The theory that everything came by chance and so did life and our own consciousness, would be all too convincing, except that I could not find a reason for why the laws of nature are the way that they are. Why is the speed of light such and why can't anything go faster? Why does light itself challenge the theory of relativity? If a spaceship is going at 1/2 the speed of light in one direction and a light beam was shot in the same direction, the light will never cross the light speed due to the initial velocity of the spaceship. More strangely, if the light beam is shot in the opposing direction of the ship, it will not go any slower than light, but it will go out exactly at the speed of light. Why is gravity calculated in such a way and why do the formulas for energy work the way that they do, creating all this danger and excitement in the known universe? Such deep questions leave me baffled and the thing that I know best, is that we know all way too little.