What is my next step??


New Member
I've been growing 2 male plants since fucking September 20th and just put them to flower like 2 weeks ago and realized they are male plants. I have a house off campus at school that I only own for the school year and I will prob change houses at school again next year so i've been trying casual growing in my closet at school which can only really fit 2-3 plants which I'm fine with for now unless there's some really easy grow box or something that I can make for under 50 bucks that can hold more plants. This being said its December now and schools done in may meaning I have to go back home where I cant grow. I still have time to grow again before the school year ends and was wondering the fastest way I should go about starting to grow again. There is a possibility that I can buy trimmings off a friend of mines female plant and clone it to start my own or I would just buy my own seeds online and start growing ASAP. Basically I want to know if it would be in my best interest to get legit feminine seeds online of bud that I chose or to just have my friend snip some of his plant if hes willing.

Ive been doing research on buying seeds and for the most part it doesnt seem to bad, when people have their packages intercepted they only seem to be getting a letter in the mail. What I want to know is what AT WORST would happen to me if I got caught buying like 5 seeds, would the cops come to my house with a warrant? Would they tell my landlord? Its just a 2 or 3 plant closet grow so its not like if they send a helicopter over my house they would pick up anything, people who come to my house all the time don't even know im growing unless i showed them.

If I ordered seeds online what is the safest website to use, fastest delivery and how and where should i buy and send the seeds too? People keep saying if you send the seeds to the place you grow its really sketchy and that makes sense to me so I wanna know if the cops can actually bust in my door because since I only have like 3 plants its really really hard to detect and i have like no growing equpiment other then good cfls. If I bought them online would it be an absolutely do not send them to your house (that I only have til may) or is nothing really going to happen unless they think im doing some serious grow operation. I would mail the seeds to my parents house but if it got intercepted I wouldnt want my parents getting a letter saying that the feds took my contraband.... Other than that if I bought seeds online is it sketchy using a credit card? I was going to try and use paypal cus its linked to my bank but I was wondering if theres an even more discreet way of purchasing them.

Let me know!


Well-Known Member
the police are not going to get a warrant for a 5 seed interception. too much time and money involved especially when they cannot prove you ordered them in the first place.

They would also need a warrant hich i doubt they could ever get of a bean seizure alone..well maybe and i am saying maybe if it was a ridiculously large order, but unless you already have sales or other aggravated factors to get a warrant that's the last worry you should have.

Just go get a walmart or other pre paid with a fake name least that is what i use


New Member
I heard something about getting some type of one time use prepaid thing on paypal but wasn't really sure. Other than cops hating me and my roomates for throwing parties were pretty low key. I would buy those visas and stuff but I honestly dont want to waste any money even registering the cards if its really not going to make a difference in the long run. Whats a very reliable not very expensive and safe seedbank you guys know that I can pay with paypal and will get my seeds fast and have a tracking number so I know where the package is?


Active Member
Your wanted level should remain at no stars if you order a few beans online. Even if customs gets it I doubt they will send out a posse. Be sure to pay xtra for discreet track able shipping option. Attitude can send you 10 fem seeds in a T- shirt for like $15 or in a tin for $20 and you'll get em in about 2 weeks but your semester will end before you could get them to flower cycle.. I'd wait till I had a permanent place to grow


New Member
well technically I would have now until next june I just wouldnt be at the house for the next to months. I have like 5-6 months ide say thats a solid chunk of time and its not like im growing a hundred plants and im spending hundreds of dollars on this them , my last plants were beautiful and we just had nutes and lights.


New Member
I want to do attitude but i think its retarted that guarenteed stealth shipping should cost 15 extra bucks like honestly how much harder could it be to put the seeds in like the lining of the package they are seeds I probably wouldnt even be able to find them if they were sitting on a table


Active Member
I think it's more retarded that you can have as many guns as you want in the US but in most states you can't legally smoke flowers that make you happy; let alone allow them to grow them yourself on your own private property. The shipping cost is an extra service that decreases the chance of detection... they actually could care less if they get taken by customs- cuz they already got paid! The $15 means you can tell them your order was seized & they will send you another pkg. but go ahead & be a cheapskate if you want