how they will comply.
  • On January 17, nine federal agencies (the Departments of Agriculture, Education, Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, Justice, Labor,Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban Development, along with the U.S. Agency for International Development) proposed rules leveling the playing field for faith-based organizations wishing to participate in grant programs or become a contractor. The rules eliminated two requirements placed on faith-based organizations that were not placed on secular organizations.
  • On January 22, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services at HHS approved a family planning waiver for Texas to implement a state-run Medicaid program that excludes abortion providerslike Planned Parenthood. This makes Texas the first state to receive Medicaid funding for a family planning program that does not include abortion providers.
  • On January 24, President Trump became the first sitting president to give remarks in person at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. In his address he stated the eternal truth that every child is a sacred gift from God and reiterated his effort to defend the dignity and sanctity of every human life.
  • Also on January 24, HHS Secretary Alex Azar announced live at Family Research Council's ProLifeCon event that HHS issued a notice of violation to California for violating the federal Weldon Amendment by mandating all health insurers provide coverage for abortion. California's abortion coverage mandate has deprived over 28,000 residents of plans that do not cover abortion. This marks the second time that HHS has issued a notice of violation to California for violating federal conscience laws and is the fourth enforcement action taken by the HHS OCR's Conscience and Religious Freedom Division.
  • In February, the Trump administration filled the role of Special Adviser to the President on International Religious Freedom within the National Security Council. This role was authorized by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, but has remained unfilled for over 20 years since that law's enactment. President Trump is the first president to dedicate a full-time staffer to this role and fill it on a permanent basis.
  • On February 4, during his State of the Union address, President Trump called on Congress to pass legislation that would ban late-term abortions. To highlight the need for this legislation, he invited special guest Ellie Schneider, who was born at just 21 weeks gestation.
  • On February 5, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo launched the International Religious Freedom Alliance. The Alliance will unite government leaders from like-minded nations to strategize ways to promote religious freedom and protect religious minorities around the world.
  • On February 25, OMB issued a Statement of Administrative Policy strongly supporting two pro-life bills being voted on in the U.S. Senate: the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Had Congress passed these bills, the president's advisors would have recommended that he sign both into law.
  • On March 24, DOJ filed a statement of interest in a case protecting women against men intruding on their sporting competitions. The statement made clear that athletic qualifications on the basis of "gender identity" were harmful to women's sports.
  • On March 28, amid the coronavirus pandemic, HHS OCR issued a strong statement reminding health care entities of their obligation to treat persons with disabilities with the same dignity and worth as everyone else. OCR reiterated its duty to enforce current civil rights laws and has already worked with states to remove discriminatory practices from their pandemic health plans.
  • On April 2, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback held a special briefing. He called upon China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia to release their prisoners of conscience in light of the contagious coronavirus. Many of these prisoners were imprisoned for their religious faith.
  • On April 3, the Small Business Administration (SBA) issued a FAQ document confirming that churches and religious nonprofits are eligible for assistance like the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in the coronavirus relief legislation known as the CARES Act. These clarifying protections ensure organizations would not be discriminated against based on their religious affiliation and would not have to give up their religious freedom in order to participate in these programs. In addition, the administration used an affiliation rule to ensure that large abortion providers like Planned Parenthood would not be eligible for coronavirus relief in the CARES Act.
  • On April 14, DOJ filed a statement of interest protecting the religious liberty of church-goers in Greenville, Mississippi. During the coronavirus pandemic, the city of Greenville banned all religious services, even those that were able to abide by social distancing standards with drive-in church services.
  • On April 17, the Department of Homeland Security included "clergy for essential support" in its list of personnel and entities deemed "essential" for purposes of responding to the coronavirus. This designation allows clergy and pastors more freedom to continue to operate and serve those around them in need at this time.
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  • On August 20, OCR resolved a civil rights complaint against the state of Utah, helping the state amend their crisis standards of care (CSC) guidelines to ensure the elderly and disabled are not discriminated against when medical resources are scarce. This is now OCR's seventh resolution helping states create CSC plans that value the dignity of all human life.
  • On August 25, USAID released its updated Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment Policy with the purpose of "empowering women and girls to participate fully in and equally benefit from the development of their societies." The updated policy takes into account the biological differences between males and females and recognizes the importance of strengthening "families and communities" to achieving its goal.
failed trade war with china, north korea still testing nukes, 400 million in personal debt and has to pay $130K to have sex for 30 seconds. LOL
umm, sorry new moron, but he was impeached.

and you left out 8 trillion in national debt in 4 years, lower GDP than obama, less jobs created than obama and higher drug prices than obama.
The unpredictable and sky-rocketing cost of insulin has driven far too many Medicare patients to ration their medicine or even go without. Heart attack, stroke, vision loss, kidney failure, and nerve damage are just a few of the devastating complications that can result. Especially at a time when diabetics are particularly vulnerable to the Coronavirus, this situation is deeply concerning.

Diabetes afflicts over a quarter of Medicare beneficiaries and drives billions in Medicare spending every year. Unfortunately, insulin, a life-saving and life-enhancing drug that once sold for $1 dollar, has nearly tripled in cost over the past ten years from approximately $100 to $300 per vial.

In 2017, President Trump challenged his administration to strengthen and modernize the Medicare program, and to lower punishingly high drug prices for our nation’s seniors by bringing free market principles to bear.

It’s worked: are at one of their lowest levels in seven years, saving beneficiaries a total of $1.9 billion, and taxpayers $8.5 billion, since 2017. Now, we are applying the same approach to the costs seniors pay for the drugs themselves.

This year, President Trump struck a deal –known as the Part D Senior Savings Model – with pharmaceutical manufacturers and plans that will provide many Medicare beneficiaries access to a broad set of insulins at a maximum $35 copay for a month’s prescription. We are encouraging beneficiaries to see if a participating plan that includes their insulin is right for them during Medicare Open Enrollment, which begins October 15.

This initiative could save the over 1.3 million seniors who rely on Medicare Part D plans and use insulin, an average of $446, or 66 percent, a year on their insulin costs. For those whose health, and even lives, depend on insulin, the savings will be nothing short of a godsend.

The Model fixes a perverse incentive that was introduced in Obamacare known as the “special rule.” [Section 3301]. Throughout the year, as Medicare beneficiaries fill more prescriptions, they will often notice different costs at the pharmacy counter as they move through the different “phases” of the Part D benefit. If a person has over $4,000 in drug costs for a year, they hit the coverage gap phase – often known as the “donut hole” – where they generally pay 25% of the cost of the drug, and manufacturers pay 70%.
umm, sorry new moron, but he was impeached.

and you left out 8 trillion in national debt in 4 years, lower GDP than obama, less jobs created than obama and higher drug prices than obama.
I don't think you can hang the deficit from the virus on him. But the fact remains that he ran the largest budget deficit on record during "the best economy ever" which, in itself is a horribly irresponsible thing to do - but it made the stock market go up. Never mind the fact that it was exactly the wrong thing to do for the country and left us in a very poor position in the case of a downturn - like the one we have now.
  • On January 16, HHS Secretary Alex Azar hosted 34 countries for a meeting on how to promote women's health and protect the lives of the unborn. This meeting followed an invitation sent by Secretary Azar and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to 70 different countries inviting them to join a coalition to oppose international efforts to enshrine abortion as a human right.
  • On January 16, the Departments of Education and Justice issued guidance on constitutionally protected prayer and religious expression in public elementary and secondary schools. This guidance ensures that prayer in schools is properly protected and not unconstitutionally prohibited or curtailed.
  • On January 16, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) sent a memo to the heads of executive departments and agencies providing guidance on Executive Order (EO) 1379 8 "Promoting Free Speech and Religious Liberty." In order to protect the ability of religious organizations to operate in the public square, this memo required the agencies to review the EO and publish policies on how they will comply.
  • On January 17, nine federal agencies (the Departments of Agriculture, Education, Homeland Security, Veterans Affairs, Justice, Labor,Health and Human Services, and Housing and Urban Development, along with the U.S. Agency for International Development) proposed rules leveling the playing field for faith-based organizations wishing to participate in grant programs or become a contractor. The rules eliminated two requirements placed on faith-based organizations that were not placed on secular organizations.
  • On January 22, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services at HHS approved a family planning waiver for Texas to implement a state-run Medicaid program that excludes abortion providerslike Planned Parenthood. This makes Texas the first state to receive Medicaid funding for a family planning program that does not include abortion providers.
  • On January 24, President Trump became the first sitting president to give remarks in person at the annual March for Life in Washington, D.C. In his address he stated the eternal truth that every child is a sacred gift from God and reiterated his effort to defend the dignity and sanctity of every human life.
  • Also on January 24, HHS Secretary Alex Azar announced live at Family Research Council's ProLifeCon event that HHS issued a notice of violation to California for violating the federal Weldon Amendment by mandating all health insurers provide coverage for abortion. California's abortion coverage mandate has deprived over 28,000 residents of plans that do not cover abortion. This marks the second time that HHS has issued a notice of violation to California for violating federal conscience laws and is the fourth enforcement action taken by the HHS OCR's Conscience and Religious Freedom Division.
  • In February, the Trump administration filled the role of Special Adviser to the President on International Religious Freedom within the National Security Council. This role was authorized by the International Religious Freedom Act of 1998, but has remained unfilled for over 20 years since that law's enactment. President Trump is the first president to dedicate a full-time staffer to this role and fill it on a permanent basis.
  • On February 4, during his State of the Union address, President Trump called on Congress to pass legislation that would ban late-term abortions. To highlight the need for this legislation, he invited special guest Ellie Schneider, who was born at just 21 weeks gestation.
  • On February 5, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo launched the International Religious Freedom Alliance. The Alliance will unite government leaders from like-minded nations to strategize ways to promote religious freedom and protect religious minorities around the world.
  • On February 25, OMB issued a Statement of Administrative Policy strongly supporting two pro-life bills being voted on in the U.S. Senate: the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act and the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act. Had Congress passed these bills, the president's advisors would have recommended that he sign both into law.
  • On March 24, DOJ filed a statement of interest in a case protecting women against men intruding on their sporting competitions. The statement made clear that athletic qualifications on the basis of "gender identity" were harmful to women's sports.
  • On March 28, amid the coronavirus pandemic, HHS OCR issued a strong statement reminding health care entities of their obligation to treat persons with disabilities with the same dignity and worth as everyone else. OCR reiterated its duty to enforce current civil rights laws and has already worked with states to remove discriminatory practices from their pandemic health plans.
  • On April 2, U.S. Ambassador-at-Large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback held a special briefing. He called upon China, North Korea, Iran, and Russia to release their prisoners of conscience in light of the contagious coronavirus. Many of these prisoners were imprisoned for their religious faith.
  • On April 3, the Small Business Administration (SBA) issued a FAQ document confirming that churches and religious nonprofits are eligible for assistance like the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) in the coronavirus relief legislation known as the CARES Act. These clarifying protections ensure organizations would not be discriminated against based on their religious affiliation and would not have to give up their religious freedom in order to participate in these programs. In addition, the administration used an affiliation rule to ensure that large abortion providers like Planned Parenthood would not be eligible for coronavirus relief in the CARES Act.
  • On April 14, DOJ filed a statement of interest protecting the religious liberty of church-goers in Greenville, Mississippi. During the coronavirus pandemic, the city of Greenville banned all religious services, even those that were able to abide by social distancing standards with drive-in church services.
  • On April 17, the Department of Homeland Security included "clergy for essential support" in its list of personnel and entities deemed "essential" for purposes of responding to the coronavirus. This designation allows clergy and pastors more freedom to continue to operate and serve those around them in need at this time.
trump "punishes" china for their china virus by sending them 17 tons of PPE.

covid will be gone by easter

covid will be gone with the warm weather

stares at a solar eclipse

claims windmills cause cancer

claims injecting bleach will cure covid

his old sperm creates a "slow" kid with an ex prostitute
The unpredictable and sky-rocketing cost of insulin has driven far too many Medicare patients to ration their medicine or even go without. Heart attack, stroke, vision loss, kidney failure, and nerve damage are just a few of the devastating complications that can result. Especially at a time when diabetics are particularly vulnerable to the Coronavirus, this situation is deeply concerning.

Diabetes afflicts over a quarter of Medicare beneficiaries and drives billions in Medicare spending every year. Unfortunately, insulin, a life-saving and life-enhancing drug that once sold for $1 dollar, has nearly tripled in cost over the past ten years from approximately $100 to $300 per vial.

In 2017, President Trump challenged his administration to strengthen and modernize the Medicare program, and to lower punishingly high drug prices for our nation’s seniors by bringing free market principles to bear.

It’s worked: are at one of their lowest levels in seven years, saving beneficiaries a total of $1.9 billion, and taxpayers $8.5 billion, since 2017. Now, we are applying the same approach to the costs seniors pay for the drugs themselves.

This year, President Trump struck a deal –known as the Part D Senior Savings Model – with pharmaceutical manufacturers and plans that will provide many Medicare beneficiaries access to a broad set of insulins at a maximum $35 copay for a month’s prescription. We are encouraging beneficiaries to see if a participating plan that includes their insulin is right for them during Medicare Open Enrollment, which begins October 15.

This initiative could save the over 1.3 million seniors who rely on Medicare Part D plans and use insulin, an average of $446, or 66 percent, a year on their insulin costs. For those whose health, and even lives, depend on insulin, the savings will be nothing short of a godsend.

The Model fixes a perverse incentive that was introduced in Obamacare known as the “special rule.” [Section 3301]. Throughout the year, as Medicare beneficiaries fill more prescriptions, they will often notice different costs at the pharmacy counter as they move through the different “phases” of the Part D benefit. If a person has over $4,000 in drug costs for a year, they hit the coverage gap phase – often known as the “donut hole” – where they generally pay 25% of the cost of the drug, and manufacturers pay 70%.
I especially liked the way he turned our country into a laughing stock by letting the corona virus run rampant through society while using the issue to divide the country for his benefit rather than actually doing what was needed to fight it. Hey, no big deal letting a quarter of a million die if it means that he feels strong and popular, right?

Have you already donated to the Trump "Save America" fund? The orange dude has to raise about $400 million to keep his properties from being seized. You need to do your part. I say that at least half of the 23 cents you earn per post should go to this fund.
I'm losing faith in humanity fast just by joining this page. Seriously just posted 1000 good things hes done and your replys are 3 and 4 facts that are negative and you seem to think that supports your accusations of incompetence. Lmfao.