What inspired your screen name?


I wanted something that was with out lable something simple to not indulge on the concept of self or to stand out or stand in I thought billy sounded simple

Kite High

Well-Known Member
Ive had the nickname PANHEAD well over 30 yrs now .

A Panhead is a certian type engine that Harley Davidson put in their motorcycles in the old days and is the prefered scooter ive rode most my life ,lately as i get older kick start engines and rigid frame bikes hurt me too much so the FLST and FLSTF are seeing alot more asphalt than the ole pan ,gettin old sucks .
Definitely the prettiest engine HD ever made


Well-Known Member
I was stoned out of my gord so many yrs ago while watching a small plant grow out of some bagseed,I started contemplating what it was like to be this wonderful little plant wondering if the plant was able to read wouldnt it just be purely dislexic?Dont ask where the notion came from, I was completely fried,lol.So I got online looked around at how to start growing better plants a bit later and I stumbled onto RIU.It came to mind that the Dislexicmidget was my plant that I was growing,yea another stoner thought from nowhere,lol,then the 2021 came from Sealab 2021,which I was watching at the time.Feel kinda like a retard admiting it now,but oh well.