What is the best way to germinate seeds?


I try two ways the wet paper towel method and water in a cup method, the wet paper towel was the fastest just over 30hrs the water in a cup took 3 days ... anyway the wet paper towel method
get a big paper towel fold it about 4 times soak it with water put it on a plate unfold it once put seeds in ... fold wet paper towel over seeds use a bowl to make dome over wet paper towel and seeds put in a dark cabinet .... check about 24hrs later ... should see a few tails

worked for me!!



Well-Known Member
yeah go for the paper towel method i have 100 percent success rate so far, tried other methods no way near


I soak them overnight, then stick them in paper towels. fold the towels and put in a zip-lock. I put them in a warm dark place (top of my fridge) for 24 hours. by then they are usually split and ready to plant. however in rock-wool I let them sit in the towels until they form a short tail then put them in my pre-soaked rock-wool cubes and squish the top of the cube so that the seed is covered. they love to push out of rock-wool and lay on top, dying from exposure. yuck. the moist cubes with seeds inserted go back in a warm dark place (this time a humidity dome with a seedling heat mat) until they sprout. then under lights 24 hours until 1 set of "real" leaves then 18/6. that's what I do. you get by with out the dome and heat pad, I use em cause I have them. happy gardening.


Well-Known Member
Going to put them in rock wool afterward in a bubbleponics system.

The best way to know you have viable seeds is to soak them in a glass of water for no more than 24 hrs. They will sink to the bottom when they are ready. Then transfer them in a moist paper towel on a plate and cover with a bowl for about another 24 hrs and they should be sprouted. If not they may take a bit longer. If the seeds are still floating in the morning give them a tap and see if they sink if they do they are ready. If they don't they might not be viable.

Happy Growing!!!:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
All above replies more complex than necessary... Put them in a glass of water (use distilled or, if out of the tap, let the water sit 24 hours before using so the chlorine comes out of it); let em sit for 12 hours, then tap them. If they sink, they're ready, if they don't let it go for another 12.

I'm still batting 100% this way...


Active Member
I love to place them in between a paper towel soaked in water, then folded up. Then, I place that on a glass plate and cover the folded towels with a plastic 16 ounce cup so the towel stays moist. That goes on top of my computer tower which is inside a cabinet (nice and warm). They sprout in 24 hours including a tail to put inside a rock wool cube. Yes- they all sprout within 24 hours with a tail. Works wonderfully.