What is optimal "Dark-Time" from veg to flower


Well-Known Member
so if i get this right you use a blackout period to show sex quicker.but if you start from clones you know their sex already . also i advise to grow at night to keep the temp down and electric costs low during the summer.
ive always switched from 18/6 to 12/12 but i always use clones.


Well-Known Member
I think I'm just gonna go 6/18 just to play it safe
i keep messing up my damned 12/12 and they end up going back to veg :(

captain canabiss

Active Member
bfg you are correct about light cycles. and tho zonked may have proven to himself that 36 hours dark showed easier to read results quicker.When in that much darkness you trigger the plants traits to begin dying or go dormant. when you grow 24/7 in the beginning you get larger plants and when you cut light any amount they will sex and right now. 24/7 then 12/12 works great or 24/7 18/6 if you want to extend your budding season.i have gone 24 dark after 24/7 and will try 36.Open minds do better things
back to basics : plants will do what the lights tell them to do
24/7 and it will grow continuosly
12/12 inducing flowering
36 hours dark and it thinks its over


Well-Known Member
its not that it showed the sex faster but what I wanted was the middle nodes to all opened up which they did, but yes it does show sex faster which I agree with if you have seed not clones but ive heard of cuttings turning hermie but you didnt hear it from me, jk. I think any grower should try this method and prove me wrong on this theory cuz I am backing it up 100%. PEACE ......... oh and by the way, check out my new pics. week 3 flower {clones}.


Well-Known Member
its not that it showed the sex faster but what I wanted was the middle nodes to all opened up which they did, but yes it does show sex faster which I agree with if you have seed not clones but ive heard of cuttings turning hermie but you didnt hear it from me, jk. I think any grower should try this method and prove me wrong on this theory cuz I am backing it up 100%. PEACE ......... oh and by the way, check out my new pics. week 3 flower {clones}.
check it .....

