What is the best decision you ever made and why?

Best decision I made hands down was having my daughter. I've had a great deal of life changing moments, some of the most powerful were unfortunately the deaths of friends. Choosing to create life and nurture it is amazing and rewarding in a way I could never have imagined despite being around kids my whole life. Growing weed, raising a child - life's not so bad yano.
So far, quitting cigs and drinking. Both on the same day back in 2006. Life still isn't the rosiest all time, but its a heck of a lot better in many ways in health and wallet. I was able to finish my undergrad that had been abandoned 15 years earlier and then earned a graduate degree. Held a great corporate job for 12 years but was laid off 11/2013. With weed I can get up and go to work in the morning without being sick/hungover too.
How do you feel after discontinuing the chemo?

My friend is undergoing chemotherapy and she's miserable... Her family doesn't support MMJ but when were together she's happy and hungry and they're in denial as to why ???

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I stopped chemo a year ago the cancer is a slow moving leukemia until it get close to the end but the doctor gave me a year and a half it a guess of course that was a year ago.
I do feel better off the chemo but I have other health issues that have messed me up pretty much everywhere Chronic pain, insomnia, no appetite, stomach issues but it is most likely from my first gulf war military service so its not just cancer that is screwing me up.

I have not started MMJ yet waiting for my card in the mail which should be any week now and I just want it for possible relief of any symptoms as my doctors don't have much left to do besides cram more pain meds down me and I just want to feel happy maybe and sleep and eat, the pain meds help some with the pain but my mood is horrible and I have been through every antidepressant and they suck only thing that helps a bit is clonazepam (really strong Xanax).

As far as your friend goes if MMJ is helping her family should be ashamed to deny any sort of relief I am 44 Ex-military never been in trouble hardly ever drank super clean cut and if my son had cancer I would buy him MMJ if it helps him not to do so would be the same as hurting him and making him suffer.
Cancer is horrific it takes away everything your body, mind and soul if I could have had MMJ as an option a few years ago I may have stayed on chemo but I didn't and I made my choice.

I still don't know if it will help but there is nothing left to try and if this doesn't work I will stop eating and hasten my end I have a living will so they cannot put me on life support or try and bring me back.

Its a dark topic I know but they make this so hard to get MMJ Nevada finally change the laws a bit and we will have dispensaries soon so it will be possible for normal people like me who haven't been in the MMJ scene to try it and see if there is some hope there.
When I get my card and make the long drive to vegas which is the only place I can find meds now since I don't know anyone in reno who is into this I will let you know how it helps.
All I want is a few good months its been 4 years off chemo and at least 15-20 years of serious health issues its a shame that something that could help and is safer then alcohol has been made illegal because of backwards politics.

Sorry for the long answer I have strong feelings about this.
the funny thing is marijuana is listed as a Schedule one drug with no medical value yet there is synthetic versions they prescribe marinol so how can it be it has no medical value just big pharma there very shady stuff and the chemo I was on was 6000$ a month every month for the rest of my life what kind of meds cost that much to make none is the answer cancer pharma companies make billions upon billions and if a weed could help a little that cost next to nothing they do not want that.

Anyways I wish your friend well I hope she gets better someday mine wasn't a get better cancer just a treat it so it doesn't kill you kind of kills the hope when there is no end to it.

OK end of rant I am getting MMJ soon and hope to be happy until I go poof that's my make a wish lol.
Best decision of my life (so far) was to leave the lying,thieving whore I used to call a wife. I now have the most amazing woman I've ever met and my own business. I'm happier than I ever imagined I could be.