What is the best decision you ever made and why?

Same - but I don't HAVE one...so you can see my frustration?

I just turned it off - and hoped I could trick someone else into watching it....
bahahahahahah = that was TOO MEAN!!!

I'm sorry baby - I didn't means it....

...Sometimes I just gets so ornery is alls...

No ur right lol

When I started watching dexter and breaking bad I got well.........

I turned into a fat alcoholic cuz breaking bad was so much better when your drunk af lol

I also got addicted to Snyders honey musterd and onion


That shit is evil
They removed that nice piece of meat photo I posted, I'm not allowed to post them. Absolutely sorry for those whose eyes I have offended. Same for those who don't feel much of a man anymore after seen such of a trophy size piece of munching pole.
Getting rid of the riff raff in my life as in
screwed up people I knew. View attachment 3240851
Good decision, I did the same thing along time ago. "If you run with dogs don't be surprised when you start to smell like a dog"
I usually hangout with a little bit of an older crowd and they all have their shit together. Gotta surround your self with good people.
Good decision, I did the same thing along time ago. "If you run with dogs don't be surprised when you start to smell like a dog"
I usually hangout with a little bit of an older crowd and they all have their shit together. Gotta surround your self with good people.

yeah, i had some meth people living in my house. telling them to get out was a good idea, wasnt really a decision, more of a no brainer. Im probably going to get a new job and a new car soon. hopefully i can add those to the good decisions i've made.
Stopping chemo and letting nature take its course and getting my MMJ card should be here any day hope it makes my last months happy :)

How do you feel after discontinuing the chemo?

My friend is undergoing chemotherapy and she's miserable... Her family doesn't support MMJ but when were together she's happy and hungry and they're in denial as to why ???

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