What is the sluttiest thing you have ever done?

Ya I know they do I googled it before you answered. Am filling up shopping cart now.

Happy Valentines Day to me!!
DAMN GIRL! lmao YOu work fast :lol:
I think they have have it down to where you can send the person wearing them a text or an email their phone and the panties will vibrate.

Fuuuckin A lol. I'll never leave home without one!!
You know? I didn't even think of a girl controlling it herself. Now THAT'S muli-tasking.

Beansly, we should be friends lolol
You don't live in Vegas by chance??? Lol jk
I thopught I was a sex pervert but maybe I just haven't met someone who loves it like I do. Vibrating panties will be my new acid test. If she's into vibrating panties then she a good girl :lol:

I don't give a shit lmao. I will hand my remote to the fucking bartender if I have to. "Just reach over and push this button every time you get a tip sweetheart" lol. I am a happy woman.
Sounds like fun... And I'm a crazy sadist. Gimme the remote and I'll think of something imaginative to do with it. Tell someone it's our doorbell?
Sounds like you two would have a blast hehe
banged this chick so hard in her mammas trailer, I almost knocked it off the blocks, finished off with ATM, the trailer was actually rocking and she was screaming like a banshee, walked to the fridge to get a brew and caught her mamma rubbing herself on the couch.

did a double team with this dude, guy had a gnarly dong, looked like a wizards walking stick
ok i'm gonna be a weed a ice wax slut tonight ;)
ahhh nice clean glass :)

Me next, me next!!! Lol...thinkin tomorrow. I'll shoot matt an email today.
banged this chick so hard in her mammas trailer, I almost knocked it off the blocks, finished off with ATM, the trailer was actually rocking and she was screaming like a banshee, walked to the fridge to get a brew and caught her mamma rubbing herself on the couch.

did a double team with this dude, guy had a gnarly dong, looked like a wizards walking stick

1. I'm glad you told the story cause I didn't want to.
2. My dick is that way because one time I was fucking this girl's mom in a trailer while this guy was banging her daughter and he came out to grab a beer and scared me and I fell out the door and landed on my cock.

I can cast spells with it now. "Fuckymenowomos!!!"
I masturbated in the pool at the hotel. There was an attractive woman sitting in a chair that I was staring at. She didn't know what I was doing.
Oh Kodank ur going down buddy !!! lmfao Even Matt can't keep up with me ;) If u pass out ur gonna wake up with pink nails ;)

Finally a challenge. All I require is water. I will happily take that deal. If I pass out at any point, I will either wake up and let you paint them or if you can manage to do it while I'm sleeping then I won't object. To bad it won't happen. :) yall free today? I have nothin to do.
I was a big fan of the female anus growing up, and I didn't have a computer to go shopping for sex toys. So I'd play with my girlfriends asses with weird shit I found around the house, like electric toothbrushes and screwdriver handles.

...Wow. I like to think i'm open to sexual exploration with my partner but...I think I would have drawn the line riiiiiight about here.

And Brick, I get what you're saying about one night stands being exciting for some women, but not for all women. For me to really get into sex, I have to feel safe, and I can't feel safe with a stranger. I don't even like having sex too early in a relationship. I'm more like a one month, 4 date minimum plus STD testing time kind of girl. But after that, i'm OK with just about anything.

Well...I thought just about anything. Then ganj started talking dogs and screwdrivers and suddenly I felt quite normal lol.
OK two stories here. They don't involve me OR Jill lol. They're just things I took care of when I worked in the ER.

This woman comes into the ER screaming bloody murder. She has a really nice, business-y pant suit on, except she's holding a jacket around her waist and she's holding her pants up. Apparently, she was in her office at work and decided to call her boyfriend and get a little freaky phone time in. He told her to play with herself for him. She did. He told her to put something in there that would feel like him. She chooses the neck of an empty glass Sobe Wisdom bottle. (I know. If THAT'S the size of bottle that reminded her of her husband...but I digress) The bottle creates a suction inside of her. The more she tries to pull it out, the harder the suction becomes. She actually waited and pulled on that thing until the suction started pulling her uterus into the bottle. I had to hike up her legs in stirrups, wrap the bottle with a blanket, and break the end off of it to break the suction. I can't even imagine how she made it out of an office building with a bottle stuck up her hoo. We had a nice, awkward conversation about appropriate sex toys.

The other one (poor guy): a gay couple comes in. The one who is obviously here to be seen is a white man, wrapped up in a blanket, shaking, and he literally who looks gray. I'm not kidding. Him and his boyfriend had gotten a huge frozen sausage and, well....you get the idea. Anyway they got it in too far and they couldn't get it out. But this guy was so embarrassed about coming in to the ER that he stayed at home for hours trying to get it out. Meanwhile, it's defrosting inside of him and slowly poisoning him. I felt so bad for him. The doctors got it out though. He's a good friend of mine now lol.