What has Trump done to this country?

The unpredictable and sky-rocketing cost of insulin has driven far too many Medicare patients to ration their medicine or even go without. Heart attack, stroke, vision loss, kidney failure, and nerve damage are just a few of the devastating complications that can result. Especially at a time when diabetics are particularly vulnerable to the Coronavirus, this situation is deeply concerning.

Diabetes afflicts over a quarter of Medicare beneficiaries and drives billions in Medicare spending every year. Unfortunately, insulin, a life-saving and life-enhancing drug that once sold for $1 dollar, has nearly tripled in cost over the past ten years from approximately $100 to $300 per vial.

In 2017, President Trump challenged his administration to strengthen and modernize the Medicare program, and to lower punishingly high drug prices for our nation’s seniors by bringing free market principles to bear.

It’s worked: are at one of their lowest levels in seven years, saving beneficiaries a total of $1.9 billion, and taxpayers $8.5 billion, since 2017. Now, we are applying the same approach to the costs seniors pay for the drugs themselves.

This year, President Trump struck a deal –known as the Part D Senior Savings Model – with pharmaceutical manufacturers and plans that will provide many Medicare beneficiaries access to a broad set of insulins at a maximum $35 copay for a month’s prescription. We are encouraging beneficiaries to see if a participating plan that includes their insulin is right for them during Medicare Open Enrollment, which begins October 15.

This initiative could save the over 1.3 million seniors who rely on Medicare Part D plans and use insulin, an average of $446, or 66 percent, a year on their insulin costs. For those whose health, and even lives, depend on insulin, the savings will be nothing short of a godsend.

The Model fixes a perverse incentive that was introduced in Obamacare known as the “special rule.” [Section 3301]. Throughout the year, as Medicare beneficiaries fill more prescriptions, they will often notice different costs at the pharmacy counter as they move through the different “phases” of the Part D benefit. If a person has over $4,000 in drug costs for a year, they hit the coverage gap phase – often known as the “donut hole” – where they generally pay 25% of the cost of the drug, and manufacturers pay 70%.
so he brought down the cost of 1 drug? that's the best you got? laughable. all the others have skyrocketed. and he still didn't repeal obamacare on day 1 like promised.
I'm losing faith in humanity fast just by joining this page. Seriously just posted 1000 good things hes done and your replys are 3 and 4 facts that are negative and you seem to think that supports your accusations of incompetence. Lmfao.
he lost. to the worst candidate ever. and his dna is wanted in 2 rape cases.
No, because your responses are still unsupported and minute.
Pick a couple you think are important, I am game. Your spam copy/paste has been rebutted many times through the years here. But you are all worked up to troll, so I doubt you can act like an actual non-troll human being.

Prove me wrong.
Lol EVEN IF that is actually true I'd still rather have that than a president that cant complete a sentence, and can actually participate in a debate without having to be told what to say.
he thinks windmills cause cancer. and he eats hamberders. and he thought he could reduce the debt just by printing more money.

you're funny.
Lol completely false. Ohio is FULL of trump supporters.
Sure over 3 million. Screen Shot 2020-12-01 at 11.20.52 AM.png

That doesn't make what I said false. Trump lost his bid for re-eelction of POTUS, because far more Americans wanted him out of office.

I'm not trolling. I'm discussing . You judgmental fucks.
No you spammed a cut and paste Trump talking point post. If you want to discuss I am all in (like I had already said).