I love my animals. Don't want to see them bruised up or bleeding. If I had a free hand I would of pushed the animal to the ground, but my dog was upset and trying to protect me. So I had to keep them apart.That's when you start beating the dog, good for you for not just standing there screaming tho.
Yeah its true about the dog behaving the way it has been brought up by the owner.IMO Its not so much the dog/breed. Its the owner and how the dog has been trained and treated. I don't blame the guy for lashing out a bit. You have a Mastif.. its an intimidating dog, the guy probably shit his pants. It wasn't an attack, as others have said, he can file a report, but thats just that. As an owner of a large bread dog that unfortunately has a bad reputation, you need to have the right leash.
I own a pit. She is super nice and well trained. She would probably be just fine off of a leash, but I don't do it because I think it is irresponsible and if anything goes down.. my dog will always get the blame. I gave up dog parks a while ago. Most dog owners suck and they don't know how to control their dog. I got tired of owners letting their dog act retarded and start fights with other dogs and/or my dog. In the end, their is always someone yelling about the pit bull. Its unfortunate but true. A little off the main point, but basically I feel that this incident will not cause any further problems for you. Upgrade yo leash.
best thing you can do in that situation is kick the dog in the nuts (or the lack there of) - I've had a pit run up on me. I don't play that shit. I kicked that dog square in the dick. He gave out a yelp and stopped right in its tracks, his tail... nub of a tail curled down and he put his head down.My dog was attacked by a pitbull while I was walking her on leash.
The woman was outside with her dog off leash and it just ran at us. I didn't think, I just reacted and put myself between the pit and my dog. That pit was trying to get between my legs at my dog, I'm holding my dogs collar behind me and had the pit by the scruff of its neck.
Owner woman's dumbass didn't even come get her dog until I started cussing at her to hurry the fuck up. Lucky I was wearing a leather coat or she would of been hearing from not only animal control but the police too.
I use another method IF I have time, I reach down like I'm picking up a rock and act like I'm going to throw.best thing you can do in that situation is kick the dog in the nuts (or the lack there of) - I've had a pit run up on me. I don't play that shit. I kicked that dog square in the dick. He gave out a yelp and stopped right in its tracks, his tail... nub of a tail curled down and he put his head down.
best thing you can do in that situation is kick the dog in the nuts (or the lack there of) - I've had a pit run up on me. I don't play that shit. I kicked that dog square in the dick. He gave out a yelp and stopped right in its tracks, his tail... nub of a tail curled down and he put his head down.